Trang chủ Đề thi & kiểm tra Lớp 12 Tiếng anh Đề thi thử THPT Quốc Gia môn Tiếng Anh trường THPT Bỉm Sơn Thanh Hóa lần 1 năm 2016

Đề thi thử THPT Quốc Gia môn Tiếng Anh trường THPT Bỉm Sơn Thanh Hóa lần 1 năm 2016

Câu hỏi 1 :

This is a valuable ................ chair which dates back to the eighteeth century.

A traditional

B old-fashioned

C antique

D antique

Câu hỏi 2 :

Look! The yard is wet. It______ last night.

A must have rained

B couldn't have rained              

C must rain         

D should have rained

Câu hỏi 3 :

Last year she earned _______ her brother

A twice as much as

B twice more than

C . twice as many as

D twice as more as

Câu hỏi 4 :

The girls and flowers ______ he painted were vivid

A whose

B that

C which

D who

Câu hỏi 5 :

When his alarm went off, he shut it off and slept for ________15 minutes

A other  

B other  

C another  

D the others

Câu hỏi 6 :

Is it necessary that I _____ here tomorrow?

A am being

B were

C be

D would be

Câu hỏi 7 :

I saw him hiding something in a_______ bag.

A . small plastic black

B black small plastic

C small black plastic

D plastic small black

Câu hỏi 8 :

This is the __________spot on which the first pilgrims landed in America.

A historic                   

B historical                       

C history                  

D historicity

Câu hỏi 9 :

She earned a degree in Physics and went on _________ another degree in Mathematics.

A taking                        

B to take                       

C taken                 

D being taken

Câu hỏi 10 :

Those trousers are far too big. Why don’t you have them___?

A . taken on

B . taken in

C taken over

D taken out

Câu hỏi 11 :

So little_______about mathematics that the lecture was completely beyond me.

A I have known

B I knew

C do I know

D did I know

Câu hỏi 12 :

I gave the waiter a $50 note and waited for my _________.

A change 

B supply

C cash

D cash

Câu hỏi 13 :

I read the contract again and again _________ avoiding making spelling mistakes.

A in terms of

B by means of

C with a view to

D in view of 

Câu hỏi 14 :

Van Gogh suffered from depression ______ by overwork and ill-health.

A brought on

B coming about

C taken up

D pull through

Câu hỏi 15 :

He had spent ____________ time writing an essay on his childhood.

A a few      

B a large number of      

C a great deal of

D many

Câu hỏi 16 :

________he study harder, he will do better in the  exam.

A Should

B If        

C When

D Unless

Câu hỏi 17 :

When there are small children around, it is better to put breakable ornaments out of _________.

A reach                      

B hand                          

C hand                          

D hold

Câu hỏi 18 :

Harry:" ______________"                                Kate: "Yes. I'd like to buy a computer."

A Do you look for something?

B Good morning. Can I help you?

C Excuse me. Do you want to buy it?

D Can you help me buy something? 

Câu hỏi 19 :

Tom: “ Sorry, I forgot to phone you last night.”              -Mary: “________”

A I have nothing to tell you

B Oh. Poor me!

C Never mind!

D You was absent - minded

Câu hỏi 20 :

Whenever Susan invites us to dinner, she customarily prepares a lot of delicious food.

A naturally                  

B necessarily                        

C usually                 

D certainly

Câu hỏi 22 :

His new yatch is certainly an ostentatious display of his wealth.

A beautiful                           

B showy                          

C large                

D expensive

Câu hỏi 29 :

This shouldn’t be too taxing for you

A comfortable 

B demanding 

C easy 

D relaxing

Câu hỏi 30 :

What does the passage mainly discuss?

A Educational changes in Canadian society

B Canada during the Second World War.

C Population trends in postwar Canada.

D Standards of living in Canada.

Câu hỏi 31 :

According to the passage, when did Canada’s baby boom begin?

A In  the decade after 1911

B After 1945      

C During the depression of the 1930’s

D In 1966

Câu hỏi 32 :

The word “five” in line 2  refers to__________.

A Canadians

B years

C decades

D marriages

Câu hỏi 33 :

The word “surging” in line 3 is closest in meaning to__________.

A new

B extra

C accelerating

D surprising

Câu hỏi 34 :

The author suggests that in Canada during the 1950’s____.

A the urban population decreased rapidly

B fewer people married

C economic conditions were poor          

D the birth rate was very high

Câu hỏi 35 :

The word “trend” in line 8 is closest in meaning to__________.

A tendency

B aim

C growth

D directive

Câu hỏi 36 :

The word “peak” in line 11 is closest in meaning to___________.

A pointed

B dismal

C mountain

D maximum

Câu hỏi 37 :

When was the birth rate in Canada at its lowest postwar level?

A 1966

B 1957

C 1956

D 1951

Câu hỏi 38 :

The author mentions all of the following as causes of declines in population growth after 1957 EXCEPT__________.

A people being better educated

B people getting married earlier

C better standards of living

D couples buying houses

Câu hỏi 39 :

It can be inferred from the passage that before the Industrial Revolution _________.

A families were larger

B population statistics were unreliable

C the population grew steadily

D economic conditions were bad

Câu hỏi 40 :

What was Darwin’s contribution to ethology?

A Darwin was the first person to apply ethological theory to children.

B Darwin’s work provided the basis for ethology.

C Darwin was the professor who taught Lorenz and Tinbergen

D Darwin improved on the original principles of ethology

Câu hỏi 41 :

The word “foundations” in line 4 is closest in meaning to______.

A institutions

B inventions

C discoveries

D researches

Câu hỏi 42 :

The word “ensures in line 7 is closest in meaning to __________.

A assumes

B guarantees

C proves

D teaches

Câu hỏi 43 :

According to the passage, if a mother goose is not present during the time period when imprinting takes place, which of the following will most likely occur?

A The mother will later imprint on the gosling.

B The gosling may not find a mate when it matures.

C The gosling will not imprint on any object

D The gosling may imprint on another object

Câu hỏi 44 :

The word “He” in line 19 refers to  __________.

A an infant

B a psychoanalyst

C parent

D a baby

Câu hỏi 47 :

According to the passage, attachment behaviors of infants are intended to___________.

A prepare the infant to cope with separation

B provide the infant with a means of self-stimulation

C allow the infant to become imprinted on objects that resemble the parent

D get the physical, emotional and social needs of the infant met 

Câu hỏi 48 :

The phrase affectional tie in line 24 is closest in meaning to _________.

A behavioral change

B psychological need

C cognitive development

D emotional attachment

Câu hỏi 49 :

It can be inferred from the passage that ethological theory assumes that __________.

A failure to imprint has no influence on intelligence

B to learn about human behavior only human subjects should be studied

C there are similarities between animal and human behavior

D the notion of critical periods applies only to animals

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