Trang chủ Đề thi & kiểm tra Lớp 12 Tiếng anh Đề thi thử THPT Quốc Gia môn Tiếng Anh trường THPT Chuyên Nguyễn Huệ Hà Nội lần 3 năm 2016

Đề thi thử THPT Quốc Gia môn Tiếng Anh trường THPT Chuyên Nguyễn Huệ Hà Nội lần 3 năm 2016

Câu hỏi 1 :

What does the passage mainly discuss?

A The role of leaders in social groups

B How social groups determine who will lead them

C The problems faced by leaders

D How leadership differs in small and large groups

Câu hỏi 2 :

The passage mentions all of the following ways by which people can become leaders EXCEPT:        .

A traditional cultural patterns

B specific leadership training

C formal election process

D recruitment

Câu hỏi 3 :

In mentioning “natural leaders” in line 7, the author is making the point that                                      .

A “natural leaders” share a similar set of characteristics

B few people qualify as “natural leaders”

C there is no proof that “natural leaders” exist

D “natural leaders’ are easily accepted by the members of a social group

Câu hỏi 4 :

Which of the following statements about leadership can be inferred from paragraph 2?

A A person who is an effective leader of a particular group may not be an effective leader in another group.

B Most people desire to be leaders but can produce little evidence of their qualifications.

C A person can best learn how to be an effective leader by studying research on leadership.

D Few people succeed in sharing a leadership role with another person.

Câu hỏi 5 :

The passage indicates that instrumental leaders generally focus on      .

A achieving a goal

B identifying new leaders

C ensuring harmonious relationships

D sharing responsibility with group members

Câu hỏi 7 :

The word “them” in line 18 refers to             .

A goals of the group

B tension and conflict   

C group members

D expressive leaders

Câu hỏi 10 :

Paragraphs 3 and 4 organize the discussion of leadership primarily in term of                                        .

A cause and effect analysis

B examples that illustrate a problem

C narration of events

D comparison and contrast

Câu hỏi 11 :

During the earthquake, a lot of buildings collapsed, which killed thousands of people.

A fell down unexpectedly

B went off accidentally

C exploded suddenly

D erupted violently

Câu hỏi 13 :

You must answer the police’s questions truthfully; otherwise, you will get into trouble.

A as trustingly as you can

B in a harmful way

C with a negative attitude

D exactly as things really happen

Câu hỏi 14 :

After five days on trial, the court found him innocent of the crime and he was released.

A naïve

B benevolent

C innovative

D guilty

Câu hỏi 15 :

In the first two decades of its existence, the cinema developed rapidly.

A shortly

B sluggishly

C weakly

D leisurely

Câu hỏi 20 :

A mosquito (A) is filled with blood (B) is carrying (C) twice its own body (D) weight.

A is filled

B is carrying

C twice

D weight

Câu hỏi 21 :


A attention

B benefit

C notice

D equality

Câu hỏi 22 :


A familiar

B deals

C provides

D initiates

Câu hỏi 23 :


A influence

B variation

C pressure

D problem

Câu hỏi 24 :


A those

B which

C most

D that

Câu hỏi 25 :


A deviance

B dismalness

C diffusion

D detriment

Câu hỏi 26 :


A equalities

B difference

C unequalities

D inequalities

Câu hỏi 27 :


A spent

B widened

C lasted

D lengthened

Câu hỏi 28 :


A equality

B freedom

C independence

D tradition

Câu hỏi 29 :

(32)              _

A sort

B range

C type

D kind

Câu hỏi 30 :


A specific

B general

C definite

D vague

Câu hỏi 31 :

The word "enhance” in line 2 is closest in meaning to        .

A encourage

B resist

C increase

D reveal

Câu hỏi 33 :

It can be inferred from the passage that the European hare                         .

A is faster than most of its predators

B is capable of two kinds of flight

C is more likely to escape using straight flight   

D is preyed upon by gulls and falcons

Câu hỏi 34 :

The behaviour of black-beaded gulls is most comparable to that of                          .

A gazelles

B frogs

C peregrine falcons

D European hares

Câu hỏi 35 :

It can be inferred that black-beaded gulls change direction when they spot a peregrine falcon for which of the following reasons?

A The falcons are faster than the gulls.

B The gulls want to capture the falcons.

C The falcons are unpredictable.

D The gulls depend on the falcons for protection.

Câu hỏi 37 :

All of the followings are mentioned as characteristics of "flash" behavior in line 16 EXCEPT           .

A brief conspicuous activity

B immobility

C bright body markings

D aggressive fighting

Câu hỏi 39 :

The hind wings of red and yellow underwing moths function in a way that is most similar to              .

A the hind wings of peregrine falcons

B the zigzag flight of European hares

C the colored patches on frogs

D the clicking of grasshoppers

Câu hỏi 40 :

Why does the author mention "grasshopper" in line 26?

A To contrast animals that "flash" with animals that "freeze"

B As an example of an animal whose "flash" behavior is a sound

C To compare the jumping behavior of insects and reptiles

D As an example of a predator that moths escape by using "flash" behavior

Câu hỏi 41 :

I left at 5.30,   they were still arguing.

A just in time

B at the time

C at which time

D all the time

Câu hỏi 42 :

            stay the night if it’s too difficult to get home.

A At all cost

B In all

C By all means

D On the whole

Câu hỏi 45 :

This bomb is    of destroying an entire city.

A possible

B feasible

C able

D capable

Câu hỏi 47 :

The scheme sounds excellent in theory, but it’s totally            in a country like this.

A impassable

B inaccessible

C impracticable

D insoluble

Câu hỏi 48 :

– “If only I hadn’t said that to her.”   – “      

A Yes, you mustn’t have done like that.

B No worry, that’s nothing.

C No, you’ve done a very good job.

D Because I’m so bored with it.

Câu hỏi 50 :

I was surprised to receive a      puppy for my birthday.

A little eight-week-old cute golden retriever

B cute little eight-week-old golden retriever

C cute eight-week-old little golden retriever

D little cute eight-week-old golden retriever

Câu hỏi 51 :

Down into the cave                                     .

A did go the rescue party

B went the rescue party

C did the rescue party go

D my rescue party goes

Câu hỏi 57 :

He was happy to find the kind of job                                     .

A for which he had trained

B which they had trained him for

C that he had training for

D that was for his training

Câu hỏi 59 :

            that some areas may never recover.

A It was such devastating the floods

B So devastating were the floods

C Such devastating were the floods

D So were devastating the floods

Câu hỏi 63 :

The sole survivor of the plane crash was Lucy. => Lucy was the only _____________________.

A Click vào đây để xem lời giải chi tiết.

Lời giải có ở chi tiết câu hỏi nhé! (click chuột vào câu hỏi).

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