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Trắc nghiệm Tiếng anh 12 Điền vào chỗ trống có đáp án !!

Câu hỏi 1 :

Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct word or phrase that best fits each of the numbered blanks from 1 to 5.

Psychologists have long known that having a set of cherished companions is crucial to mental well-being. A recent study by Australian investigators concluded that our friends even help to (1) ______ our lives. The study concentrated (2) ______ the social environment, general health, and lifestyle of 1,477 persons older than 70 years. The participants were asked how much contact they had with friends, children, relatives and acquaintances. Researchers were surprised to learn that friendships increased life (3) ______ to a far greater extent than frequent contact with children and other relatives. This benefit held true even after these friends had moved away to another city and was independent of factors such as socioeconomic status, health, and way of life. According to scientists, the ability to have relationships with people to (4) ______ one is important has a positive effect on physical and mental health. Stress and tendency towards depression are reduced, and behaviours that are damaging to health, such as smoking and drinking, occur less frequently. (5)_______, our support networks, in times of calamity in particular, can raise our moods and feelings of self-worth and offer helpful strategies for dealing with difficult personal challenges.

(Source: Academic Vocabulary in Use by Michael McCarthy and Felicity O’Dell)

A. Prolong

B. Lengthen                                      

C. stretch               

D. expand 

Câu hỏi 2 :

The study concentrated (2) ______ the social environment

A. In

B. With       

C. on   

D. At

Câu hỏi 3 :

Researchers were surprised to learn that friendships increased life (3) ______ to a far greater extent

A. Expectation            

B. Insurance    

C. Expectancy 

D. assurance

Câu hỏi 4 :

relationships with people to (4) ______ one is important

A. Who      

B. Whom         

C. what           

D. That

Câu hỏi 5 :

 occur less frequently. (5)_______, our support networks

A. Otherwise

B. For example    

C. Moreover        

D. However

Câu hỏi 6 :

Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct word or phrase that best fits each of the numbered blanks from 6 to 10

You will make the interview process easier for the employer if you volunteer relevant information about yourself. Think about how you want to present your (6)_______, experiences, education, work style, skills, and goals. Be prepared to supplement all your answers with examples that support the statements you make.

It is also a good idea to review your résumé with a critical eye and identify areas that an employer might see as limitations or want further information. Think about how you can answer difficult questions (7)_______ and positively, while keeping each answer brief.

An interview gives the employer a (8)_______ to get to know you. While you do want to market yourself to the employer, answer each question with an honest response.

Never say anything negative about past experiences, employers, or courses and professors. Always think of something positive about an experience and talk about that. You should also be (9)_______. If you are genuinely interested in the job, let the interviewer know that.

One of the best ways to show you are interested in a job is to demonstrate that you have researched the organization prior to the interview. You can also (10)_______ interest by asking questions about the job, the organization, and its services and products.

A. Pressures  

B. Practices          

C. promotions     

D. strengths

Câu hỏi 7 :

Think about how you can answer difficult questions (7)_______ and positively

A. Accurately  

B. Hardly             

C. rightly          

D. sharply

Câu hỏi 8 :

An interview gives the employer a (8)_______ to get to know you

A. Change      

B. Way            

C. chance        

D. practice

Câu hỏi 9 :

You should also be (9)_______. If you are genuinely interested in the job,

A. Enthusiasm 

B. Enthusiastic            

C. enthusiast   

D. enthusiastically

Câu hỏi 10 :

You can also (10)_______ interest by asking question

A. Show 

B. Appear            

C. conceal           

D. cover

Câu hỏi 12 :

 What (12)______someone to become a lefthand?

A. causes    

B. makes              

C. gets                

D. does

Câu hỏi 13 :

but research points to a complex (13) ______between genes and environment

A. collaborate           

B. collaboration           

C. collaborating          

D. collaborated

Câu hỏi 14 :

But no matter (14) ______it is that drives someone to use their antipodal paw, science has also uncovered

A. which

B. who                 

C. what               

D. that

Câu hỏi 15 :

handed knowledge and help (15) ______an end to leftie discrimination once and for all.

A. put  

B. bring           

C. make           

D. Take

Câu hỏi 17 :

a financially successful life. (17) ______, the cost of education was not so high.

A. In addition 

B. Otherwise   

C. For example           

D. Therefore

Câu hỏi 18 :

Today‟s world is entirely different from the things (18) ______ have just been described

A. when  

B. that                  

C. what              

D. where

Câu hỏi 19 :

technology and new (19) ______. Meanwhile, most teenagers have difficulty 

A. competition            

B. competitively          

C. competitive            

D. compete

Câu hỏi 20 :

workshops to guide and help teenagers (20) ______ what course to take

A. apply          

B. study          

C. decide        

D. employ

Câu hỏi 22 :

The temperature in the Arctic has slowly been rising and this is (22)_________ the sea

A. making      

B. turning        

C. causing       

D. resulting

Câu hỏi 23 :

They catch them by waiting next to the air holes seals have made in the ice. (23)_________ the bears

A. Even           

B. Despite       

C. As   

D. Although

Câu hỏi 24 :

They have been (24)_________ to swim up to 100 km

A. known        

B. learnt          

C. experienced            

D. noticed

Câu hỏi 25 :

they may have to swim further and this can (25)_________ fatal to the bears

A. happen        

B. come           

C. end             

D. prove

Câu hỏi 26 :

. Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to choose the word or phrase that best fits each of the numbered blanks from 26 to 30.

The joys and tribulations of being a pet owner! During our lifetime most of us have some experience of either owning a pet or being in close contact with someone who does. Is there such a thing as “the ideal pet”? If so what characterizes the ideal pet? Various (26) _______ influence one‟s choice of pet, from your reasons for getting a pet (27) _______ your lifestyle. For example, although quite a few pets are relatively cheap to buy, the cost of (28) _______ can be considerable. Everything must be taken into account, from food and bedding, to vaccinations and veterinary bills. You must be prepared to spend time on your pet, (29)_______ involves shopping for it, cleaning and feeding it. Pets can be demanding and a big responsibility. Are you prepared to exercise and housetrain an animal or do you prefer a more independent pet? How much spare room do you have? Is it right to lock an energetic animal into a (30) _______ space? Do you live near a busy road which may threaten the life of your pet? Pets such as turtles and goldfish can be cheap and convenient, but if you prefer affectionate pets, a friendly cat or dog would be more appropriate. People get pets for a number of reasons, for company, security or to teach responsibility to children. Pets can be affectionate and loyal and an excellent source of company as long as you know what pet suit you and your lifestyle.

A. points  

B. facets              

C. factors           

D. elements

Câu hỏi 27 :

your reasons for getting a pet (27) _______ your lifestyle. For example,

A. in

B. to                     

C. on                  

D. of

Câu hỏi 28 :

the cost of (28) _______ can be considerable. Everything must

A. upbringing 

B. maintenance           

C. raising        

D. upkeep

Câu hỏi 29 :

You must be prepared to spend time on your pet, (29)_______ involves shopping for it

A. which

B. what                

C. that                 

D. this

Câu hỏi 30 :

energetic animal into a (30) _______ space? Do you live near a busy

A. reduced   

B. detained          

C. confined         

D. closed

Câu hỏi 32 :

A factor robot (32) ________ one task endlessly until it is reprogrammed

A. carries over             

B. carries out   

C. carries off   

D. carries away

Câu hỏi 33 :

has to do several different (33) ________ of cleaning and carrying jobs and also h

A. systems 

B. types           

C. ways           

D. methods

Câu hỏi 34 :

also has to cope (34) ________ all the different shapes and positions of rooms

A. from

B. with                 

C. by                   

D. for

Câu hỏi 35 :

cats and dogs. (35) ________, there have been some developments recently.

A. However    

B. Therefore    

C. Besides       

D. Moreover

Câu hỏi 37 :

of their garment production to India, recognised (37)______ the United Nations as one

A. for   

B. with                 

C. of                    

D. by

Câu hỏi 38 :

According to one (38)______, over 20 per cent of India's economy is dependent on children

A. evaluation

B. investigation   

C. calculation      

D. estimate

Câu hỏi 39 :

 India's economy is dependent on children, (39)______ comes to a total of 55 million

A. who 

B. which              

C. what             

D. that

Câu hỏi 40 :

from retailers about how their (40)______ are produced but also should be

A. goods         

B. stuff            

C. garment      

D. ware

Câu hỏi 41 :

Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct word or phrase that best fits each of the numbered blanks from 41 to 45.


Chess, often (41)______ to as the Royal Game, is the oldest of all board games which do not contain an element of chance.

The origins of chess are uncertain, (42)______ there are a number of legends regarding its invention. One story says that it was King Solomon who invented chess, another that it was the Greek god Hermes, and yet another that the Chinese mandarin Han-Sing was responsible for its creation. In fact, chess almost certainly originated in India in the sixth or seventh century AD. The game‟s popularity then spread quickly through Persia (now known as Iran) and from there came to Europe. The first documented reference to chess in literature is in a Persian romance which was written about 600 AD.

It is (43)_______ the word „chess‟ comes from „shah‟, the Persian word for „king‟ and that „checkmate‟, the game‟s winning (44)_______, comes from the phrase „shah mat‟, (45)______ „the king is dead‟.

The rules and pieces used in the game have undergone changes over the centuries. Modem chess owes much to the Spaniard Lopez de Segura, who in 1561 wrote the first book on how to play the game. In it, he introduced the concept of „castling‟, which had not been part of the game until then.

A. mentioned 

B. called          

C. known        

D. referred

Câu hỏi 42 :

The origins of chess are uncertain, (42)______ there are a numbe

A. despite

B. nevertheless    

C. although         

D. However

Câu hỏi 43 :

It is (43)_______ the word „chess‟ comes from „shah‟, the Persian word for

A. believed

B. imagined         

C. held               

D. taken

Câu hỏi 44 :

the game‟s winning (44)_______, comes from the phrase

A. place

B. stand     

C. go                   

D. move

Câu hỏi 45 :

shah mat‟, (45)______ „the king is dead‟. The rules and pieces used in the game

A. representing 

B. suggesting       

C. intending      

D. meaning

Câu hỏi 46 :

Read the following passage and mark A, B, C, or D to indicate the correct answer to each of the blanks from 46 to 50.

What make a good souvenir?

On my desk at home, I have a collection of souvenirs; objects that remind me of places I‟ve visited and important events in my life. These objects include a model boat that I saw being carved from a piece of wood on a Caribbean island, a piece of lava that emerged hot from a volcano in the year I was born, and a shell (46) _____ on my favourite childhood beach.

Unlike everything else, from which memory and detail fades, it is as if the longer you hold on to certain objects, the (47) ________ their associations with the past become, and the sharper the recollections that gather around them. They are, (48) ________, real souvenirs, encapsulations not only of the place, but of your time in the place. But these days, the term “real souvenirs” sounds like a contradiction in terms, and this is because the objects sold to tourists as souvenirs are often cheap mass-produced imports that have nothing to do with the place at all.

It‟s often the (49) _____ that the best souvenirs, like my shell, are found rather than purchased, but browsing for souvenirs can also be a fun holiday activity. But if you are buying souvenirs on holiday this summer, make sure they (50) ________ the reality test. A good souvenir is not just made in the area where it is bought, it also says something about the culture of that area. It is something made by local people using sustainable local materials, and because you are effectively supporting the local economy, it shouldn‟t come too cheap, either.

A. come across            

B. found out   

C. picked up   

D. Bumped into

Câu hỏi 47 :

the (47) ________ their associations with the past become, and the sharper

A. larger   

B. wider               

C. harder             

D. greater

Câu hỏi 48 :

They are, (48) ________, real souvenirs, encapsulations not only of the place,

A. therefore      

B. whereas           

C. however          

D. otherwise

Câu hỏi 49 :

It‟s often the (49) _____ that the best souvenirs, like my shell

A. point    

B. case                 

C. fact                 

D. truth

Câu hỏi 50 :

make sure they (50) ________ the reality test. A good souvenir is not just made

A. pass            

B. win 

C. take            

D. beat

Câu hỏi 51 :

Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct word or phrase that best fits each of the numbered blanks from 1 to 5.

A rainbow is an optical display of color that usually appears in the sky when a beam of sunlight refracts through millions of raindrops. Each (1)________ color from the spectrum is then sent to your eyes. For this to happen, the angle between the ray of light, the raindrop and the human eye must be between 40 and 42 degrees.

After studying rainbows in (2)________, Sir Isaac Newton was able to explain how they are formed. However, he was color blind, so he had to rely on the eyes of his assistant, who could easily (3)________all the seven colors: red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo and violet. His assistant could also clearly tell the difference between indigo and violet

There are two types of rainbows. Primary rainbows are the most common and have the most distinctive colors, with red appearing on the outside of the arc and violet on the inside. Secondary rainbows are unusual because the light is reflected twice within the raindrop before it (4)________ a rainbow, so the colors are in reverse order and not as bright as primary rainbows.

There is a popular myth that if you reach the end of a rainbow, you will find a pot of gold waiting for you. In fact, it is impossible to do this, because a rainbow has no end - as you go towards the point where the rainbow seems to touch the ground, it moves away from you as quickly as you (5)________.

A. single

B. divided           

C. detached                 

D. separate

Câu hỏi 52 :

After studying rainbows in (2)________, Sir Isaac Newton was able to explain how they are formed

A. depth                        

B. width              

C. breadth                     

D. length

Câu hỏi 53 :

(3)________all the seven colors: red, orange, yellow, green, blue

A realize

B. discover

C. understand

D. recognize

Câu hỏi 54 :

within the raindrop before it (4)________ a rainbow

A. forms                

B. grows              

C. develops                  

D. shapes

Câu hỏi 55 :

it moves away from you as quickly as you (5)________.

A. Progress                   

B. arrive               

C. get                            

D. approach.

Câu hỏi 57 :

practise it to (7)______their energy and to improve stamina

A. receive        

B. return          

C. realize         

D. restore

Câu hỏi 58 :

executives to give a much needed (8)______ to their overworked minds

A. interruption            

B. pause          

C. interval       

D. break

Câu hỏi 59 :

It's a good idea to (9)______with a doctor first if you've suffered from any

A. see                

B. check              

C. control                      

D. call

Câu hỏi 60 :

exercises should (10)______   you any pain, but it's best to start slowly at first

A. make          

B. do   

C. cause          

D. result

Câu hỏi 62 :

than men to (12) ______ in unhealthy behavior such as eating snacks

A. indulge                           

B. interest            

C. develop                    

D. participate

Câu hỏi 63 :

sexes, however, is that alcohol (13) ______ is reduced.

A. beverage     

B. consumption           

C. expenditure            

D. sales

Câu hỏi 64 :

The study (14)______ by the Economic and Social Research Council

A. funding               

B. which funds    

C. funded                     

D. which funded

Câu hỏi 65 :

“Stress causes people to (15) ______ for unhealthy high fat and high-sugar

A. choose           

B. select               

C. decide                      

D. opt

Câu hỏi 66 :

Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct word(s) to each of the questions from 16 to 20.

Last year, there were millions of international tourist arrivals across the globe. Whether they were students on their (16)______ years looking for overseas adventure, stressed-out workers hoping to get away for a weekend, or retirees (17)______ to relax in an exotic location- clearly none of them thought they could find the same experience at home. The question is whether foreign travel brings more advantages or disadvantages.

An obvious positive point is that going abroad sometimes helps people to expand their knowledge of the world. If they are (18)_____ - minded, they can learn about new cultures and hopefully gain a more accurate understanding about their way of life. In addition, there is the economic benefit of tourism to countries which have few other resources. It can provide an income to many people within the industry.

Having said that, some people simply go to a foreign resort (19)______ by high walls and therefore learn little about their holiday (20)______. Another issue is that hordes of tourists often spoil the “unspoilt” places they visit. The most recent example of this is Antarctica, where last year cruise ships took thousands of visitors to view the disappearing icebergs and wildlife. Vegetation, nesting penguins and resting walrus are vulnerable when humans intrude.

A. space      

B. break               

C. pause                        

D. gap

Câu hỏi 67 :

or retirees (17)______ to relax in an exotic location- clearly none

A. wish            

B. wished        

C. wishing       

D. to wish

Câu hỏi 68 :

If they are (18)_____ - minded, they can learn about new cultures and hopefully

A. open           

B. narrow            

C. absent                       

D. single

Câu hỏi 69 :

Having said that, some people simply go to a foreign resort (19)______ by high walls

A. covered

B. surrounded     

C. sheltered                  

D. stopped

Câu hỏi 70 :

little about their holiday (20)______. Another issue is that hordes of tourists

A. direction

B. destination      

C. departure                  

D. situatio

Câu hỏi 72 :

A cycle track leads (22)________town and down to Ribe,

A. into                 

B. upward           

C. out of                       

D. upon

Câu hỏi 73 :

In my (23)_____, a person travelling alone sometimes meets with unexpected


B. experience       

C. knowledge               

D. observation

Câu hỏi 74 :

was no (24)_____. On only my second day, I got into conversation with

A. exception    

B. difference  

C. exchange    

D. contract

Câu hỏi 75 :

he had (25)_____ for me to visit her and her family.

A. fixed 

B. ordered 

C. settled 

D. arranged

Câu hỏi 77 :

District Councils and other bodies (27) ______ the Brighton

A. consist             

B. include           

C. improve                    

D. participate

Câu hỏi 78 :

Cycling Forum will be formed to (28) ______ that all bodies

A. improve      

B. ensure        

C. maintain     

D. assert

Câu hỏi 79 :

that all bodies concerned with cycling are in regular (29)______.

A. basis                   

B. touch               

C. contact                     

D. account

Câu hỏi 80 :

The (30) ______ of the Cycling strategy are given in a leaflet, and a copy

A. rights

B. cyclists            

C. objectives                

D. vehicles

Câu hỏi 81 :

Read the following passage and mark A, B, C, or D to indicate the correct answer to each of the blanks from 31 to 35.

British families started going on holiday to the seaside around the middle of the 19th century. The invention of the railways made this possible. The first holidaymakers were quite rich and went for their health and education. The seaside was a place to be (31)______ of illnesses, and doctors recommended bathing in the sea and drinking sea water. Also to increase their knowledge, families attended concerts and read books from libraries.

At that time, ordinary working people had very little time (32)______. However, in 1871, the government introduce four “Bank Holidays” – national holiday days. This allowed people to have a day or two out, which now and then gave them a taste for leisure and the seaside. At first they went on day-trips, taking (33)______ of special cheap tickets on the railways. By the 1880s, rising incomes meant many ordinary workers and their families could have a week’s holiday at the seaside. Rail fares were reduced and cheap hotels were built to (34)______ them. Holidaymakers enjoyed being idle, sitting on the beach, bathing in the sea, and eating ice-cream. Cheap entertainment was (35)______ offer and holidaymakers went to have fun.

Today, the English seaside remained popular, with more than 18 million holidays taken there each year.

A. recovered         

B. cured               

C. improved                  

D. remedied

Câu hỏi 82 :

 At that time, ordinary working people had very little time (32)______. However

A. out                       

B. off               

C. from

D. away

Câu hỏi 83 :

At first they went on day-trips, taking (33)______ of special cheap tickets on the railways

A. opportunity          

B. benefit       

C. profit         

D. advantage

Câu hỏi 84 :

hotels were built to (34)______ them. Holidaymakers enjoyed being idle

A. cater

B. board

C. lodge

D. accommodate

Câu hỏi 87 :

a lifestyle of strict (37) _________ which included many hours

A. discipline

B. order

C. behavior

D. effort

Câu hỏi 88 :

Only this way could he become a world champion. (38) _________ Magnus's

A. Since

B. Although

C. Because

D. Until

Câu hỏi 89 :

his (39)________, when Magnus graduated from high school in 2009

A. prepration

B. environment

C. upbringing

D. treatment

Câu hỏi 90 :

They set rules, but they never (40)________ with his ambitions. Instead they

A. prevented

B. opposed

C. mistrusted

D. interfered

Câu hỏi 92 :

 it is without (42)______ one of the most enjoyable kinds of work to do

A. difficulty

B. suspicion

C. thinking

D. doubt

Câu hỏi 93 :

and (43) _____, meaning they put all their time and effort

A. deliberate

B. delivered

C. decided

D. dedicated

Câu hỏi 94 :

a good sense of (44)______ often helps. Or the thought that

A. hoping

B. humor

C. smiling

D. joking

Câu hỏi 95 :

turned into a film and become a Hollywood (45) _____!

A. best-seller

B. attraction

C. blockbuster

D. victory

Câu hỏi 97 :

friendly process to (47)______ algae oil into biodiesel fuel

A. adapt         

B. transform

C. modify

D. alter

Câu hỏi 98 :

America will become independent (48)______ fossil fuels

A. on

B. from

C. with

D. of

Câu hỏi 100 :

there (50)______ no water disposal costs, and the process is considerably faster.”

A. were

B. are

C. had                           

D. have

Câu hỏi 102 :

The (2)______ trees are cut down to sell the wood to start farms.

A. staying        

B. remaining    

C. standing     

D. dwelling

Câu hỏi 103 :

(3)_______ people continue cutting down that many trees in Sarawak rain forest, all the trees could be gone in eight years.

A. Unless                                         

B. If                     

C. While                       

D. Although

Câu hỏi 104 :

The world needs more food, and it (4)______ like a good idea to clear the rain forests and use the land for agriculture

A. seems          

B. looks               

C. tastes                        

D. sounds

Câu hỏi 105 :

This is another surprising thing about rain forests. Most of the land in tropical rain forest is very(5)________.

A. short

B. poor                

C. unfortunate              

D. ill

Câu hỏi 106 :

Choose the word or phrase (A, B, C or D) that best fits the numbered space from 6 to 10 in the following passage.

The knock-on effect of volunteering on the lives of individuals can be profound. Voluntary work helps foster independence and imparts the ability to (6)_______ with different situations, often simultaneously, thus teaching people how to work their way through different systems. It (7)_______ brings people into touch with the real world; and, hence, equips them for the future.

Initially, young adults in their late teens might not seem to have the expertise or knowledge to impart to others that say a teacher or agriculturalist or nurse would have, but they do have many skills that can help others. And in the absence of any particular talent, their energy and enthusiasm can be harnessed for the benefit of their fellow human beings, and (8)_______ themselves. From all this, the gain to any community no matter how many volunteers are involved is immeasurable.

Employers will generally look favorably on people who have shown an ability to work as part of a team. It demonstrates a willingness to learn and an independent spirit, (9)_______ would be desirable qualities in any employee. So to satisfy employers‟ demands for experience when applying (10)_______ work, volunteering can act as a means of gaining experience that might otherwise elude would-be workers and can ultimately lead to paid employment and the desired field.

A. deal

B. face                 

C. solve                         

D. fight

Câu hỏi 107 :

It (7)_______ brings people into touch with the real world; and, hence, equips them for the future.

A. although     

B. therefore     

C. however     

D. moreover

Câu hỏi 108 :

and (8)_______ themselves. From all this, the gain to any community no matter how many volunteers are involved is immeasurable

A. necessarily 

B. ultimately   

C. intimately   

D. exclusively

Câu hỏi 109 :

(9)_______ would be desirable qualities in any employee.

A. who                                          

B. whose             

C. which                       

D. that

Câu hỏi 112 :

A high proportion of our animal consumption is in the (12)____ of packaging and this constitutes about seven percent by weight

A. form           

B. way             

C. type            

D. kind

Câu hỏi 113 :

of our domestic (13) ____ . Almost all of it can be recycled, but very little of it is ,though the plastic recycling industry is growing fast

A. goods         

B. refuse          

C. rubble         

D. requirements

Câu hỏi 114 :

The plastics themselves are extremely energy - rich – they have a higher calorific (14) ____ than coal

A. effect      

B. degree             

C. value                        

D. demand

Câu hỏi 115 :

one methodn of “recovery” strongly (15)____ by plastic manufacturers if the conversion of waste plastic into a fuel.

A. argued        

B. presented    

C. desired       

D. favored

Câu hỏi 117 :

Many species of animals are threatened, and could easily become (17)_______ if we do not make an effort to protect them.

A. disappeared            

B. vanished     

C. extinct        

D. empty

Câu hỏi 118 :

In some cases, animals are hunted for their fur or for other valuable parts of their bodies. Some birds, such as parrots, are caught (18)______ and sold as pets.

A. for life

B. alive                

C. lively                      

D. for living

Câu hỏi 119 :

Farmers use powerful chemicals to help them to grow better crops, but these chemicals pollute the environment and (19)______ wildlife

A. spoil                           

B. wound            

C. wrong                    

D. harm

Câu hỏi 120 :

The most successful animals on earth - human beings - will soon be the only ones (20)______, unless we can solve this problem.

A. left 

B. over            

C. staying        

D. survive

Câu hỏi 122 :

But in modern society, it is not simply to know the proper (22)______ for behavior in your own country

A. tendency          

B. convention 

C. rules            

D. laws

Câu hỏi 123 :

In Western cultures, a gift can be given to the receiver with relatively (23)______ ceremony.

A. specially   

B. differently      

C. few                           

D. little

Câu hỏi 124 :

(24)______, in some Asian countries, the act of gift-giving may appear confusing to Westerners

A. Morever      

B. Otherwise   

C. Therefore    

D. However

Câu hỏi 125 :

In addition, to show respect for the receiver, it is (25)_________ in several Asian cultures to use both hands when offering a gift to another person.

A. extraordinary          

B. efficient      

C. unusual       

D. common

Câu hỏi 126 :

Read the following passage and write the letter A, B, C or D on the top of the first page to indicate the correct answer to each of the questions from 26 to 30.

Founded after World War II by 51 "peace-loving states" combined to oppose future aggression, the United Nations now counts 192 member nations, (26) _________ its newest members, Nauru, Kiribati, and Tonga in 1999, Tuvalu and Yugoslavia in 2000, Switzerland and East Timor in 2002, and Montenegro in 2006.

United Nations Day has been (27) _________ on October 24 since 1948 and celebrates the objectives and accomplishments of the organization, which was established on October 24, 1945.

The UN (28) _________         in peacekeeping and humanitarian missions across the globe. Though some say its (29) _________ has declined in recent decades, the United Nations still plays a tremendous role in world politics. In 2001 the United Nations and Kofi Annan, then Secretary-General of the UN, won the Nobel Peace Prize "for their work for a better organized and more peaceful world."

Since 1948 there have been 63 UN peacekeeping operations that are currently under way. Thus far, close to 130 nations have contributed personnel (30) _________various times; 119 are currently providing peacekeepers. As of August 31, 2008, there were 16 peacekeeping operations underway with a total of 88,230 personnel. The small island nation of Fiji has taken part in virtually every UN peacekeeping operation, as has Canada.

A. including    

B. limiting       

C. especially    

D. possibly

Câu hỏi 128 :

The UN (28) _________         in peacekeeping and humanitarian missions across the globe.

A. puts off      

B. looks down             

C. takes part    

D. makes use

Câu hỏi 129 :

Though some say its (29) _________ has declined in recent decades, the United Nations still plays a tremendous role in world politics

A. consequence

B. meaninglessness       

C. awareness       

D. influence

Câu hỏi 130 :

Since 1948 there have been 63 UN peacekeeping operations that are currently under way. Thus far, close to 130 nations have contributed personnel (30) _________various time

A. on

B. at                              

C. by                   

D. in

Câu hỏi 132 :

This was the beginning of mobile phone (32)_______, more than 30 years ago.

A. past             

B. times           

C. history        

D. story

Câu hỏi 133 :

That man was Motorola's project manager, Martin Cooper, who was (33)______ his 34th birthday that day

A. making  

B. driving           

C. expecting                 

D. celebrating

Câu hỏi 134 :

The strange object was the first mobile phone, which was nicknamed “the shoe” because of its unusual (34) ______.

A. kind            

B. shape          

C. type            

D. symbol

Câu hỏi 135 :

I called him and said that I was talking on a real mobile phone (35)_____ I was holding in my hand," said Cooper

A. that             

B. when           

C. as    

D. how

Câu hỏi 137 :

when the rural population was isolated and music was not (37) ______ spread by radio, records, or music video

A. even            

B. still 

C. until            

D. yet

Câu hỏi 138 :

It was (38) _____ by oral traditional and is noted for its energy, humor, and emotional impact.

A. transferred  

B. transformed            

C. transmitted 

D. Transited

Câu hỏi 139 :

In the nineteenth century, composer Steven Foster wrote some of the most enduringly popular of all American songs, (39) ______ soon became part of the folk tradition

A. which 

B. this                  

C. who                          

D. That

Câu hỏi 140 :

Many of these songs deal (40) _____ important social issue, such as racial integration and the war in Vietnam.

A. in    

B. by   

C. with            

D. At

Câu hỏi 142 :

duties she was asked to do. (42)_____ of moaning to her friends

A. Due 

B. Regardless  

C. Instead       

D. In spite

Câu hỏi 143 :

who (43) _____ the boss‟s attention to it. He immediately fired

A. Got 

B. caught         

C. paid            

D. Drew

Câu hỏi 144 :

He immediately fired her on the (44)_____ that her public display

A. Terms                      

B. condition        

C. grounds                    

D. Basis

Câu hỏi 145 :

comments shouldn‟t (45)_____ taken seriously

A. to be

B. have been   

C. be   

D. Have

Câu hỏi 147 :

Their analysis (47) _____ the doo and the solitaire to be close

A. Advises                       

B. involves          

C. shows                       

D. recommends

Câu hỏi 148 :

By 1681, all dodos had been (48) _____ by hungry sailors.

A. Disappeared

B. vanished 

C. killed              

D. extinct

Câu hỏi 149 :

DNA and (49) _____ these with the DNA of living birds, the scientists were

A. Studying

B. comparing

C. researching

D. Combining

Câu hỏi 150 :

The scientists can now (50) _____ assume that the dodo developed

A. Surely                  

B. hardly             

C. highly                       

D. Safely

Câu hỏi 152 :

some old customs have (2)_______. In a traditional Japanese

A. Preserved               

B. Existed           

C. survived                   

D. supported

Câu hỏi 153 :

The guest is (3)______to kiss them and hand them back

A. Required    

B. Desired       

C. demanded  

D. needed

Câu hỏi 154 :

particularly (4)______meal. But this is probably because

A. Dense            

B. Strong             

C. heavy                       

D. wide

Câu hỏi 155 :

the guest is too embarrassed to (5)_______anything down.

A. Take              

B. Slow               

C. keep                         

D. turn

Câu hỏi 157 :

English Channel that the (7) _____ took three hours

A. Expedition         

B. Crossing          

C. cruise                       

D. Passage

Câu hỏi 158 :

we're going on a cheap (8) _____ holiday to Italy

A. Party           

B. Package      

C. overall        

D. inclusive

Câu hỏi 159 :

the hotel and all our meals are (9) _____ in the price

A. Included           

B. Involved    

C. contained                 

D. Combined

Câu hỏi 160 :

I saw many of the famous tourist (10) _____ on that occasion.

A. Views         

B. Visit            

C. scenes         

D. Sights

Câu hỏi 162 :

But despite the fact that he (12) ______

A. Wanted      

B. started        

C. Made          

D. missed

Câu hỏi 163 :

Over the years, people have argued (13) _____ his

A. Until           

B. Why            

C. which         

D. whether

Câu hỏi 164 :

has finished building (14) _______ engine based on one of Babbage’s

A. Some          

B. The 

C. an  

D. that

Câu hỏi 165 :

Babbage’s designs. (15) ______ has taken six years to complete

A. It                                       

B. He                   

C. They                         

D. One

Câu hỏi 167 :

totally in the (17)_______ of talent, ignore them

A. Absentee

B. Missing       

C. lack 

D. shortage

Câu hỏi 168 :

If, (18)________, someone advises you to revise your work

A. Hence               

B. However         

C. whereas                    

D. otherwise

Câu hỏi 169 :

before they could get it (19)_______. Being successfu

A. Publishes    

B. Published    

C. to publish   

D. publish

Câu hỏi 170 :

But things are more likely to (20)_______ well if you persevere

A. deal with    

B. turn out       

C. sail through 

D. come into

Câu hỏi 171 :

Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct word or phrase that best fits each of the numbered blanks from 1 to 25.

The invention of the mobile phone has undoubtedly revolutionized the way people communicate and influenced every aspect of our lives. The issue is whether this technological innovation has done more harm than good.

In order to (21)______ the question, we must first turn to the type of consumer. Presumably, most parents buy mobile phones for their teenagers to track their whereabouts and ensure their safety. We can also assume that most teenagers want mobile phones to avoid missing out (22)______ social contact. In this context, the advantages are clear. However, we cannot deny the fact that text messages have been used by bullies to intimidate fellow students. There is also (23)______ evidence that texting has affected literacy skills.

The ubiquitous use of the mobile phone has, (24)______ question, affected adult consumers, too. What employee, on the way home from work, would be reluctant to answer a call from their boss? Apparently, only 18% of us, according to a recent survey, are willing to switch off our mobile phones once we’ve left the office.

Admittedly, mobile phones can be intrusive but there are obvious benefits to possessing one. Personally speaking, they are invaluable when it comes to making social or business arrangements at short (25)______. According to a recent survey, they also provide their owners with a sense of security in emergency situations.

In conclusion, mobile phones do have their drawbacks, but these are outweighed by the benefits. I would

argue that it is not the tool that chooses its purpose, but the user

A. Answer        

B. Address          

C. remedy                     

D. put right

Câu hỏi 172 :

to avoid missing out (22)______ social contact

A. In                             

B. To                   

C. of                             

D. on

Câu hỏi 173 :

There is also (23)______ evidence that texting has affected

A. Indisputable           

B. Arguable     

C. doubtless    

D. unhesitating

Câu hỏi 174 :

at short (25)______. According to a recent survey

A. Time           

B. Notice         

C. term            

D. warning

Câu hỏi 176 :

children are in danger of getting so (27)_______ sleep that

A. Few            

B. Less            

C. much          

D. little

Câu hỏi 177 :

health at (28)_______. Adults can easily survive

A. Jeopardy      

B. Threat             

C. risk                          

D. danger

Câu hỏi 178 :

to eight hours' sleep a night, (29)_______teenagers require

A. Or                         

B. Because          

C. whereas                    

D. so

Câu hỏi 179 :

one in five youngsters (30)________ anything between

A. Puts            

B. Gets            

C. brings         

D. makes

Câu hỏi 180 :

Read the following the passage and mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct word or phrasethat best fits each of the numbered blanks from 31 to 35.

From the next year, every student in their final rear at our school will study for a compulsory Diploma of Practical Achievement. This will be in addition to the normal examinations. Up to now, the course has been optional, but from now on every student must (31)_________it.

The aim is to (32)__________ students with "life skills", which the Diploma divides into eight categories. These cover a range of things relevant to life beyond school, from sending an e-mail to giving presentation to an audience. Under the heading "survival", (33)_______, students can learn car mainternance, first aid and cooking. We have discovered that many students cannot do simple things such as mend a puncture or boil an egg. At the other extreme, the Diploma includes such things as how to design a webpage and how to cope if someone has a heart attack. It has been called a " Diploma in Common Sense".

On the course, students will not be taught in the traditional (34)__________, but rather will be guided and encouraged to do things for themselves. This is above all a practical "hand-on" course. To a greater or lesser extent, good schools have always tried to (35)__________these skills. Unfortunately, students have not always shown much interest because such skills are not directly related to passing exams for higher education. We hope this will change now that we have a proper course that will lead to a recognised diploma.

A. Pick            

B. Make         

C. adopt        

D. take

Câu hỏi 181 :

The aim is to (32)__________ students with "life skills",

A. Equip               

B. Give                

C. offer                         

D. donate

Câu hỏi 182 :

Under the heading "survival", (33)_______, students

A. as a result   

B. Therefore    

C. otherwise    

D. for example

Câu hỏi 183 :

in the traditional (34)__________, but rather will

A. Means                       

B. Approach        

C. route                         

D. way

Câu hỏi 184 :

always tried to (35)__________these skills. Unfortunately

A. Grow          

B. Develop      

C. make           

D. do

Câu hỏi 186 :

tattooing (37)__________ in popularity.

A. Gained                  

B. Won                

C. earned                      

D. made

Câu hỏi 187 :

that among the 387 men (38) __________there were

A. Inquired     

B. questioned 

C. spoken        

D. demanded

Câu hỏi 188 :

There is also some (39) __________ about catching

A. trouble                 

B. danger             

C. concern                    

D. threat

Câu hỏi 189 :

in their eyes, is (40) __________ the pain.

A. Worth         

B. Owed         

C. due 

D. Deserved

Câu hỏi 191 :

I was (42) ______ to some benefits, including discounts

A. Catered 

B. Given              

C. entitled                     

D. supplied

Câu hỏi 192 :

I was responsible (43) _______ the toy section.

A. For                 

B. With                

C. in                              

D. to

Câu hỏi 193 :

with customers (44) ______ got on our nerves

A. Which     

B. Why                

C. when                        

D. who

Câu hỏi 194 :

on our nerves. (45) _______, working there was a great experience

A. In contrast  

B. However     

C. Moreover    

D. On the whole

Câu hỏi 195 :

Read the following passage and mark A, B, C, or D to indicate the correct answer to each of the blanks.

Over the next 20 to 50 years, it will become harder to tell the (46) _____ between the human and the machine. All, body part will be replaceable. Computers will function like the human brain with the ability to recognize feelings and respond in a feeling way. They will then produce fake people. We will then be able to create a machine duplicate of ourselves (47) _____ we will appear to be alive long after we are dead. Maybe a few decades later, a way will be found to transfer our spirit, including our memories and thoughts, to the new body. Then we can choose to live for as long as we want. It might be expensive. When it becomes possible to do a spirit transfer, they will find (48) _____ to do them automatically. So we will be able to reside within whichever duplicate we want, whenever we want.

Miniature robots will be built (49) _____ through your blood stream and repair damage. Also, larger robots will be used when you are sick. When you have an upset stomach, you will swallow a very small cherry tasting robot which will travel through your stomach taking video of the mess. It will be set up like a video game, so you can control the exploring and the selection of images. Then you can replay the video to help a doctor (50) _____ your illness, or to prove to your employer that you really, were sick.

A. Change       

B. Difference 

C. appearance 

D. variety

Câu hỏi 196 :

of ourselves (47) _____ we will appear to be alive long

A. Because    

B. Soon               

C. but                           

D. so

Câu hỏi 197 :

they will find (48) _____ to do them automatically

A. Over               

B. Out                 

C. down                        

D. up

Câu hỏi 198 :

will be built (49) _____ through your blood stream

A. Travelling                  

B. to be travelled 

C. to travel                    

D. travel

Câu hỏi 199 :

to help a doctor (50) _____ your illness, or to prove to

A. Watch            

B. Observe          

C. notice                       

D. Diagnose

Câu hỏi 201 :

Mediterranean Sea a (2)___________ kiss on the cheek

A. Light                                  

B. superficial       

C. fast                     

D. heavy

Câu hỏi 202 :

It can be a very (3)__________ surprise if you expect

A. Huge          

B. large            

C. big  

D. great

Câu hỏi 203 :

what sort of greeting (4)___________ is followed

A. Habit          

B. routine        

C. custom        

D. tradition

Câu hỏi 204 :

long as the visitors are (5)__________. A big part of the delightfulness

A. Sincere        

B. truthful           

C. faithful                     

D. hopeful

Câu hỏi 206 :

the spots(7)______the most intriguing climatic

A. When              

B. where              

C. what                         

D. why

Câu hỏi 207 :

The most efficient way of (8)_____ hold of the ever

A. Getting          

B. coming            

C. finding                     

D. Making

Câu hỏi 208 :

Weather satellites equipped (9)_____complicated

A. By                        

B. with                

C. in                              

D. of

Câu hỏi 209 :

scanning is that measurements can be (10)_____even in

A. Done          

B. formed        

C. fulfilled      

D. taken

Câu hỏi 211 :

On a world-wide (12)_______, forests help to slow down

A. Range         

B. size                  

C. scale                         

D. area

Câu hỏi 212 :

known as carbon dioxide and giving (13)_______ the oxygen we need

A. In    

B. away           

C. up   

D. out

Câu hỏi 213 :

level, trees also (14)_______ important environment benefits.

A. make           

B. bring           

C. take 

D. find

Câu hỏi 214 :

which in (15)_______ reduces the amount of energy needed

A. reach           

B. place          

C. order           

D. turn

Câu hỏi 215 :

Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct word or phrase that best fits each of the numbered blanks

An important point to remember if you like spending time out in the open air is that the human head doesn‟t work very well outdoors if it becomes too hot, cold or wet. That‟s why a hat is a good investment, whenever you are planning to go out and about. Surprisingly, a single waterproof hat with a brim will do the (16)______ adequately in most conditions.

In cold climates, the problem is that the head is (17)______ heat all the time. As much as fifty to sixty per cent of your body‟s heat is lost through the head and neck, (18)______ on which scientist you believe. Clearly this heat loss needs to be prevented, but it‟s important to remember that hats don‟t actually keep you warm, they simply stop heat escaping.

Just as important is the need to protect your neck from the effects of bright sunlight, and the brim of your hat will do this. If you prefer a baseball cap, (19)______ buying one that has a drop down „tail‟ at the back to stop your neck getting sunburnt.

And in wet weather (20)______, hats are often more practical than pooling up the hood of your waterproof coat because when you turn your head, the hat goes with you, whereas the hood usually does not.

A. role                        

B. duty                

C. job                            

D. task

Câu hỏi 216 :

the problem is that the head is (17)______ heat all the time

A. giving away     

B. sending out     

C. running down         

D. dropping off

Câu hỏi 217 :

through the head and neck, (18)______ on which scientist

A. regarding

B. relating            

C. depending                

D. according

Câu hỏi 218 :

If you prefer a baseball cap, (19)______ buying one that

A. advise          

B. suggest            

C. recommend              

D. consider

Câu hỏi 219 :

And in wet weather (20)______, hats are often more

A. conditions

B. cases               

C. occasions                  

D. positions

Câu hỏi 221 :

some of (22) ___________ are now very wealthy

A. whose         

B. whom         

C. who            

D. that

Câu hỏi 222 :

players. (23) ___________, it is not unusual for some

A. In addition 

B. However     

C. In contrast 

D. Therefore

Câu hỏi 223 :

now rely (24) ___________ to fill our leisure hours

A. for                      

B. with                

C. on                             

D. in

Câu hỏi 224 :

millions of (25) ___________ people all over the world

A. ordinary      

B. mighty        

C. extremist    

D. abnormal

Câu hỏi 225 :

Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer that best fits the blank space in the following passage.


21st century teachers need to serve as a guide or mentor for their students, not as the all- knowing sage providing them with everything they need. Nowadays, with so much access (26) ______ resources of all kinds, children invariably know more than teachers on different topics, step ahead of the technology. Teachers need to be empowered as facilitators for learning, so that they can empower their students in (27) ______.

This shift is great news for teachers. Instead of struggling to give kids all the information in areas

(28)______ they know little about, teachers can support students as they make their own steps into different

fields. It‟s about preparing them to go beyond their seniors, ensuring they have the skills to do it, and assisting them along the way.

(29)______, teachers need to be forward-thinking, curious and flexible. They must be learners: learning new teaching methods, and learning alongside their students. Simply asking questions like “What will my students need dozens of years from now?” or “How can I help give them those skills?” can change teachers'

(30)______, make them a leader, and bring about changes in the classroom, school and community.

A. to                       

B. with                

C. for                            

D. in

Câu hỏi 226 :

their students in (27) ______.This shift is great news for teachers.

A. sight                        

B. use                  

C. line                           

D. turn

Câu hỏi 227 :

(28)______ they know little about, teachers can support

A. what                 

B. that                

C. where                       

D. whom

Câu hỏi 228 :

(29)______, teachers need to be forward-thinking, curious

A. For instance   

B. Therefore        

C. In practice                

D. Otherwise

Câu hỏi 229 :

(30)______, make them a leader, and bring about changes

A. knowledge 

B. prejudice     

C. mindset      

D. judgement

Câu hỏi 231 :

ineducation. (32) ______, they say they used to work

A. As a result  

B. Therefore    

C. For example          

D. Nevertheless

Câu hỏi 232 :

lessonsor (33) ______ for exammination.

A. relearning 

B. revising           

C. resitting                    

D. redoing

Câu hỏi 233 :

Iwonder (34) _____ our parents really had to study somuch after school

A. why            

B. if     

C. that 

D. what

Câu hỏi 234 :

I think one reason whykids (35) _____ in class is because

A. misunderstand        

B. misdirect     

C. miscarry      

D. misbehave

Câu hỏi 236 :

(37)_____ necessity. There are several options when it comes

A. economically          

B. economical 

C. economy    

D. economic

Câu hỏi 237 :

No (38) _____ how good the childcare may be

A. way                

B. exception        

C. surprise                     

D. matter

Câu hỏi 238 :

family members, (39) _____ parents should make sure

A. so          

B. but               

C. for                            

D. and

Câu hỏi 239 :

if parents want to (40) _____ the best for their children, it‟s not 

A. make                

B. give                 

C. have                         

D. do

Câu hỏi 241 :

now be (42) ______.That industry is based on biotechnology. At the

A. distinguished          

B. discerned    

C. considered  

D. viewed

Câu hỏi 242 :

iotechnology will (43) _____ demand for oil by taking the

A. satisfy          

B. preserve          

C. boost                        

D. diminish

Câu hỏi 243 :

(44)_____ nothing is depleted to make them.

A. although 

B. since               

C. otherwise                 

D. therefore

Câu hỏi 244 :

and returning it when they were burned or (45) _____. That

A. garbaged     

B. wasted            

C. disposed                  

D. dumped

Câu hỏi 246 :

However, the people who ___(47)____ their lives online are also putting


B. invest             

C. produce                    

D. make

Câu hỏi 247 :

often used as a(n) ____(48)_____ feature by banks.


B. identification

C. recognizing            

D. identifying

Câu hỏi 248 :

but to ____(49) ____. They will need to know


B. prove              

C. clarify                       

D. determine

Câu hỏi 249 :

Facebook ____(50)____ their friends can wish them well


B. so that             

C. thus                          

D. So

Câu hỏi 251 :

The site (2)______ that a foreign English

A. guesses       

B. estimates     

C. judges         

D. evaluates

Câu hỏi 252 :

They can (3)______ a job any time of year and

A. hunt               

B. search              

C. find                        

D. seek

Câu hỏi 253 :

Candidates only need to hold a bachelor’s (4)______ and

A. degree        

B. qualification           

C. diploma      

D. level

Câu hỏi 254 :

schools demand high (5)______. Foreign language

A. capacity              

B. competency    

C. experience                

D. ability

Câu hỏi 256 :

a travel round the world, (7) _____ she

A. but  

B. so    

C. because      

D. as

Câu hỏi 257 :

she was interested in one in Italy, (8) _____ she was

A. that                          

B. where              

C. when                        

D. which

Câu hỏi 258 :

The reply (9) _____ a long time to arrive, but eventually

A. was                   

B. took                

C. spent                        

D. passed

Câu hỏi 259 :

her (10) _____ doing what she had set out to do.

A. from         

B. about          

C. in    

D. of

Câu hỏi 261 :

even more (12) ________ and causing sea levels

A. severe                 

B. strong              

C. heavy                       

D. strict

Câu hỏi 262 :

is given (13) _________ by factories and power plants

A. away           

B. up   

C. off  

D. over

Câu hỏi 263 :

wind and wave energy devices, (14) _________ could then

A. what           

B. which          

C. that 

D. who

Câu hỏi 264 :

Some scientists, (15) ________ believe that even

A. however          

B. despite            

C. although                   

D. because

Câu hỏi 266 :

has increased the opportunities available (17)______ many

A. about          

B. with                

C. to                              

D. by

Câu hỏi 267 :

learning and (18)______ course but now includes courses

A. corresponding        

B. corresponded          

C. correspondent        

D. correspondence

Câu hỏi 268 :

life and should not stop (19)______ people

A. whereas               

B. that                 

C. when                        

D. otherwise

Câu hỏi 269 :

the (20)______ are taking recreational

A. remains            

B. rest                  

C. excess                       

D. left

Câu hỏi 270 :

Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct word or phrase for each of the numbered blanks.

An ecosystem is a community of animals, plants and microbes that sustain themselves in the same area or environment by performing the activities of living, feeding, reproducing and interacting. Like many of Africas large mammals, giraffes have (21)______ in numbers and in range over the last century. At one time, herds of over 100 animals were common in savanna regions across the continent, however, today concentrations like these exist only in East Africa particularly Tanzania Serengeti National Park.

The decline of giraffe populations has largely been due to hunting. In Africa, the giraffe is a traditional source of hide and hair and also of tough but (22)______ meat. The hunting of giraffes has not yet had a catastrophic effect, (23)______ on some of Africas big-game animals, but it is a cause for concern. The natural habitat of the giraffe is also being impacted more and more by human activities, (24)______ the animals range. The giraffe is currently a protected species throughout most of its range and is classed as conservation-dependent by the World Conservation Union. The giraffe’s prospects for survival are good for (25)______ living in national parks and game reserves, but for animals living outside these areas the future is less secure.

A. raised          

B. declined      

C. destroyed   

D. limited

Câu hỏi 271 :

hair and also of tough but (22)______ meat

A. sausage         

B. fresh                

C. luncheon                  

D. nutritious

Câu hỏi 272 :

catastrophic effect, (23)______ on some of Africas

A. like it does    

B. as it does         

C. like it has                  

D. as it has

Câu hỏi 273 :

more by human activities, (24)______ the

A. extending

B. providing        

C. reducing                   

D. controlling

Câu hỏi 274 :

for (25)______ living in national parks and game reserves

A. what                    

B. that                 

C. those                        

D. ones

Câu hỏi 276 :

experienced workers (27) ______ have been out

A. who                 

B. where              

C. whose                       

D. which

Câu hỏi 277 :

work. (28) ______ , when you have a higher education

A. Otherwise     

B. Moreover       

C. Therefore                 

D. However

Câu hỏi 278 :

person whohasn’t (29) ______ a higher education

A. permitte      

B. refused       

C. applied       

D. received

Câu hỏi 279 :

they consider aneducated (30) ______ to be valuable

A. employment

B. employer         

C. employee                  

D. unemployed

Câu hỏi 280 :

Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct word or phrase that best fits each of the numbered blanks from 31 to 35.

Back in the 1960s and 1970s, the world was becoming more aware of the destructive effects of industry (31)______ the environment and people were starting to think seriously about ways of protecting the environment. One man who was particularly affected by this subject was Gerard Morgan-Grenville. As Morgan-Grenville travelled round earning his living as a gardener, he noticed signs of the damage that was being done to the countryside around him. It wasn't long before Morgan-Grenville decided that he had to do something about this situation. He felt that if people could be shown a better way of living then maybe they would be interested enough to try to protect their (32)_____ environment.

Mr. Morgan-Grenville decided to set up a project (33) ______ would prove what was happening to our surroundings and what could be done about it. So, in 1975, Morgan-Grenville created the Centre for Alternative Technology (CAT) in a village in Wales.

The main aim of CAT is to search for an ecologically better way of living by using technology which (34) _____ no harm to the environment. One of the most important things CAT did initially was to explore and demonstrate a wide range of techniques and to point out which ones had the least destructive results on the world around us. (35)____, CAT provides information and advice to people all over Britain and all over the world. If more and more individuals are informed about how much damage our modern lifestyle is causing to the planet, maybe more of them would be prepared to look for practical solutions to environmental problems.

A. for  

B. to    

C. with            

D. On

Câu hỏi 284 :

(35)____, CAT provides information and advice to people all over Britain and all over the world.

A. Therefore    

B. However     

C. Moreover    

D. Although

Câu hỏi 285 :

Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct word for each of the blanks from 36 to 40.

Vietnamese generally shake hands when greeting and parting. Using both hands shows respect as does a (36) _____ bow of the head. In rural areas, elderly people who do not extend their hand are greeted with a slight bow. Women are more likely to bow the head than to shake hands. Vietnamese names begin with the family name andare (37) _____ by a given name. People address one another by their given names, but add a title that indicates their perceived relationship to the other person. These titles are family related rather than professional. Among colleagues, for example, the younger of the two might combine the given name with the title of―Anh(OlderBrother). A/n (38) _____ greeting combined with the given name and titleis “Xin chao” (Hello). Classifiers for gender and familiarity are also combined with the greeting. In formal meetings, business cards are sometimes exchanged on greeting.

Vietnamese have astrong (39) _____ of hospitality and feel embarrassed if they cannot show their guests full respect by preparing for their arrival. Therefore, it is (40) _____ to visit someone without having been invited. Gifts are not required, but are appreciated. Flowers, incense, or tea may be appropriate gifts for the hosts. Hosts also appreciate a small gift for their children or elderly parents.

A. light            

B. slight           

C. lightly         

D. lighted

Câu hỏi 286 :

Vietnamese names begin with the family name andare (37) _____ by a given name.

A. continued                                 

B. chased             

C. followed                  

D. forwarded

Câu hỏi 287 :

A/n (38) _____ greeting combined with the given name and titleis “Xin chao” (Hello).

A. easy   

B. basic        

C. fundamental         

D. elementary

Câu hỏi 288 :

Vietnamese have astrong (39) _____ of hospitality and feel embarrassed if they cannot show their guests full respect by preparing for their arrival

A. sense

B. sensation         

C. sensitivity                 

D. sensibility

Câu hỏi 289 :

Therefore, it is (40) _____ to visit someone without having been invited. Gifts are not required, but are appreciated

A. inactive   

B. inaccurate   

C. inappropriate          

D. inexact

Câu hỏi 291 :

These childish couples may believe that they would not make good parents; they may want freedom from the (42) _____ of childbrearing;

A. respond        

B. responsibilities          

C. responsible     

D. responsibility

Câu hỏi 292 :

 perhaps they (43) _____ physically able to have children.

A. couldn’t 

B. weren’t 

C. are not 

D. can’t

Câu hỏi 293 :

Other families in the United States have one adult (44) _____ a stepparent.

A. whom      

B. which is      

C. who is         

D. is

Câu hỏi 294 :

They respect each other’s (45) _____ regarding family groups. Families are very important to Americans.

A. ideal    

B. choices      

C. feeling        

D. chance

Câu hỏi 296 :

 It is also an opportunities to mix with local habitants and (47)_______ a greater

A. acquire          

B. require              

C. enquire        

D. inquire

Câu hỏi 297 :

and deeper (48)_______ of the people whose language you are studying. This makes the whole experience much more enjoyable.

A. knowledge   

B. knowledgeable 

C. Knowledgeably    

D. know

Câu hỏi 298 :

You should look at all the possibilities and (49)_______ the best choice.

A. do   

B. take           

C. Get    

D. make

Câu hỏi 299 :

In order to choose the (50)_______ course and location for you, we suggest you contact us to discuss your particular requirements.

A. exact                                       

B. right                          

C. precise                      

D. fit

Câu hỏi 301 :

The invention of the book is one of humankind’s (2) ______ achievements, the importance of which can not be evaluated.

A. greatest             

B. greatly             

C. great                       

D. greater

Câu hỏi 302 :

(3) ______ , have some similarities to the ones we read now.

A. because     

B. so   

C. so that        

D. however

Câu hỏi 303 :

They (4) ______ often beautifully illustrated and always rare and expensive.

A. are     

B. have           

C. were                         

D. have been

Câu hỏi 306 :

 (7)_______ no longer any need for school buildings, formal class, or teachers.

A. there is        

B. there are      

C. it is 

D. they are

Câu hỏi 307 :

Perhaps this will be true one day, but this is hard to (8) _________ a world without schools.

A. realize                                       

B. consider          

C. know                        

D. imagine

Câu hỏi 308 :

In fact, we need to look at how we can use new technology to make schools better, not (9) _______them.

A. elimination 

B. eliminative  

C. to eliminate 

D. eliminator

Câu hỏi 309 :

We should invent a new kind of school that is (10)________to libraries, museums, science centers, laboratories, and even companies.

A. linked       

B. addressed      

C. contributed              

D. limited

Câu hỏi 311 :

Both industrial nations and less-developed countries are worried about the (12)______ and quantity of water in the world.

A. quality                                         

B. condition        

C. situation                   

D. characteristics

Câu hỏi 312 :

Most of the water we use (13)_____ from rivers, lakes, and the atmosphere

A. gets       

B. arrives             

C. goes                          

D. comes

Câu hỏi 313 :

One of the (14)______ about water is distribution

A. facts                        

B. things              

C. problems                  

D. cases

Câu hỏi 316 :

She strongly believes that women are pressurized to do too much, (17)_____ themselves to the absolute limit.

A. and driving 

B. and taking  

C. driving        

D. taking

Câu hỏi 318 :

Financially, she is no worse off (19)_____ before, as the cost of childcare and commuting exceeded her actual income.

A. then   

B. as    

C. than            

D. so

Câu hỏi 321 :

What a dull world it (22)_______ be if this were not true! Some differences are minor, and people soon become accustomed to them.

A. would                                       

B. may                 

C. can                           

D. will

Câu hỏi 322 :

At (23)_______ , for example, some foreign women may be startled at the idea of

A. first 

B. all    

C. last  

D. least

Câu hỏi 323 :

some foreign women may be startled at the idea of (24)_______ their hair cut or styled by men.

A. showing      

B. giving              

C. taking                       

D. having

Câu hỏi 325 :

Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct word or phrase that best fits each of the numbered blanks from 26 to 30.

According to sociologists, there are several different ways in which a person may be recognized as the leader of a social group in the United States. In the family, traditional cultural patterns confer leadership on one or both of the parents. In other cases, such as friendship groups, one or more persons may gradually (26) ______ as leaders, although there is no formal process of selection. In larger groups, leaders are usually chosen formally through election or recruitment.

            (27) ______ of the common belief that leaders are people with unusual personal ability, decades of research have failed to produce consistent evidence that there is any category of “natural leaders”. It seems that there is no set of personal qualities that all leaders have (28) ______ common; rather, virtually any person may be recognized as a leader if the person has qualities that meet the needs of that particular group.

Furthermore, although it is commonly supposed that social groups have a single leader, research suggests that there are (29) ______ two different leadership roles that are held by different individuals. Instrumental leadership emphasizes the completion of tasks by a social group. Group members look to instrumental leaders to “get things done”. Expressive leadership, on the other hand, is leadership (30) emphasizes the collective well-being of a social group’s members.

A. happen        

B. show           

C. emerge        

D. occur

Câu hỏi 327 :

It seems that there is no set of personal qualities that all leaders have (28) ______ common; rather, virtually any person may be recognized as a leader if the person has qualities that meet the needs of that particular group.

A. on             

B. in                     

C. by                             

D. at

Câu hỏi 328 :

 Furthermore, although it is commonly supposed that social groups have a single leader, research suggests that there are (29) ______ two different leadership roles that are held by different individuals.

A. typically                                    

B. typified           

C. types                        

D. typical

Câu hỏi 331 :

They don't like·interruptions or (32)_______ changes of schedule.

A. sudden       

B. suddenly     

C. abruptly      

D. promptly

Câu hỏi 332 :

Punctuality is very important so you should arrive on time for appointments.At meeting, it's important to follow the agenda and not interrupt (33)_______ speaker

A. other                                         

B. others              

C. another                     

D. the other

Câu hỏi 333 :

If you give a presentation, you should focus (34)_______ facts and technical information and the quality of your company's products.

A. on                                             

B. to                    

C. at                              

D. in

Câu hỏi 335 :

Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct word or phrase that best fits each of the numbered blanks from 36 to 40.

Many people enjoy lying in bed in the morning, but can you imagine having to spend 90 days in bed? Could you stand the boredom and the frustration of not being (36) to get up? That was the task that faced 14 volunteers when they started out on a bed-rest experiment being conducted (37) the European Space Agency.

The study had a serious purpose: to investigate the changes that take place in the human body during long-duration spaceflight. Lying in a horizontal position was the best way of (38) weightlessness. The aim was to         discover what effect period of weightlessness will have on the health of astronauts spending several months on the International Space Station. The volunteers ate their meals, took showers and underwent medical tests without ever sitting up.

That's even tougher than it sounds, especially when you (39) that no visitors were permitted. However, each volunteer did have a mobile phone, as well as access to the latest films, computer games and music. Surprisingly, Everyone was in a good (40) at the end of the 90 days. I would do it again,’ said one of the volunteers. It was disorientating, but we knew we were ‘contributing to medical research and space exploration.’

A. enabled                                     

B. allowed           

C. granted                     

D. approved

Câu hỏi 336 :

That was the task that faced 14 volunteers when they started out on a bed-rest experiment being conducted (37) the European Space Agency.

A. by                                             

B. on                    

C. for                            

D. about

Câu hỏi 337 :

Lying in a horizontal position was the best way of (38) weightlessness.

A. simulated    

B. simulate      

C. to simulate  

D. simulating*

Câu hỏi 338 :

That's even tougher than it sounds, especially when you (39) that no visitors were permitted.

A. reckon                                       

B. realise              

C. regard                       

D. remark

Câu hỏi 339 :

Everyone was in a good (40) at the end of the 90 days. I would do it again,’ said one of the volunteers

A. attitude       

B. spirit           

C. feeling        

D. mood

Câu hỏi 340 :

Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct word or phrase that best fits each of the numbered blanks from 41 to 45.

In summary, for most visitors, the Japanese are complex and difficult to understand. The graceful act of bowing is the traditional greeting. However, they have also adopted the western custom of shaking hands, but with a light grip. Meanwhile, to (41)_____ respect for their customs, it would flatter them to offer a slight bow when being introducded. It is a good idea to avoid hugging and kissing when greeting. It is considered rude to. stare. Prolonged direct eye contact is considered to be (42) or even intimidating. It is rude to stand (43) ______ your hand or hands in your pockets, especially when greeting someone (44)_____ when addressing a group of people. The seemingly simple act of exchanging business cards ismore complex in Japan because the business card represents not only one's identity but also his status in life. Yours should be printed in your own language and in Japanese. The Japanese are not a touch-oriented society; so avoid open displays of affection, touching or any prolonged form of body contact. Queues are generally respected; especially in crowded train and subway stations (45)_____ the huge volume of people causes touching and pushing.

A. show                                         

B. draw               

C. pay                           

D. point

Câu hỏi 341 :

Meanwhile, to (41)_____ respect for their customs, it would flatter them to offer a slight bow when being introducded.

A. impolitely   

B. impoliteness            

C. politely       

D. impolite

Câu hỏi 342 :

It is rude to stand (43) ______ your hand or hands in your pockets,

A. about          

B. with            

C. for  

D. upon

Câu hỏi 343 :

especially when greeting someone (44)_____ when addressing a group of people.

A. or                                              

B. either               

C. but                            

D. nor

Câu hỏi 344 :

Queues are generally respected; especially in crowded train and subway stations (45)_____ the huge volume of people causes touching and pushing.

A. where                                       

B. which              

C. when                        

D. that

Câu hỏi 346 :

each (47) ______ 15 minutes between classes, no matter how cold or wet the weather is.

A. spending     

B. taking         

C. lasting         

D. continuing

Câu hỏi 348 :

This insight is supported by research, (49) _______ has found little academic benefit in childhood for any

A. what                                         

B. who                 

C. that                           

D. which

Câu hỏi 351 :

The world today is faced with many (2)_____ threats

A. chief           

B. significant   

C. major          

D. main

Câu hỏi 352 :

People all over the world are worried (3)______ things that are happening to the environment.

A. with     

B. about               

C. of                             

D. by

Câu hỏi 356 :

and auditory-memory problem that (7) _______the child from

A. avoid         

B. help                 

C. encourage                 

D. prevent

Câu hỏi 357 :

Considered an "invisible" (8) ) _______ , such learning

A. barrier          

B. retard              

C. disabled                   

D. handicap

Câu hỏi 358 :

the children go to school. (9) _______  the child at about

A. If                   

B. When                                

C. Although

D. Because

Câu hỏi 359 :

Kindergarteners should (10)______the ABCs.

A.. read   

B. remember    

C. recognize    

D. pronounce

Câu hỏi 361 :

the animals____(12)___feed on it may also die or

A. who                            

B. where              

C. that                           

D. when

Câu hỏi 362 :

lets the seeds ____(13)___. Polluting the air, soil, and water

A. out  

B. in   

C. go   

D. fly

Câu hỏi 363 :

ecosystems ____(14)___ the rivers. Bulldozing wetlands

A. on                           

B. around            

C. over                          

D. under

Câu hỏi 364 :

of___(15)____ fish, cutting down trees, and building dams

A. catching     

B. holding           

C. carrying                    

D. taking

Câu hỏi 366 :

you’ll want (17)_______what yours is saying

A. know          

B. knowing     

C. to knowing 

D. to know

Câu hỏi 367 :

youlack (18) _______. If your posture is straight

A. confidence      

B. confide           

C. confiding                 

D. confident

Câu hỏi 368 :

A person (19) _______ doesn’t look away is expressing a challenge

A. whom                 

B. who                 

C. whose                       

D. which

Câu hỏi 369 :

gestures can mean a person is (20) _______ in theconversation.

A. interest           

B. interested        

C. interestingly             

D. interesting

Câu hỏi 371 :

Earth’s other very large lakes, __(22)__ more than

A. are  

B. which can be          

C. they are      

D. which being

Câu hỏi 372 :

Lake Victoria __(23)__ a much older body of water

A. views                  

B. likes                     

C. portrays                 

D. resembles

Câu hỏi 373 :

Usually, lakes need a much longer time __(24)__ by a diverse array

A. they are populated

B. is populated 

C. to become populated   

D. becoming populated

Câu hỏi 374 :

There are __(25)__ 500 different species

A. as many as           

B. as many               

C. many                     

D. too many

Câu hỏi 375 :

Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct word orphrasethat best fits eachof the numbered blanks from 26 to 30.




The Prime Minister's comments yesterday on education spending miss the point, as the secondary education system also needs a major overhaul. Firstly, the system only views the weakest learners as having special needs. The brightest and most conscientious students are not encouraged to develop to their full (26)_____. Secondly, there's too much testing and not enough learning. My fifteen-year-old daughter, for example, has just spent the last month or so (27)_____ for exams. These aren't even real, important exams, as her GCSEs will be next year. They're just mock exams. Is the work she's been doing really going to make her more knowledgeable about her subjects, or will she forget it all tomorrow? I suspect the (28)_____.

Thirdly, the standard (29)_____ doesn't give students any tuition in developing practical work-related, living and social skills, or in skills necessary for higher education. How many students entering university have the first idea what the difference is between plagiarising someone else's work and (30)_____ good use of someone else's ideas? Shouldn't they have been taught this at school? How many of them are really able to go about self-study skill that's essential at university because there are no teachers to tell you what to do - in an efficient way? Indeed, hoe many students graduate from university totally unable to spell even simple English words correctly? The system is letting our children down.

A. plan                    

B. fame                

C. potential                 

D. achievement

Câu hỏi 376 :

the last month or so (27)_____ for exams. These aren't even real,

A. reading       

B. lecturing     

C. cheating      

D. cramming

Câu hỏi 377 :

she forget it all tomorrow? I suspect the (28)_____.

A. latter             

B. frontier            

C. later                        

D. latest

Câu hỏi 378 :

Thirdly, the standard (29)_____ doesn't give students

A. timetable    

B. curriculum  

C. lecture        

D. seminar

Câu hỏi 379 :

someone else's work and (30)_____ good

A. having        

B. taking         

C. making       

D. creating

Câu hỏi 381 :

Singapore is one (32) ___ The Four Asian

A. of    

B. in    

C. for  

D. at

Câu hỏi 382 :

Manufacturing constituted 26 (33)____ of Singapore’s

A. percentage  

B. persuasion   

C. perception  

D. percent

Câu hỏi 383 :

petroleum refining, chemicals, (34)___           engineering and

A. machine      

B. mechanical  

C. mechanically          

D. mechanic

Câu hỏi 384 :

London, New York City (35)_____ Tokyo.

A. and 

B. but  

C. or    

D. so

Câu hỏi 386 :

They borrowed a sofa (37) ____ was also old but they

A. whom         

B. which          

C. who            

D. where

Câu hỏi 387 :

the road. (38)____, the road wasn’t busy

A. Luckily       

B. Lucky         

C. Unluckily   

D. Unlucky

Câu hỏi 388 :

We lived there (39) ____I was ten and we were very happy.

A. when          

B. after            

C. until            

D. to

Câu hỏi 389 :

We all (40) ____sad when we left.

A. spent      

B. thought           

C. had                           

D. felt

Câu hỏi 391 :

today are (42) ____ to the Internet to download

A. connecting    

B. looking            

C. searching                  

D. linking

Câu hỏi 392 :

limited to their school’s (43) ____ of books. In many

A. select          

B. selection     

C. selective     

D. selectively

Câu hỏi 393 :

have to (44) ____ sure that the information they

A. do   

B. make           

C. get  

D. come

Câu hỏi 394 :

This is because online (45) ____ allow students

A. systems       

B. materials     

C. sources       

D. structures

Câu hỏi 396 :

This can be (47) _____, but sometimes it is the only way to survive

A. conventional           


C. exhaustive  

D. meaningful

Câu hỏi 397 :

However, living on a (48) _____ budget is good

A. tight            

B. short           

C. standard     

D. firm

Câu hỏi 398 :

Everyone should learn to live within their (49)_____. Unfortunately

A. salaries        

B. money         

C. means         

D. values

Câu hỏi 399 :

So, if you want to (50) ____ it in this world,

A. do                           

B. make               

C. get                            

D. Have

Câu hỏi 401 :

with remaining 93% sent nonverbal (2)_______. Humans

A. postures             

B. expressions     

C. thought                    

D. gestures

Câu hỏi 402 :

There are (3)_______ areas where nonverbal

A. numerous 

B. sum                 

C. amount                     

D. great deal

Câu hỏi 403 :

communication is more (4)_______

than verbal, especially

A. effectiveness   

B. effect             

C. effectively                

D. effective

Câu hỏi 404 :

necessary to (5)_______ send complex messages

A. get  

B. make           

C. have            

D. help

Câu hỏi 405 :

Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct word or phrase that best fits each of the numbered blanks from 6 to 10.

In European and North American cultures, body language behaviors can be divided into 2 groups: open or closed and forward or backward.

Open/closed postures are the easiest to (6)__________. People are open to messages when they show open hands, face you fully, and have both feet on the ground. This indicates that they are (7)__________ to listen to what you are saying, even if they are disagreeing with you. When people are closed to messages, they have their arms folded or their legs crossed, and they may turn their bodies away. This body language usually means that people are rejecting your message.

Forward or backward behavior reveals an active or a passive (8)__________ to what is being said. If people lean forward with their bodies toward you, they are actively engaged in your message. They may be accepting or rejecting it, but their minds are on (9)__________ you are saying. On the other hand, if people lean back in their chairs or look away from you, or perform activities such as drawing or cleaning their eyeglasses, you know that they are either passively taking in your message or that they are ignoring it. In(10)__________ case, they are not very much engaged in the conversation.

A. indicate      

B. do                   

C. refer                         

D. recognize

Câu hỏi 406 :

This indicates that they are (7)__________ to listen

A. likely             

B. reluctant          

C. able                          

D. willing

Câu hỏi 407 :

a passive (8)__________ to what is being said

A. reaction      

B. opinion       

C. behavior     

D. knowledge

Câu hỏi 408 :

but their minds are on (9)__________ you are saying

A. who            

B. what           

C. that 

D. things

Câu hỏi 409 :

In(10)__________ case, they are not very much engaged

A. other           

B. both            

C. either          

D. another

Câu hỏi 411 :

before you (12)_______ the age of 16, you will study

A. reach                     

B. come               

C. approach                  

D. go

Câu hỏi 412 :

you can select (13)_____, such as music, drama, geography

A. other           

B. each other   

C. another       

D. others

Câu hỏi 413 :

provide a good all-round education (14)_______ you can

A. what           

B. that 

C. where         

D. whose

Câu hỏi 414 :

build (15)______ at colleage and eventually at university.

A. on   

B. at    

C. in    

D. for

Câu hỏi 416 :

(17) ______ on people we meet almost immediately

A. prejudice     

B. judgement       

C. impression                

D. doubt

Câu hỏi 417 :

It makes (18) ______ that we create a better first

A. logic                

B. sense               

C. interest                     

D. friends

Câu hỏi 418 :

interests(19) ______ common, the other person may

A. in    

B. by   

C. with            

D. to

Câu hỏi 419 :

from abroad who (20)______a foreign language

A. speaks         

B. asks 

C. says 

D. talks

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