Trang chủ Đề thi & kiểm tra Lớp 12 Tiếng anh Đề kiểm tra giữa học kì 2 môn Tiếng Anh 12 có đáp án (Mới nhất) !!

Đề kiểm tra giữa học kì 2 môn Tiếng Anh 12 có đáp án (Mới nhất) !!

Câu hỏi 6 :

The Green Party is dedicated to protecting the environment.

A. appealing

B. committed

C. specialized

D. admitted

Câu hỏi 10 :

Roger and Emily are talking about Roger's result at MasterChef cooking show. - Emily: "Your parents must be proud of you." - Roger:

A. Of course

B. I'm glad you like it.

C. Search me.

D. Thanks. That's certainly encouraging

Câu hỏi 12 :

We spent a week visiting the wonders of Ancient Greek______

A. humanity

B. civilization

C. constitution

D. philosophy

Câu hỏi 13 :

The culture has been_____ with the arrival of immigrants.

A. improved

B. recognized

C. adopted

D. diversified

Câu hỏi 14 :

The idea is to kill the animal as quickly as possible without causing unnecessary_____

A. relief

B. suffering

C. vision

D. treatment

Câu hỏi 15 :

By the mid-1960s most_____ had won their independence.

A. thinkers

B. advocates

C. colonies

D. initiators

Câu hỏi 16 :

They were bitterly_____ of the fact that they had to work such long hours.

A. resentful

B. sympathetic

C. impartial

D. relieved

Câu hỏi 17 :

______, the ball was close to the line, but I'm sure it wasn't out.

A. Admitted

B. Admittedly

C. Admission

D. Admittance

Câu hỏi 18 :

He was presented with a gold watch in_____ of his years as club secretary.

A. recognizably

B. recognizable

C. recognition

D. recognizing

Câu hỏi 19 :

The company has made losses in both its_____ and international operations.

A. domestic

B. domesticate

C. domesticity

D. domesticated

Câu hỏi 22 :

You____ worry - I'm not going to mention it to anyone.

A. wouldn't

B. needn't

C. mustn't

D. can't

Câu hỏi 23 :

Most of the beautiful buildings in our city______by exhaust gasses from cars and factories.

A. was destroyed

B. have destroyed

C. are being destroyed

D. destroyed

Câu hỏi 24 :

Many things that by hand______by machine.

A. used to be doing / are now doing

B. used to do / are now doing

C. used to do / are now done

D. used to be done / are now done

Câu hỏi 25 :

Many things that by hand______by machine.

A. used to be doing / are now doing

B. used to do / are now doing

C. used to do / are now done

D. used to be done / are now done

Câu hỏi 26 :

It gets_____ to understand what the professor has explained.

A. the more difficult

B. more difficult than

C. the most difficult

D. more and more difficult

Câu hỏi 27 :

Planes were unable to_____ from Gatwick owing to high winds.

A. turn on

B. take off

C. go away

D. set up

Câu hỏi 28 :

I can't believe how much John____ his father. They look and act exactly the same.

A. looks after

B. takes after

C. keeps up

D. catches up

Câu hỏi 29 :

I'm gaining weight so I'm trying to_____fatty food

A. cut down on

B. get over

C. go in for

D. do without

Câu hỏi 30 :

Ann: "The book is by T.C.Smith.” -Marie: "What does the T.C.____?"

A. stand for

A. stand for

C. set off

D. look up

Câu hỏi 31 :

After she_____all the greetings cards, the singer____ a short thank-you speech.

A. has read / make

B. was reading/made

C. had read/made

D. read / had made

Câu hỏi 32 :

They_____ any junk mail since they_____ house.

A. hadn't received / moved

B. don't receive / had moved

C. didn't receive / have moved

D. haven't received/moved

Câu hỏi 37 :

Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the sentence that is closest in meaning to each of the following questions.

 It was a mistake for Tony to buy that house.

A. Tony might not have bought that house.

B. Tony can't have bought that house.

C. Tony needn't have bought that house.

C. Tony needn't have bought that house.

Câu hỏi 38 :

A supermarket is more convenient than a shopping centre.

A. A shopping centre is not as convenient as a supermarket.

B. A shopping centre is more convenient than a supermarket.

C. A supermarket is the most convenient place to go shopping.

D. A shopping centre is the least convenient place to go shopping

Câu hỏi 39 :

Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the sentence that best combines each pair of sentences in the following questions.

I work harder than before. I get better grades.

A. The work I do is harder, so I get better grades.

B. I work harder than before even if I get better grades.

C. The harder I work, the better grades I get.

D. The work I do is better, so I work harder.

Câu hỏi 40 :

The other passengers will get on the bus soon. Then we'll leave.

A. We'll leave before the other passengers get on the bus.

B. As soon as the other passengers get on the bus, we'll leave.

C. Unless we don't leave, the other passengers will get on the bus.

D. Before we'll leave, the other passengers will get on the bus.

Câu hỏi 46 :

Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the following questions.

According to the best evidence gathered by space probes and astronomers, Mars is an inhospitable planet, more similar to Earth's Moon than to Earth itself - a dry, stark, seemingly lifeless world. Mars' air pressure is equal to Earth's at an altitude of 100,000 feet. The air there is 95 percent carbon dioxide.

Mars has no ozone layer to screen out the sun's lethal radiation. Daytime temperatures may reach above freezing, but because the planet is blanketed by the mere wisp of an atmosphere, the heat radiates back into space. Even at the equator, the temperature drops to -50C (-60F) at night. Today there is no liquid water, although valleys and channels on the surface show evidence of having been carved by running water. The polar ice caps are made of frozen water and carbon dioxide, and water may be frozen in the ground as permafrost.

Despite these difficult conditions, certain scientists believe that there is a possibility of transforming Mars into a more Earth-like planet. Nuclear reactors might be used to melt frozen gases and eventually build up the atmosphere. This in turn could create a "greenhouse effect" that would stop heat from radiating back into space. Liquid water could be thawed to form a polar ocean. Once enough ice has melted, suitable plants could be introduced to build up the level of oxygen in the atmosphere so that, in time, the planet would support animal life from Earth and even permanent human colonies. "This was once thought to be so far in the future as to be irrelevant," said Christopher McKay, a research scientist at NASA. "But now it's starting to look practical. We could begin work in four or five decades."

The idea of "terra-forming" Mars, as enthusiasts call it, has its roots in science fiction. But as researchers develop a more profound understanding of how Earth's ecology supports life, they have begun to see how it may be possible to create similar conditions on Mars. Don't plan on homesteading on Mars any time soon, though. The process could take hundreds or even thousands of years to complete and the cost would be staggering.

What does the passage mainly discuss?

A. The possibility of changing the Martian environment

B. The challenge of interplanetary travel

C. The advantages of establishing colonies on Mars

D. The need to study Martian ecology

Câu hỏi 47 :

The word "there" in paragraph 1 refers to

A. a point 100 miles above the Earth

B. Earth's Moon

C. Mars

D. Earth

Câu hỏi 48 :

The "greenhouse effect" mentioned in paragraph 3 is

A. the direct result of nuclear reactions

A. the direct result of nuclear reactions

C. caused by the introduction of green plants

D. a possible means of warming Mars

Câu hỏi 49 :

According to Christopher McKay, the possibility of transforming Mars

A. could only occur in science fiction stories

B. will not begin for hundreds, even thousands of years

C. is completely impractical

D. could be started in forty to fifty years

Câu hỏi 50 :

According to the passage, the basic knowledge needed to transform Mars comes from

A. the science of astronomy

B. a knowledge of Earth's ecology

C. data from space probes

D. science fiction stories

Câu hỏi 52 :

Life on Earth is disappearing fast and will continue to do so unless urgent action is taken.

A. vanishing

B. damaging

C. polluting

D. destroying

Câu hỏi 54 :

Fruit and vegetables grew in abundance on the island. The islanders even exported the surplus

A. large quantity

B. excess

C. small quantity

D. sufficiency

Câu hỏi 61 :

Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the sentence that is closest in meaning to each of the following questions.

He could escape from hurt because he was wearing protective clothes.

A. Thanks to his protective clothes, he could escape from hurt.

B. His protective clothes made him hurt

C. Due to his protective clothes, he was hurt.

D. His being hurt made his unable to wear protective clothes.

Câu hỏi 62 :

"I will ring you up after I get home." Peter said to Mary.

A. Peter promised to give Mary a wedding ring after he got home.

B. Peter asked Mary to pay him a visit after he got home.

C. Peter promised to visit Mary after he got home.

D. Peter promised to telephone Mary after he got home.

Câu hỏi 63 :

Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the sentence that best combines each pair of sentences in the following questions.

 Peter told us about his leaving the school. He did it on his arrival at the meeting.

A. Only after his leaving the school did Peter inform us of his arrival at the meeting.

B. Not until Peter told us that he would leave the school did he arrive at the meeting

C. Hardly had Peter informed us about his leaving the school when he arrived at the meeting.

D. No sooner had Peter arrived at the meeting than he told us about his leaving the school.

Câu hỏi 64 :

I started training to be an accountant six months ago. I've got more months to go and then I have to take exams.

I started training to be an accountant six months ago. I've got more months to go and then I have to take exams.

B. By the time I take my exam, I will have been in training to be an accountant for a year

C. By the time I took my exam, I would have trained to be an accountant for a year.

D. By the time I've taken my exam, I will be training for a year.

Câu hỏi 66 :

Havy: "Thanks for your help, Judy." - Judy: "

A. With all my heart

B. Never remind me

C. It's my pleasure

D. Wish you

Câu hỏi 69 :

The UN (19)____in peacekeeping and humanitarian missions across the globe

A. puts off

B. looks down

C. takes part

D. makes use

Câu hỏi 72 :

Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the questions.

Pollution is a threat to many species on Earth, but sometimes it can cause species to thrive. Such is the case with Pfiesteria piscicida. A one-celled creature called a dinoflagellate, Pfiesteria inhabits warm coastal areas and river mouths, especially along the eastern United States. Although scientists have found evidence of Pfiesteria in 3,000-year-old seafloor sediments and dinoflagellates are thought to be one of the oldest life forms on earth, few people took notice of Pfiesteria.

Lately, however, blooms - or huge, dense populations- of Pfiesteria are appearing in coastal waters, and in such large concentrations the dinoflagellates become ruthless killers. The blooms emit powerful toxins that weaken and entrap fish that swim into the area. The toxins eventually cause the fish to develop large bleeding sores through which the tiny creatures attack, feasting on blood and flesh. Often the damage is astounding. During a 1991 fish kill, which was blamed on Pfiesteria on North Carolina's Neuse River, nearly one billion fish died and bulldozers had to be brought in to clear the remains from the river. Of course, such events can have a devastating effect on commercially important fish, but that is just one way that Pfiesteria causes problems. The toxins it emits affect human skin in much the same way as they affect fish skin. Additionally, fishermen and others who have spent time near Pfiesteria blooms report that the toxins seem to get into the air, where once inhaled they affect the nervous system, causing severe headaches, blurred vision, nausea, breathing difficulty, short-term memory loss and even cognitive impairment.

For a while, it seemed that deadly Pfiesteria blooms were a threat only to North Carolina waters, but the problem seems to be spreading. More and more, conditions along the east coast seem to be favorable for Pfiesteria. Researchers suspect that pollutants such as animal waste from livestock operations, fertilizers washed from farmlands and wastewater from mining operations have probably all combined to promote the growth of Pfiesteria in coastal waters.

What is true of Pfiesteria?

A. It seems to flourish in the presence of certain pollutants

B. It has been a menace to fish and humans for over 3000 years.

C. It is the oldest life form on earth.

D. In large concentrations, it poses a threat to fish but not to humans.

Câu hỏi 73 :

What is the main function of the toxins emitted by the dinoflagellates?

A. They are quick-acting poisons that kill fish within minutes.

B. They weaken the fish just long enough for the tiny creatures to attack

C. They damage the nervous system of potential predators.

D. They cause fish to develop wounds on which creatures feed.

Câu hỏi 74 :

All of the following are true, according to the passage, EXCEPT

A. Pfiesteria caused the death of about one billion fish in the late 1990s

B. animal and chemical waste from farmlands, livestock and mining operations may contribute to the expansion of Pfiesteria

C. Pfiesteriawas not commonly noticed despite scientific findings

D. the toxic substances emitted by Pfiesteria have a similar effect on human and fish skins

Câu hỏi 75 :

The word "astounding" in the passage is closest in meaning to

A. continual

B. incredible

C. spectacular

D. apprehensive

Câu hỏi 76 :

According to the paragraph 2, what will NOT happen if one breathes the toxic air?

A. nausea

B. visual impairments

C. circulatory difficulty

D. terrible headaches

Câu hỏi 81 :

Mary will have finished all her work _ her boss returns

A. as soon as

B. until her

C. by the time

D. when

Câu hỏi 82 :

The stranger______me and asked, "Is there a post office near here?"

A. came on to

B. came away from

C. came out of

C. came out of

Câu hỏi 83 :

People should eat____ and do____to reduce the risk of heart disease.

A. less fat / more exercise

B. less and less fat / the more exercise

C. the less fat/ the more exercise

D. fatter/more exercise

Câu hỏi 84 :

I think the match____ Everybody's gone into the stadium and you can hear them cheering.

A. was started

B. will be started

C. must have started

D. must started

Câu hỏi 85 :

The world's biodiversity is declining at an unprecedented rate, which makes wildlife____

A. prosperous

A. prosperous

C. vulnerable

D. remained

Câu hỏi 86 :

Women's status____in different countries and it depends on the cultural beliefs.

A. varies

B. employs

B. employs

D. establishes

Câu hỏi 88 :

My brother has given up smoking. He used to____20 cigarettes a day.

A. have smoked

B. smoking

B. smoking

D. be smoked

Câu hỏi 89 :

Most of the children were excited for the competition "Ring the Bell",____?

A. haven't they

B. weren't they

C. aren't they

D. were they

Câu hỏi 96 :

Geography is a very interesting subject, very few people study it thoroughly.

A. Because

B. Despite

C. Therefore

D. Although

Câu hỏi 97 :

Rose_____an international prize for nature photography last year.

A. won

B. has won

C. was winning

D. has been winning

Câu hỏi 98 :

Our environment is _ because of serious pollution.

A. threat

B. threatening

C. threatened

D. threaten

Câu hỏi 99 :

The painting I bought last week was very expensive.

A. who

B. what

C. when

D. which

Câu hỏi 100 :

If you had taken my advice, you your job.

A. will not have lost

B. would not lost

C. will not lose

D. would not have lost

Câu hỏi 101 :

To save energy, we should remember to the lights before going out.

A. turn up

B. turn off

C. turn on

D. turn down

Câu hỏi 102 :

You make the same mistake again, otherwise you will lose your job.

A. mustn't

B. should

C. may not

D. needn't

Câu hỏi 105 :

Berkeley Primary school was in 1930, originally as a separate infant and junior school.

A. founded

B. found

C. creating

D. created

Câu hỏi 106 :

Books are a wonderful source           knowledge and pleasure.

A. with   

B. in

C. of

D. about

Câu hỏi 107 :

Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the sentence that best completes each of the following exchanges.

A. How many colors?

B. That's right.

C. Sorry to hear that.

D. Congratulations!

Câu hỏi 108 :

Mary: What an attractive hair style you have got, Jane!

Jane:               .

A. Thank you very much. I am afraid         

B. Thank you for your compliment

C. You are telling a lie                              

D. Don’t mention it

Câu hỏi 110 :

The United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization(UNESCO), was established in 1946.

A. found out          

B. set up                

C. put away           

D. run through

Câu hỏi 112 :

An optimistic person always sees things on the bright sides.

A. difficult             

B. intelligent          

C. pessimistic        

D. comfortable

Câu hỏi 114 :

Which of the following statements is NOT TRUE about tropical forests?

A.   They slow down the greenhouse effect.

B.      They are in danger.

C.      They have provided us with many useful things

D.   The total area of the tropical forests is twice as large as Australia.

Câu hỏi 115 :

The word “It” in line 7 means _

A. The greenhouse effect                           

B. Australia


C. The forest destruction                          

D. The World Wildlife Fund

Câu hỏi 116 :

The word “annually” is closest in meaning to      .

A. every decade     

B. every century     

C. every two years       

D. every year

Câu hỏi 117 :

What is the aim of the World Wildlife Fund?

What is the aim of the World Wildlife Fund?

B. paying no attention to forests

C. giving aid to protect and save forests

D. giving little money to protect forests

Câu hỏi 119 :

Growing crops and raise animals for food are among the most important steps ever taken by mankind.

Growing crops and raise animals for food are among the most important steps ever taken by mankind.

B. for                       

C. are                      

D. most

Câu hỏi 120 :

One of the longest wars in history were the Hundred Years’ War, fought between England and France in the fourteenth and fifteenth centuries.

A. were                   

B. the longest           

C. fought                 

. centuries

Câu hỏi 121 :

Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the sentence that is closest in meaning to each of the following questions.

 If you practice harder, you will have better results.

A. The hardest you practice, the most results you will have.

B. The harder you practice, the best results you will have.

C. The more hardly you practice, the better results you will have.

D. The harder you practice, the better results you will have.

Câu hỏi 122 :

He is not old enough to do the volunteer work.

A. He is very young that he can’t do the volunteer work.

B. He can’t do the volunteer work because of his old age.

C. He is too young to do the volunteer work.

D. His youngster prevents him from doing the volunteer work.

Hướng dẫn giải:

Câu hỏi 123 :

“I would study English If I were you,” Mai’s friend said.

A. Mai’s friend advised her to study English.

B. Mai’s friend said that she was like Mai.

C. Mai asked her friend to study English.

D. Mai’s friend advised her to have study English.

Câu hỏi 124 :

Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the sentence that best combines each pair of sentences in the following questions.

He was exhausted by his work. He threw himself on his bed.

A. Was exhausted by his work, he threw himself on his bed.

B. Exhausted by his work, he threw himself on his bed.

C. Threw himself on his bed, exhausted by his work.

D. Exhaust by his work, he threw himself on his bed.

Câu hỏi 125 :

She didn’t shed a tear as the play ended in tragedy.

A. The tragedy play wasn’t good for her to shed tear.

B. So tragic was the play that she didn’t shed a tear.

C. Not a tear did she shed when the play ended in tragedy.

D. Without her tear, the play didn’t end tragically.

Câu hỏi 127 :

The primary causes of species extinction are habitat destruction, commercial (37)  and pollution.





Câu hỏi 129 :

(39)       , different conservation efforts have been





Câu hỏi 130 :

(40)_____ in order to save endangered species.




Câu hỏi 131 :

Mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the most suitable response to complete each of the following exchanges.

Ann: “Passing a university entrance exam is not difficult.” - John: “_____.”

A.   I couldn’t agree more. It is not easy at all.

B.   But I don’t. I failed it last year.

C.   I do, too. I passed it last year.

D.    You must be kidding. It’s not easy.

Câu hỏi 132 :

Mary: “Our team has just won that English Competition.” - Anne: “_____”

A.   Good ideas. Thanks for the news.

B.   Well, that’s very surprising

C.   Yes, I guess it’s very good

D.   Yes, it’s our pleasure

Câu hỏi 133 :

Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the questions.

Facebook is a for-profit online social media and social networking service. The Facebook website was launched on February 4th, 2004 by Mark Zuckerberg, along with fellow Harvard College students and roommates. Since 2006, anyone age 13 and older has been allowed to become a registered user of Facebook though variations exist in minimum age requirement, depending on applicable local laws.

Over 25 million people in the Uk use Facebook. That’s 45% of population! And on average, each user spends over six hours a month on Facebook. Though not the highest this is a considerable number. Is Facebook is a dangerous obsession or just harmless fun? Seventeen- year-old Bethan has written on her blog about what it was like to stop using Facebook.

I think I am a Facebook addict. I log on to Facebook everyday to chat to my friends real friends and loads of online friends. Sometimes I have ten conversations going at the same time. I upload photos and update my Facebook profile all the time. But recently I’ve started to feel worried if I am offline for more than a few hours. And then last week I forgot to meet a real friend because I was online! I’ve realized I could have a problem. So I’ve decided to give it up for a while.

I found it really hard. Facebook and my friends demanded to know why I had left. I spent the first few evenings wondering what everyone was chatting on Facebook. I even phoned a couple of friends to find out.

The fourth night I wasn’t quite so bad. I actually concentrated on my homework better and I had more time to watch my TV programmes. And I spoke to my friends during the day at school. At the end of the first week, I reactivated my account. I think Facebook is fun and it’s useful for posting messages to friends and sharing photos. But I’ll try not to spend so much time on it in the future.

Which of the following is NOT true about Facebook users in the UK?

A. 45% of the country’s population used Facebook.

B. More than 25 millions of Brits use Facebook.

C. The amount of time British users spent on Facebook is highest.

D. Averagely, 6 hours per month are spent by British users.

Câu hỏi 134 :

The highlight word “it” in the passage refers to_____.

A.   worrying

B.   facebook

C.   a problem

D.    meeting her real friend

Câu hỏi 135 :

Facebook _______.

A.   was non-profitable

B.   was launched solely by Mark Zuckerberg.

C.   follows each country’s regulation.

D. can be used by people of all ages

Câu hỏi 136 :

Which of the following is NOT the thing Bethan does as a Facebook addict?

A.   be curious about Facebook activities when logging out.

B. have numerous online conversation at the same time

C.   use Facebook everyday

D.   long to be offline nearly all the time.

Câu hỏi 137 :

The word “applicable” in paragraph 1 is closest in meaning to_____.

A.   different

B.   unsuitable

C.   relevant

D.   opposite

Câu hỏi 138 :

What does Bethan conclude about Facebook?

A.   The best use of Facebook is to share photos and messages.

B.   Facebook is not as good as TV.

C.   Users should spend more time on Facebook.

D.   Facebook is great as long as not too much time is spent on.

Câu hỏi 139 :

What happened to make Bethan decide to quit Facebook for a while?

A.   She forgot an offline meeting.

B.   She started to feel nervous.

C.   She had too many offline friends.

D.   She uploaded too many photos.

Câu hỏi 140 :

When she decided to give up Facebook_____.

A.   her friends didn’t care much

B.   she found it too difficult to continue

C.   she found it too difficult to continue

D.   she couldn’t focus on her homework

Câu hỏi 143 :

Mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the best answer of each following questions.

“You stole my best cassette, Bob.” said Willy

A. Willy accused Bob on stealing his best cassette.

B. Willy accused Bob for stealing his best cassette.

C. Willy accused Bob at stealing his best cassette.

D. Willy accused Bob of stealing his best cassette.

Câu hỏi 144 :

If you don’t have his number, you can’t phone him.

A.   You can phone him unless you have his number.

B.   You can’t phone him unless you have his number.

C.   You can phone him unless you don’t have his number.

D.   You can’t phone him unless you don’t have his number.

Câu hỏi 145 :

There are many things I want for Christmas. Some are clothes, toys and money.

 A. Clothes, toys and money are all the things I want for Christmas.

 B. If there are clothes, toys and money, I want them for Christmas.

 C. Although I want many things for Christmas, I have clothes, toys and money.

 D. There are many things I want for Christmas, including clothes, toys and money.

Câu hỏi 146 :

Tom and May never help at home. The reason is because their mother never asks to.

A.   Tom and May never help at home and their mother never asks to.

B.   Tom and May never help at home because their mother never asks to.

C.   Tom and May never help at home so their mother never asks to.

D.   In order not to help at home by Tom and May, their mother never asks.

Câu hỏi 147 :

Mr Pike is repairing the refrigerator in the kitchen at the moment.

A.   The refrigerator is being repaired in the kitchen at the moment by Mr Pike.

B.   The refrigerator is repaired in the kitchen by Mr Pike at the moment.

C.   The refrigerator is being repaired in the kitchen by Mr Pike at the moment.

D.   The refrigerator is being repaired at the moment by Mr Pike in the kitchen.

Câu hỏi 151 :

If you think carefully before making your decision, you will avoid to get into trouble later.

A. to get     

B. later

C. carefully

D. making

Câu hỏi 152 :

The books writing by Mark Twain are very popular in the world.

A. very     

B. by

C. in   

D. writing

Câu hỏi 154 :

When being interviewed, you should concentrate on what the interviewer is saying or asking you.

A.   relate on

B.   be interested in

C.   impress on

D.   pay attention to

Câu hỏi 156 :

He had never experienced such discourtesy towards the president as it occurred at annual meeting in May.

A. encouragement

B. rudeness

C. measurement

D. politeness

Câu hỏi 159 :

Nancy McCormick Rambusch is credited with (29) ______ the method in the United States, where today there are over 400 Montessori schools.

Nancy McCormick Rambusch is credited with (29) ______ the method in the United States, where today there are over 400 Montessori schools.

B. popularity

C. popularize

D. popularizing

Câu hỏi 162 :

Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the questions.

It’s a sound you will probably never hear, a sickened tree sending out a distress signal. But a group of scientists has heard the cries, and they think some insects also hear the trees and are drawn to them like vulture to a dying animal. Researchers with the US Department of Agriculture’s Forest Service fastened sensors to the bark of drought-stricken trees clearly heard distress calls. According to one of the scientists, most parched trees transmit their plight in the 50-hertz to 50kilohertz range. (The unaided human ear can detect no more than 20 kilohertz). Red oak, maple, white pine, and birch all make slightly different sounds in the form of vibrations at the surface of the wood.

The scientists think that the vibrations are created when the water columns inside tubes that run along the length of the tree break, a result of too little water following through them.

These fractured columns send out distinctive vibration patterns. Because some insects communicate at ultrasonic frequencies, they may pick up the trees' vibration and attack the weakened trees. Researchers are now running tests with potted trees that have been deprived of water to see if the sound is what attracts the insects. “Water-stressed trees also smell differently from other trees, and they experience thermal changes, so insects could be responding to something other than sound”, one scientist said.

All the following are mentioned as possible factors in drawing insects to weakened trees EXCEPT______.

   A. thermal changes

   A. thermal changes

   C. changes in color

   D. smells

Câu hỏi 163 :

It can be inferred from the passage that research concerning the distress signals of trees______.

   A. has been unproductive up to now

   B. is no longer sponsored by the government

   C. was conducted many years ago

   D. is continuing

Câu hỏi 164 :

Which of the following could be considered a cause of the distress signals of trees?

A.   attacks by insects

B.   experiments by scientists

C.   torn roots

D.   lack of water

Câu hỏi 165 :

Which of the following is the main topic of the passage?

A.   The effect of insects on trees.

B.   The effect of insects on trees.

C.   The mission of the U.S Forest Service.

D.   The sounds made by trees.

Câu hỏi 169 :

she’s really focusing on termite fishing and he’s spinning himself round (4)...........circles’

A. in     

B. with  

C. to     

D. through

Câu hỏi 171 :

Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the questions from 6 to 12.

Since water is the basis of life, composing the greater part of the tissues of all living things, the crucial problem of desert animals is to survive in a world where sources of flowing water are rare. And since man’s inexorable necessity is to absorb large quantities of water at frequent intervals, he can scarcely comprehend that many creatures of the desert pass their entire lives without a single drop.

Uncompromising as it is, the dessert has not eliminated life but only those forms unable to withstand its desiccating effects. No moist-skinned, water–loving animals can exist there. Few large animals are found: the giants of the North America desert are the deer, the coyote, and the bobcat. Since desert country is open, it holds more swift–footed, running, and leaping creatures than the tangled forest. Its populations are largely nocturnal, silent, filled with reticence, and ruled by stealth. Yet they are not emaciated. Having adapted to their austere environment, they are as healthy as animals anywhere in the world.

The secret of their adjustment lies in a combination of behavior and physiology. None could survive if, like mad dogs and Englishmen, they went out in the midday sun; many would die in a matter of minutes. So most of them pass the burning hours asleep in cool, humid burrows underneath the ground, emerging to hunt only by night. The surface of the sun-baked desert averages around 150 degrees, but 18 inches down the temperature is only 60 degrees.

What is the topic of the passage?

 A. Life underground

 B. Animal life in a desert environment

 C. Desert plants

 D. Man’s life in the desert

Câu hỏi 172 :

The word “desiccating” means____.

A. humidifying

B. killing

C. drying

D. life threatening

Câu hỏi 173 :

The phrase “those forms” refers to all of the following EXCEPT

A. water – loving animals

B. moist – skinned animals

C. many large animals

D. the bobcat

Câu hỏi 174 :

The author states that one characteristic of animals that live in the desert is that they ____.

A. are less healthy than animals that live in different places

B. are smaller and fleeter than forest animals

C. can hunt in temperature of 150 degrees

D. live in an accommodating environment

Câu hỏi 175 :

Which of the following generalizations are supported by the passage?

A. All living things adjust to their environments.

B. Healthy animals live longer lives.

C. Water is the basis of life.

C. Water is the basis of life.

Câu hỏi 176 :

The word “they” in paragraph 3 refers to____.

A. large animals

B. the forest animals

C. water – loving

D. the desert population.

Câu hỏi 177 :

The author mentions all the following as examples of the behavior of desert animals EXCEPT

A. they dig home underground

B. they are noisy and aggressive

C. they are ready to hunt after sunset

D. they sleep during the day

Câu hỏi 178 :

Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the questions from 13 to 20.

Baseball evolved from a number of different ball-and-stick games (paddle ball, trap ball, one-old-cat, rounders, and town ball) originating in England. As early as the American Revolution, it was noted that troops played “baseball” in their free time. In 1845 Alexander Cartwright formalized the New York Knickerbockers’ version of the game: a diamond-shaped infield, with bases ninety feet apart, three strikes – you’re – out, batter out on a caught ball, three outs per inning, a nine-man team. “The New York Game'' spread rapidly, replacing earlier localized forms. From its beginnings, baseball was seen as a way of satisfying the recreational needs of an increasingly urban–industrial society. At its inception, it was played by and for gentlemen. A club might consist of 40 members. The president would appoint two captains who would choose teams from among the members. Games were played on Monday and Thursday afternoons, with the losers often providing lavish evening entertainment for the winners.

During the 1850 - 70 period the game was changing, however, with increasing commercialism (charging admission), under–the–table payments to exceptional players, and gambling on the outcome of games. By 1868 it was said that a club would have their regular professional ten, an amateur first-nine, and their” muffins“ (the gentle duffers who once ran the game).

Beginning with the first openly all–salaried team (Cincinnati’s Red Stocking Club) in 1869, the 1870- 1890 period saw the complete professionalization of baseball, including the formation of the National Association of Professional baseball players in 1871. The National League of Professional Baseball Clubs was formed in 1876, run by business-minded inverters in joint-stock company clubs. The 1880s have been called Major League Baseball’s “Golden Age ''. Profits soared, players’ salaries rose somewhat, a season of 84 games became one of 132, a weekly periodical “The Sporting News” came into being, wooden stadiums with double-deck stands replaced open fields, and the standard refreshment became hot dogs, soda pop and peanuts. In 1900 the Western League based in the growing cities of the Midwest Proclaimed itself the American League.

What is the passage mainly about?

A. the origin of baseball.

B. the influence of the “New York Game” on baseball

C. the commercialization of baseball.

D. the development of baseball in the nineteenth century

Câu hỏi 179 :

Which of the following can be inferred from the passage?

A. the “New York “spread rapidly because it was better formalized.

B. hot dogs would not have become as popular as they did, without the professionalism and commercialism that develop in baseball.

C. the wealthy gentlemen who first played baseball, later needed to find another recreational opportunity if they did not want to mix with others or become a “muffin”.

D. business – minded investors were only interested in profits.

Câu hỏi 180 :

The word “inception” in line 8 is closest in meaning to ____.

 A. requirements

B. rules

C. insistence

 D. beginning

Câu hỏi 181 :

Which of the following is true of the way the game was played by wealthy gentlemen at its inception?

A. they didn’t play on the weekend

B. the president would choose teams from among the members

C. a team might consist of 40 members

D. they might be called “duffers” if they didn’t make the first nine.

Câu hỏi 182 :

According to the second paragraph, all of the following are true except____.

A. commercialism became more prosperous

B. the clubs are smaller

C. outstanding players got extra income

D. people gambled on the outcome of game

Câu hỏi 183 :

C. wooden stadiums replaced open fields

A. profits soared

B. a weekly periodical news

C. wooden stadiums replaced open fields

D. the National Association of Professional Baseball Players was formed.

Câu hỏi 184 :

The word “itself” in line 24 refers to____.

A. the Western League

B. growing cities

C. the Midwest

D. the American League

Câu hỏi 185 :

The word “lavish “in line 11 is closest in meaning to____.

A. very generous

B. prolongeds

C. Grand

D. extensive

Câu hỏi 196 :

____ umbrella should not be used during ______ thunderstorm.

A. a/a     

B. the/a

C. an/a     

D. no article/ a

Câu hỏi 197 :

I have had a toothache for one week but I still keep _____ going to the dentist.

A. put on       

B. taking off

C. take on     

D. putting off

Câu hỏi 198 :

She hasn’t had a _____ week. She seems to have done nothing at all.

A. productive     

B. enthusiastic

C. economic       

D. extensive

Câu hỏi 199 :

The police have not found the robbers yet and the bank robbery is still under ____

A. provision

B. investigation

C. explanation

D. division

Câu hỏi 200 :

I decided _________ the dictionary you told me about.

A. bought    

B. buy

C. buying     

D. to buy

Câu hỏi 201 :

The university ____ by private funds as well as by tuition income and grants.

A. supports

B. is supported

C. is supporting

D. has supported

Câu hỏi 202 :

She always complained ___ her parents ___ how small her room was or how few clothes she had.

A. with/ for

B. with/about

C. to/ about

D. to/ for

Câu hỏi 203 :

A native speaker of Spanish, for example, will __ to learn than a native speaker of Chinese

A. find Portuguese much easier

B. find that Portuguese is much easy

C. find Portuguese much easy

D. find Portuguese is much easier

Câu hỏi 204 :

I couldn’t help ____ when I saw your face after making up.

A. to laugh.

B. for laughing

C. laughing

D. laughed

Câu hỏi 205 :

When she _____ at the new dress for half part an hour, she asked how much it_____

A. have looked/cost

B. had looked/cost

C. has been looking/costed

C. has been looking/costed

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