Trang chủ Đề thi & kiểm tra Lớp 12 Tiếng anh Đề thi thử THPT Quốc Gia môn Tiếng Anh trường THPT Chuyên Đại Học Vinh Nghệ An lần 2 năm 2016

Đề thi thử THPT Quốc Gia môn Tiếng Anh trường THPT Chuyên Đại Học Vinh Nghệ An lần 2 năm...

Câu hỏi 2 :

The earthquake caused great devastation in California.

A confusion   

B gaps 

C ruin

D movement

Câu hỏi 3 :

He is from such an unemotional family, he will never learn to unleash his feelings.

A describe     

B conceal     

C release  

D extend

Câu hỏi 4 :

What is the main point the author makes in the passage?

A Davy Crockett wrote humorous stories about mastering the nature.

B American popular heroes were characteristically comic.

C The Davy Crockett stories reflected the adventurous spirit of early America.

D American popular literature was based on the legends of other times and places.

Câu hỏi 5 :

Achilles, Beowulf, and other heroes are mentioned in paragraph 2 to_________.

A show their similar heroic nature with the American heroes.

B show the role they play in the world legend history.

C compare their popularity with that of the American heroes.

D conclude heroic deeds described in old world heroic legends.

Câu hỏi 6 :

Which of the following is NOT mentioned as a heroic theme?

A Superior physical strength     

B Pride in the hero woman

C Fluid use of language  

D Boasting by the hero

Câu hỏi 7 :

The word “antagonists” could be best replaced by_________.

A wild animals   

B heroes     

C forces     

D opponents

Câu hỏi 8 :

Davy Crockett is an example of_________.

A a popular writer 

B a heroic theme       

C an old world hero   

D a hero-clown

Câu hỏi 9 :

In paragraph 3, the author mentions a story in which Davy Crockett_________.

A killed a wild boar 

B saved a bear  

C saved the earth    

D ate a rattlesnake

Câu hỏi 10 :

The word “exploit” in paragraph 3 is closest meaning to_________.

A resource 

B heroic act 

C skill    

D character trait

Câu hỏi 11 :

The word “prowess” in paragraph 4 is closest meaning to_________.

A goal 

B weapon 

C bravery   

D caution

Câu hỏi 12 :

In paragraph 4, the author makes the point that_________.

A American enjoyed laughing at other people.

B American writers strove to create a distinctively American literature.

C American life was open to adventure and full of the unexpected.

D Americans valued comic qualities more than heroic qualities.

Câu hỏi 13 :

The word “ambiguity” in the last paragraph is closest meaning to_________.

A ridiculous    

B richness   

C uncertainty     

D quality

Câu hỏi 14 :


A planned  

B designed

C programmed

D caused

Câu hỏi 15 :


A involve  

B require   

C reveal   

D mean

Câu hỏi 16 :


A a little  

B a few  

C little   

D few

Câu hỏi 17 :


A More and more 

B The more

C More

D Moreover

Câu hỏi 18 :


A increase

B move   

C develop

D decrease

Câu hỏi 19 :


A then 

B about 

C than  

D with

Câu hỏi 20 :


A in  

B on  

C at

D under

Câu hỏi 21 :


A sense  

B feel  

C lot  

D piece

Câu hỏi 22 :


A experienced     

B improved    

C carried out

D grown

Câu hỏi 23 :


A a run  

B a trial  

C a go   

D a start

Câu hỏi 24 :

The phone _________suddenly while Jane was doing the gardening.

A is ringing

B had rung

C was ringing 

D rang

Câu hỏi 25 :

Nam never comes to class on time and _________.

A neither doesn’t Huy

B so doesn’t Huy   

C so does Huy  

D neither does Huy

Câu hỏi 26 :

Sorry, I’m late, but my car_________ on the way here, and I had to call the garage.

A was broke  

B not working  

C out of order  

D broke down

Câu hỏi 27 :

_________ it with my own eyes, I would never have believed it.

A Had I not seen  

B Unless I had not seen

C If I had seen  

D Provided I had seen

Câu hỏi 28 :

Marie Curie was the first and only woman_________two Nobel prizes.

A that win

B to be won

C who win   

D to have won

Câu hỏi 29 :

It was in 1989_________ the Berlin Wall collapsed.

A which        

B that 

C when  

D what

Câu hỏi 30 :

The robbers were_________two years in jail.

A put  

B sent 

C ordered

D sentenced

Câu hỏi 32 :

I asked her _________she understood what I was saying.

A if not     

B if  

C if only    

D even if

Câu hỏi 33 :

I_____an old friend of mine in the street this morning. We haven’t seen each other for ages.

A ran into    

B ran out   

C came over

D came round

Câu hỏi 34 :

Tom is_________ with his teacher because he didn’t do any assignments.

A in danger 

B in the dark

C in hot water   

D under control

Câu hỏi 35 :

We can decrease the amount of waste produced at home by___ used paper, plastic and metal.

A retaining     

B reducing

C remaining  

D recycling

Câu hỏi 36 :

It was _________ furniture that I didn’t buy it.

A so expensive   

B such expensive       

C such an expensive 

D a so expensive

Câu hỏi 37 :

Charles was wearing ___________at the party.

A a tie yellow silk funny     

B very funny wide yellow silk tie

C a yellow silk funny tie     

D a funny wide yellow silk tie

Câu hỏi 38 :

_________ , Mr. Jean takes pleasure in doing charity and other social work.

A Having retired

B Retiring 

C He has retired

D Although retired

Câu hỏi 39 :

___________ Michelle tried hard, she didn’t manage to win the competition.  

A No matter how 

B Even though 

C In spite of 

D Nevertheless

Câu hỏi 40 :

My phone is out of order, _________is a nuisance.

A that      

B which 

C this  

D it

Câu hỏi 41 :

Lan :“She seems_________for the job”.   Hoa: “Yes. Everybody thinks she’s perfectly suited for it.”

A ready-made  

B home-made  

C tailor-made   

D self-made

Câu hỏi 43 :

What does the passage mainly discuss?

A The advantages of using wood in the colonies

B The effects of an abundance of wood on the colonies

C The roots of the Industrial Revolution

D The difference between charcoal iron and coke iron

Câu hỏi 44 :

The word strikingly in the first paragraph is closest in meaning to__________.

A realistically   

B dramatically

C completely 

D immediately

Câu hỏi 45 :

Which of the following is a common assumption about the forests of North America during the colonial period?

A They contained only a few types of trees.

B They existed only along the Atlantic seaboard.

C They had little or no economic value.

D They covered the entire continent.

Câu hỏi 46 :

The word “abundant” in paragraph 3 is closest meaning to_________.

A redundant    

B sufficient 

C insufficient  

D plentiful

Câu hỏi 47 :

According to the passage, by the end of the colonial period, the price of wood in Eastern cities__________.

A rose quickly because wood was becoming so scarce.

B was much higher than it was in Britain.

C was slightly higher than in previous years.

D decreased rapidly because of lower demand for wood.

Câu hỏi 48 :

What can be inferred about houses in Britain during the period written about in the passage?

A They were more expensive than American houses.

B They were generally built with imported materials.

C They were typically smaller than homes in North America.

D They were usually built from materials other than wood.

Câu hỏi 49 :

Which of the following is NOT mentioned as a source of industrial compounds?

A potash   

B charcoal    

C gunpowder     

D tannic acid

Câu hỏi 50 :

Why does the author mention gunpowder in paragraph 3?

A To illustrate the negative aspects of some industrial processes

B To remind readers that the colonial era ended in warfare

C To give an example of a product made with wood compounds

D To suggest that wood was not the only important product of the colonies

Câu hỏi 51 :

The phrase follow suit in paragraph 4 means__________.

A do the same thing  

B make an attempt  

C have the opportunity  

D take a risk

Câu hỏi 52 :

According to the passage, why was the use of coke smelting advantageous?

A It led to advances in technology.

B It was less expensive than wood smelting.

C It produced a stronger type of iron than wood smelting.

D It stimulated the demand for wood.

Câu hỏi 53 :

My mother prefers(A) cooking(B) at home than (C) eating (D) out

A prefers

B cooking

C than

D eating

Câu hỏi 57 :

She must lose (A) her way; otherwise,(B) she would (C) have arrived by now.(D)

A must lose

B otherwise

C would

D by now

Câu hỏi 58 :

He was arrested for his illicit drug trade in the police raid yesterday.

A legal    

B irregular 

C elicited 

D secret

Câu hỏi 59 :

I eat lunch with a convivial group of my friends.

A unsociable    

B large 

C old 

D lively

Câu hỏi 62 :

I haven’t seen him for twenty years. It is   ____________________

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