Trang chủ Học tập Lớp 8 Đề thi học kì 1 Lớp 8

Bộ Đề thi học kỳ 1 môn Tiếng Anh lớp 8 Chương trình mới có đáp án

Bộ Đề thi học kỳ 1 môn Tiếng Anh lớp 8 Chương trình mới có đáp án

Đề kiểm tra học kì 1 môn tiếng Anh lớp 8 Thí điểm

Hãy thử sức với Đề thi học kỳ 1 môn Tiếng Anh lớp 8 Chương trình mới năm học 2016 - 2017 có đáp án để biết khả năng hiện tại của mình cho kì thi sắp tới. Ngoài ra việc trực tiếp ôn, giải trên từng đề thi có cấu trúc cụ thể này sẽ giúp các bạn làm quen với dạng đề thi, từ đó nâng cao kĩ năng của mình và ôn tập lại kiến thức đã học. Đừng bỏ lỡ bộ sưu tập này các bạn nhé.

Năm học 2016 - 2017 (ĐỀ LẺ)

Thời gian làm bài: 45 phút

FULL NAME:....................................................... CLASS: 8....

I. Find the word with different sound in the underlined part in each line. (0. 5 pts)

1. A. country B. cloud C. loudly D. mouse

2. A. recognised B. designed C. displayed D. entered

Your answer:



II. Choose the correct option for each gap in the sentences. (2. 5pts)

1. The US is a ______ country with over 80 ethnic groups.

A. multi-cultural B. bi-lingual C. rich D. ethnic

2. The volunteers have to work much ______ usual to save the dying animals from the forest fire.

A. as hard as B. more hard than C. harder than D. the hardest

3. In 2010, Ha Noi _______ its 1000th anniversity.

A. celebrated B. commemorated C. worshiped D. remembered

4. The ______ of quan ho singing has been recognised as a world heritage.

A. preservation B. procession C. performance D. song

5. Lang Lieu couldn't buy any special food _____ he was very poor.

A. although B. when C. while D. because

6. Tam is a beautiful girl; ______, she's kind-hearted.

A. therfore B. however C. moreover D. otherwise

7. While I ________ the performance, I met one of my old friends.

A. watched B. was watching C. watch D. am watching

8. She told me a story ______ I found hard to believe.

A. what B. which C. in which D. at which

9. She is famous_________her intelligence. She designs many social styles.

A. in B. for C. with D. into

10. We__________ wear uniform at school from Monday to Saturday. That's good way and equal to everyone.

A. crowd B. crowded C. full D. busy

Your answer:











III. Write the correct of each verb in the brackets to complete the following sentences. (1pt)

1. We all adored (1. do)_____ aerobics when we were young.

2. 30 years ago, we (2. not have)________ mobile phone.

3. The girl (3. cry)_____ when a fairy (4. appear)______.

Your answer:





IV. Read the passage and decide which answer A, B, C, or D best fits each space. (2. pts)

Hoi An

The ancient (1)________ of Hoi An lies on Thu Bon River, more than 30 kilometers to the south of Da Nang. Occupied by early western traders, Hoi An was one of the major (2)_______ commercial ports of South Asia in the 16th century. Hoi An is famous (3)________ old temples, pagodas, tiled-roof houses and (4)______ streets. Tourists can (5)_______ the relics of Sa Huynh and Cham Civilizations. They can also enjoy the beautiful scenery of the Thu Bon River, Cua Dai Beach, etc. In (6)______ years, Hoi An has become a very (7)_______ tourist destination in Viet Nam. Importantly, the committee of the World Heritages of UNESCO (8)________ certified Hoi An a World Heritage Site in 1999.

1. A. village B. city C. town D. capital

2. A. recent-time B. modem-time C. new-time D. old-time

3. A. for B. in C. with D. of

4. A. wider B. larger C. narrow D. bigger

5. A. watch B. visit C. see D. lo

6. A. near B. new C. recent D. most

7. A. popular B. disliked C. known D. liked

8. A. official B. officer C. officially D. office

VII. Rewrite or combine the sentences, using the suggested words. (1. 5 pt)

1. Vinh really loves to hang out with his friends.

=> Vinh really enjoys........................................................................

2. Playing beach games is very interesting.

=> It is.......................................................................................

3. Most ethnic peoples in Vietnam speak their own languagues (Make question)


4. The girl worked hard. Her step mother wasn't happy (use Although)

=>............................................................................................... .....

5. The hotel we saw first was rather expensive. We decided to lo

for another. (use so)


6. She lost her job because she was inexperienced. (use because of)


VIII. Use the suggested words and phrases to make meaningful sentences. (1pt)

1. We/ have/ dinner/ when/ telephone/ ring.


2. Internet/ change/ way/ we/ communicate.

............................................................................................... .........


Đáp án Đề thi học kỳ 1 môn Tiếng Anh lớp 8 Đề lẻ

I. Find the word with different sound in the underlined part in each line. (1p)

5 X 0,2 = 1

1-A 2-A

II. Choose the correct option for each gap in the sentences. (2pts)

10 X 0,2 = 2

1-A 2-C 3-A 4-C 5-D

6-C 7-B 8-B 9-B 10-B

III. Write the correct of each verb in the brackets to complete the following sentences. (1p)

5 X 0,2 = 1

1. doing 2. to watch 3. didn't have 4. was crying- appear

IV. Read the text and then choose the best answer A,B,C,D(2pt)

8 X 0,2 = 2

1-C 2-D 3-A 4-C 5-B 6-C 7-A 8-C

V. Rewrite or combine the sentences, using the suggested words. (1. 5 pt)

6 X 0,25 = 1,5

1. Vinh really enjoys hanging out with his friends.

2. It is very interesting to play beach gamaes.

3. What do most ethnic people in Viet Nam speak?

4. Although the girl work hard, her stepmothr wasn't happy.

5. The hotel we saw first was rather expensive. So we decided to lo

for another.

6. She lost her job because of her inexperience.

VI. Use the suggested words and phrases to make meaningful sentences. (1pt)

1. We are having dinner when telephone rang.

2. The internet changes the way wa communicate.


Năm học 2016-2017 (Đề chẵn)

I. Find the word with different sound in the underlined part in each line. (0. 5)

1. A. stripe B. string C. spring D. trip

2. A. honey B. donkey C. survey D. money

II. Choose the correct option for each gap in the sentences. (2. 5pts)

1. Tet is an occasion for family............. in Viet Nam.

A. visiting B. meeting C. reunions D. seeing

2. Saint Giong was unable to talk, smile, or walk............. he was three years old.

A. If B. because C. while D. even though

3. We do not have many carnivals in Viet Nam; .........., we have many tradition festivals.

A. nevertheless B. while C. although D. because

4. Would you like to go............... a walk............ the park this afternoon?

A. to - at B. for - at C. to - in D. for - in

5. At school, the teacher and students.............. follow the rules.

A. has to B. have to C. need to D. haven't to

6. Children need a caring environment to develop............ mentally............. physically.

A. and - and B. both - and C. the - the D. in - and

7. .......... you study harder, you won't be able to pass the examination.

A. Unless B. Because C. If D. without

8. The buses were very .......... this morning. We can't go to the church with you in time.

A. crowd B. crowded C. full D. busy

9. He ............. cross the street when the traffic light is green for pedestrians.

A. should B. shouldn't C. ought D. oughtn't

10. You.......... use your mobile phone on the plane.

A. must B. mustn't C. don't have to D. have to

III. Put the words in brackets into the right forms to complete the sentences. (2. 0pts)

1. I'm so............... about your trip. It's going to be amazing. (excite)

2. Ao dai is our ................ dress. We wear it every Monday at school. (tradition)

3. After .......... Food from the plate, you should put it into your bowl before eating. (take)

4. My close friend gave me a ........ present on my birthday. I like it so much. (wonder)

IV. Read the passage andchoose the best option A,B,C,D to complete it. (2. 5 pts)

The Rice- co

ing Festival

The Rice- co

ing(1) .......... was held in communal house yeard about one kilometer a way from (2)......There were three(3)....... : water fetching, fire- making and rice-co
ing. The festival(4)...... one day. In the water- fetching(5)......., one person from each team had (6)............. to the river to get the(7)............. In the fire-making contest, two team members had to make fire in the (8)...... way. They tried to rub pieces of (9)............... together to make the fire. Six people from each team(10)...... in the Rice- co
ing Festival. They had to separate the rice from the husk and then co
the rice.

1. A. holiday B. contest C. festival D. competition

2. A. mountain B. city C. house D. river

3. A. holidays B. contests C. festivals D. competitions

4. A. takes B. to

C. laking D. take

5. A. contest B. contests C. test D. tests

6. A. to run B. run C. ran D. running

7. A. bamboo B. rice C. fire D. water

8. A. strange B. tradition C. traditional D. traditionally

9. A. bamboo B. rice C. fire D. water

10. A. participate B. participates C. participating D. participated

V. Rewrite or combine the sentences, using the suggested words. (2. 5 pt)

1. Tet is the most important festival in Viet Nam. Most Vietnanese return home for Tet.

(using therefore).

=>.................................................................................. .....................

2. You are Vietnamese, you should know the story of chung cakes.

=> If............................................................................................... ......

3. All the students love the principal. He is very kind. (using because)


4. Mr Lam was very busy; however,he spent the whole day at the La Mat Village festival.

=> Although...........................................................................................

5. He likes to listen to pop music than to watch TV after school.

=> He prefers......................................................................... ...

Đáp án Đề thi học kỳ 1 môn Tiếng Anh lớp 8

I. Find the word with different sound in the underlined part in each line. (1p)

4 X 0,25 = 1

1-A 2-C

II. Choose the correct option for each gap in the sentences. (2. 5pts)

10 X 0,25 = 2. 5

1-C 2-D 3-A 4-D 5-B

6-B 7-A 8-B 9-A 10-B

III. Put the words in brackets into the right forms to complete the sentences. (1. 5pts)

6 X 0,25 = 1,5

1. excited 2. tradition 3. taking 4. similarity

IV. Read the passage andchoose the best option A,B,C,D to complete it. (2. 5 pts)

1-C 2-D 3-A 4-D 5-B

6-B 7-A 8-B 9-A 10-B

V. Rewrite these sentences (2,5pts)

5 x 0,5 = 2,5

1. Tet is the most important festival in Viet Nam therefore, most Vietnanese return home for Tet.

2. If you are Vietnamese, you should know the story of chung cakes.

3. All the students love the principal because he is very kind.

4. Although Mr Lam was very busy, he spent the whole day at the La Mat Village festival.

5. He prefers listening to pop music to watching TV after school.

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