Trang chủ Học tập Lớp 11 Tiếng Anh 11 Global Success

Write a proposal (120-150 words) about a welcome event (2 Mẫu)

Viết đề xuất về một sự kiện chào mừng bằng tiếng Anh

Viết đề xuất về một sự kiện chào mừng bằng tiếng Anh

Viết đề xuất về một sự kiện chào mừng bằng tiếng Anh mang đến 2 đoạn văn mẫu hay nhất. Qua đó giúp các bạn có thêm nhiều gợi ý tham khảo, ôn tập trau dồi ngôn ngữ để biết cách trả lời bài tập Tiếng Anh 11 Unit 4 Writing.

Write a proposal (120-150 words) about a welcome event cực chất dưới đây sẽ là nguồn tài liệu cực kì hữu ích, là người bạn đồng hành giúp các em hiểu được trình tự làm bài, quan sát, biết cách liên tưởng, so sánh, lựa chọn ngôn từ, chỉnh sửa câu nói cho phù hợp với giọng văn của mình.

Write a proposal about a welcome event


To: Ha Noi High School Youth Union Board

Date: 30 April 2023

Prepared by: John Doe, President of ASEAN Student Organization


We would like to propose an ASEAN Poster Making Event to welcome new students from ASEAN countries. The event will be a great opportunity to promote ASEAN awareness and encourage cross-cultural exchange among the students.

Details about the event:

The event will take place on 15 May 2023, at Ha Noi High School. The program will include training workshops on poster design, presentations on current issues in ASEAN, and a poster design competition. The event will be open to all ASEAN students in Ha Noi.

Goals and benefits:

The event will help the students to meet and build a community with their peers from other ASEAN countries. It will also provide a platform for them to develop their skills in poster design and increase their awareness of current issues in the region. By participating in the event, the students will develop their ability to work with people from different cultural backgrounds and create shared values.


We really hope you will consider our proposal as we believe it will be an exciting and valuable event for all ASEAN students in Ha Noi. Thank you for your attention.

Viết đề xuất về một sự kiện chào mừng bằng tiếng Anh


To: [Head Teacher's Name]

Date: 16 November, 2023

Prepared by:


Cyberbullying has become a serious issue nowadays because of the widespread use of social media and the internet among young people. It can have a severe impact on students' mental health, leading to low self-esteem, anxiety, and depression. We would like to propose a school campaign against cyberbullying to raise awareness among students and create a safe and inclusive environment.

Details about the campaign:

The campaign events/activities will take place in the school throughout the academic year. The campaign will last for three months, starting in September and ending in November. Everyone who is interested, including victims of cyberbullying, parents, teachers, and local community organizations or experts on cyberbullying, will participate in the campaign.

The campaign will target all students in the school, from primary to secondary. The main events/activities will include talks about cyberbullying, workshops on online safety and responsible online behavior, and inviting students to share their experiences of cyberbullying in a safe and supportive environment.

Goals and benefits of the campaign:

The campaign aims at raising awareness about cyberbullying and its effects on individuals and the community. It will empower students to take a stand against cyberbullying and promote a culture of respect and kindness. The campaign will provide resources and support for students who have experienced cyberbullying. It will also strengthen the school's anti-bullying policies and procedures to prevent cyberbullying and respond effectively to incidents. The campaign will foster a safe and inclusive environment for all students, both online and offline.


We hope that you will consider our proposal for a school campaign against cyberbullying. We believe that this campaign will have a significant impact on students' lives and create a safer and more inclusive school environment. Thank you for your consideration.

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