Unit 3 Lớp 12 trang 32

Tiếng Anh 12 Unit 3: Language

Soạn Anh 12 trang 32

Soạn Language Unit 3 lớp 12 là tài liệu vô cùng hữu ích giúp các em học sinh có thêm nhiều gợi ý tham khảo để giải các câu hỏi trang 32 bài The green movement được nhanh chóng và dễ dàng hơn.

Tiếng Anh 12 Unit 3 Language được trình bày cẩn thận, giải thích chi tiết, rõ ràng kèm bản dịch, nhằm cung cấp cho bạn đọc đầy đủ kiến thức theo bài. Qua đó các bạn hiểu sâu sắc nhất những nội dung kiến thức quan trọng và chuẩn bị bài tốt trước khi đến lớp. Bên cạnh đó các bạn xem thêm nhiều tài liệu khác tại chuyên mục Tiếng Anh 12. Ngoài ra các bạn xem thêm File nghe tiếng Anh 12.


Câu 1

Read the conversation in GETTING STARTED again. Match each word or phrase with its meaning. (Đọc cuộc nói chuyện trong GETTING STARTED lần nữa. Nối mỗi từ hoặc cụm từ với ý nghĩa của nó.)

1. mould and mildew

2. depleted

3. clutter

4. pathway

5. dispose of

6. asthma

a. a medical condition that causes difficulties in breathing

b. a large number of things lying around in a state of disorder

c. to give away or get rid of something

d. a grey or black substance that grows on food, walls or surfaces in wet and warm conditions

e. a route for something to move along

f. used up or reduced to a very small amount, and in danger of running out

Gợi ý đáp án

1. c2. d3. b4. f5. e6. a

Câu 2

Complete the sentences with the correct form of the words or phrases in 1. (Hoàn thành câu với hình thức đúng của các từ hoặc cụm từ trong phần 1.)

1. A degree in environmental studies will be a great _________ towards a rewarding career.

2. You should keep your room free from _________ as they can cause serious health problems.

3. Two common symptoms of _________ are coughing and breathing with difficulty.

4. Scientists are becoming more and more concerned about how to _________ waste safely.

5. If people and businesses don't go green, our natural resources will be _________.

Gợi ý đáp án

1. pathway2. mould and mildew3. asthma4. dispose of5. depleted


Câu 1

Listen and repeat. Pay attention to the ending and beginning sounds in red. (Lắng nghe và lặp lại. Hãy chú ý đến những âm thanh kết thúc và bắt đầu màu đỏ.)

Bài nghe:

Câu 2

Listen and repeat the following sentences, attention to the assimilation indicated in bold (Nghe và lặp lại các câu sau đây, chú ý đến việc đồng hóa in đậm đã được chỉ ra.)

Bài nghe:

1. Can you describe any direct methods monitoring air pollution?

2. Do you discuss any environmental issues your pen pal?

3. Carbon monoxide is a poisonous gas produced by the incomplete burning of various fuels.

4. Despite all the environmental activities, the city is losing its fight against pollution.

5. We need a detailed action plan for maintair clean beaches and parks.


Câu 1

Which of the following are simple, compound, or complex sentences? Tick the correct box. (Những câu sau đây là câu đơn, câu hỗn hợp, hay câu phức? Đánh dấu vào ô thích hợp.)

(Những câu sau đây là câu đơn, câu hỗn hợp, hay câu phức? Đánh dấu vào ô thích hợp.)




1. We should protect our environment from air pollution.

2. The burning of fossil fuels has led to air pollution and deforestation has caused land erosion.

3. If we do not stop deforestation, a lot of species will lose their habitats.

4. For some people, a green lifestyle means eating organic food and wearing organic clothing.

5. Animals that are raised on certified organic pastures provide organic meat.

6. Because organic vegetables are grown without the use of chemical fertilisers, they are considered healthier.

Gợi ý đáp án

1. Simple2. Compound3. Complex
4. Simple5. Complex6. Complex

Câu 2

Combine the following simple sentences, using the words from the box. (Kết hợp câu đơn giản sau đây, bằng cách sử dụng từ trong hộp.)

1. If we all adopt a green lifestyle, we will help conserve our natural resources.

2. Some foods taste good, but they do not have many nutrients.

3. We should keep the school air clean because this will improve students' concentration and help them to learn better.

4. Germs can cause infections in parts of our body and can make us feel unwell.

5. When we all start conserving the environment, we can all enjoy better living conditions.

6. Coal, which is still used in a lot of power plants, remains one of the most important energy sources.

Câu 3

Combine the following sentences using which. (Kết hợp các câu sử dụng which)

1. The water in this river is seriously polluted, which places some species of native fish in danger of extinction.

2. The air in most classrooms in this school contains a lot of harmful gases, which is very worrying as many young children are studying here.

3. We should all go green by practising the 3Rs: reduce, reuse, and recycle, which is always encouraged by environmentalists.

4. Illegal dumping is strictly prohibited in the town, which has helped to keep our environment clean and green.

5. Young people are starting to practise simple green living, which will help to save our planet for future generations.

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