Unit 10 Lớp 9 A Closer Look 2 - Anh 9 trang 50

Tiếng Anh 9 Unit 10: A Closer Look 2

Soạn Anh 9 trang 50 - Tập 2

Soạn Anh lớp 9 Unit 10 A Closer Lo

2 giúp các em học sinh lớp 9 trả lời các câu hỏi tiếng Anh phần 1→5 trang 50 để chuẩn bị bài học Space Travel trước khi đến lớp.

Giải bài tập Unit 10 lớp 9 A Closer Lo

2 được biên soạn bám sát theo SGK Tiếng Anh lớp 9 chương trình mới. Qua đó giúp học sinh nhanh chóng nắm vững được kiến thức, trau dồi kỹ năng để học tốt tiếng Anh 9. Vậy sau đây là nội dung chi tiết bài soạn Unit 10 A Closer Lo
2 lớp 9
, mời các bạn cùng theo dõi và tải tài liệu tại đây.

Giải Tiếng Anh 9 Unit 10: A Closer Lo

Câu 1

Past simple & past perfect: review

(Ôn tập quá khđơn và quá khứ hoàn thành)

1. Lo

at the timeline and put the verbs in brackets into the correct tense.

(Nhìn vào dòng thời gian và đặt động từ trong ngoặc ở thì đúng.)

1. Fruit flies (be sent) ________ into space before Laika the dog (make) ________ her space journey.

2. By the time Laika (become) ________ the first astronaut dog, fruit flies already (be launched) ________ into space.

3. Gagarin (fly) ________ into space eight years before Armstrong (walk) ________ on the moon.

4. When the USA (put) ________ the first human on the moon, Russia already (send) ________ the first human into space.

5. When Virgin Galactic (establish) ________ in 2004, Dennis Tito already (travel) ________ into space as a tourist.

Gợi ý đáp án

1. had been sent; made2. became; had (already) been launched3. had flown; walked
4. put; had (already) sent5. was established; had (already) travelled

Câu 2

2. Had these moments already happened when the following people were born? Add the missing dates of birth to the box, then choose an event from the timeline. Ask and answer questions about that event with a partner.

(Có phải những khoảnh khắc này đã xảy ra khi những người sau đây được sinh ra? Thêm ngày sinh còn trống vào khung, sau đó chọn một sự kiện từ dòng thời gian. Hỏi và trả lời những câu hỏi về sự kiện đó với bạn cùng học.)

Mr Phuong, born in 1941

Thu, born in 1997.

Your teacher, born in ______.

You, born in ______.


A: Had Gagarin already travelled into space when Thu was born?

B: Yes, he had.

A: Had the first space tourist Dennis Tito already flown into space when our teacher was born?

B: No, he hadn't.

Gợi ý đáp án

A: Had American astronaut Neil Amstrong become the first human to walk on the moon before your teacher was born?

B: Yes, he had.

A: Had American millionaire Dennis Tito become the first space tourist after 900 hours of training before you was born?

B: Yes, he had.

A: Had the world’s first commercial spaceline Virgin Galatic been founded before you was born?

B: Yes, it had.

Câu 3

Defining relative cluases

3. Complete the following sentences with/without a relative pronoun.

(Hoàn thành những câu sau với một đại từ quan hệ / hoặc không có đại từ quan hệ.)

1. This is the astronaut ________ visited our school last week.

2. This is the village ________ Helen Sharman, the first British astronaut, was born.

3. Can you talk more about the parabolic flights ________ you to

for your training?

4. This is the museum ________ has some of the best rock collections in the country.

5. We'll explore inland Sweden and visit the summer house ________ Carin and Ola have built themselves.

6. This is the year ________ the first human walked on the moon.

Gợi ý đáp án

1. who/that

2. where

3. which/ that

4. which/that

5. which/ that

6. when

Câu 4

4. Combine each pair of sentences into one, using the prompts provided.

1. The class watched a film yesterday. The film was about the Apollo 13 space mission.

=> The fim ______________

2. We read about an astronaut. The astronaut travelled into space in 1961.

=> We read about ______________

3. This is the man. He works for NASA.

=> This is the man ______________

4. The team plays on the left. The team has never won the championship.

=> The team______________

5. This article describes a ground-breaking space mission to land on a comet. The mission is called Rosetta.

=> The ground-breaking space mission______________

6. The Rosetta mission has a task. The task is comparable to a fly trying to land on a speeding bullet.

=> The task ______________

Gợi ý đáp án

1. The film which/that/X the class watched yesterday was about the Apollo 13 space mission.

(Bộ phim cái mà lớp học đã xem ngày hôm qua là về sứ mệnh không gian Apollo 13.)

2. We read about an astronaut who travelled into space in 1961.

3. This is the man who works for NASA.

4. The team who/that plays on the left has never won the championship.

5. The ground-breaking space mission which/that/X this article describes is called Rosetta.

6. The task which/that/X the Rosetta mission has is comparable to a fly trying to land on a speeding bullet.

Câu 5

5. In pairs, use the information from the timeline to talk about someone, something, or some moments in space exploration history. Don't mention their exact name so that the other has to guess.

(Theo cặp, sử dụng thông tin từ dòng thời gian để nói về một người, một vật hay một khoảnh khắc nào đó trong lịch sử khám phá không gian. Không đề cập chính xác tên để bạn kia phải đoán.)


A: It's the dog that was the first dog ever to fly into space.

B: That's Laika!

Gợi ý đáp án

A: What kind of fly was the first animal launched into space in an American rocket?

B: It’s fruit flies.

A: What’s the name of the cosmonaut, who was the first human in space?

B: He is Yuri Gagarin.

A: How long did the training take Dennis to become the first space tourist?

B: 900 hours of training.

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