Reading đọc hiểu: School !!

Câu hỏi 2 :

Read the passage carefully and choose the correct answer.

A. Because his school is quite far from his house.

B. Because the teachers and most of his classmates are new.

C. Because the subjects are hard

D. x

Câu hỏi 3 :

What are Tom's teachers and friends like?

A. They are familiar to him.

B. They are not friendly

C. They are all nice to him

D. X

Câu hỏi 4 :

What is his favourite subject?

A. Maths

B. Geography

C. Computer studies

D. X

Câu hỏi 5 :

What club does he want to join?  

A. Judo club

B. Painting club

C. Sport club

D. X

Câu hỏi 6 :

How is the first day at his new school?

A. bad

B. good

C. tiring

D. X

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