Trang chủ Đề thi & kiểm tra Lớp 12 Tiếng anh Đề luyện thi THPT Quốc gia môn Anh 2018 Đề số 1 ( có video chữa)

Đề luyện thi THPT Quốc gia môn Anh 2018 Đề số 1 ( có video chữa)

Câu hỏi 4 :

 I’d like to see that football match because I ______       once this year.

A haven’t seen  

B don’t see     

C weren’t seeing    

D  didn’t see

Câu hỏi 5 :

They always kept on good ______       with their next-door neighbors for the children’s sake.

A will                         

B friendship                

C terms                            

D relations

Câu hỏi 6 :

Some candidates failed the oral examination because they didn’t have enough ______     .

A confide                   

B confident                 

C confidential                 

D confidence

Câu hỏi 7 :

Our new coach is popular ______      the whole team.

A for                           

B to                            

C by                                

D with

Câu hỏi 8 :

Don’t go too fast! I can’t ______      up with you.                       

A keep                        

B go                            

C walk                             

D run

Câu hỏi 9 :

I have no idea where ______     .

A  has she got that information             

B she got that information

C did she get that information   

D that information has she got

Câu hỏi 10 :

That’s ______       story I have ever heard.

A a ridiculous   

B the ridiculous  

C the more ridiculous   

D the most ridiculous

Câu hỏi 11 :

We bought some ______      .

A German lovely old glasses     

B German old lovely glasses

C lovely old German glasses       

D old lovely German glasses

Câu hỏi 12 :

______      non-verbal language is ______      important aspect of interpersonal communication.

A The - a       

B ø – an    

C A – the   

D The - ø

Câu hỏi 13 :

Their apartment looks nice. In fact, it’s ______      .

A  extremely comfortable    

B extreme comfortably  

C extreme comfortable   

D extremely comfortably

Câu hỏi 14 :

My teacher is one of the people ______      .

A  I look up to them   

B whom look up to 

C I look up to 

D to who I look up to

Câu hỏi 15 :

In my company, the director deputy usually ______      the responsibility for organizing meetings and conferences .

A makes                     

B gets                          

C becomes                       

D takes

Câu hỏi 16 :

“Would you mind turning down the TV? I’m working!”  “______     _____________________.”        

A Yes, I’m working, too.         

B Not at all. I’ll do it now.

C Thank you. I’m pleased. 

D No, I wouldn’t be working.

Câu hỏi 17 :

“Please, lock the door carefully before you leave the room.”                       “______     __________________.”

A I won’t tell you when I do it.   

B I’m thinking of selling the house.

C That’s for sure.

D I’m sorry. I did it last night.

Câu hỏi 18 :

Mr. Gerstein was particularly taken aback to hear that sleeping problems are often linked to physical problems.

A surprised                 

B intended                  

C determined                  

D relieved

Câu hỏi 19 :

I shouldn’t go outside without a raincoat because it’s raining cats and dogs.

A it’s just started to rain      

B it’s raining very heavily

C it’s going to rain    

D it’s drizzling

Câu hỏi 20 :

I could only propose a partial solution to the crisis in the company.

A half                         

B halfway                   

C effective                      

D complete

Câu hỏi 21 :

 Inadequate supply of oxygen to the blood can cause death within minutes.

A Sufficient                                                    

B Nonexistent

C Rich                                                            

D Useful

Câu hỏi 22 :

You ought to make up your mind now.

A It is high time you made up your mind.

B Making up your mind is necessary.

C  You should have made up your mind.

D It is possible to make up your mind.

Câu hỏi 23 :

“No, no, you really must stay a bit longer!” said the boys.  

A The boys denied my staying a bit longer.

B The boys refused to let me stay a bit longer.

C The boys didn’t agree to let stay a bit longer.

D The boys insisted on my staying a bit longer.

Câu hỏi 24 :

My uncle didn’t recognize me until I spoke. 

A My uncle recognized me not until I spoke.

B Only when my uncle recognized me did I speak.

C Not until I spoke did my uncle recognize me.

D  When I spoke, my uncle didn’t recognize me.

Câu hỏi 25 :

I picked up my book. I found that the cover had been torn.  

A  When picking up my book, the cover had been torn.

B On picking up my book, I saw that the cover had been torn.

C The cover had been torn when my book picked up.

D Picked up, the book was torn.

Câu hỏi 26 :

Home schooling is apparently very successful. Many people still believe in the benefits of traditional schooling.  

A Because home schooling is apparently very successful, many people still believe in the benefits of traditional schooling.

B As long as home schooling is apparently very successful, many people still believe in the benefits of traditional schooling.

C Even though home schooling is apparently very successful, many people still believe in the benefits of traditional schooling.

D In spite of home schooling is apparently very successful, many people still believe in the benefits of traditional schooling.

Câu hỏi 27 :


A function                                               

B use                             

C aim                      

D purpose

Câu hỏi 28 :

According to the passage, ten thousand years ago,                                                          .

A lions did not live in small forests   

B lions came mainly from Africa

C  lions roamed much more than nowadays

D  there were much more lion habitats than nowadays

Câu hỏi 29 :

The phrase “split off” in the second paragraph is closest in meaning to                          .

A  spotted animals        

B divided                       

C developed into different species     

D changed the original species

Câu hỏi 30 :

The word “vulnerable” in paragraph 4 is closest in meaning to                                                .

A weak                       

B careless                    

C cautious                       

D easily protected

Câu hỏi 31 :

The Asiatic lion                         .

A was looking for food mainly in the Middle East

B was searching for food in a wide range of countries

C  was searching for food mainly in India and Africa

D was looking for food mainly in India

Câu hỏi 32 :

According to the author, the Gir Wildlife Sanctuary                         .

A protects the Asiatic lion from hunters and diseases

B cannot reduce the Asiatic lion’s risk of catching diseases

C can make the Asiatic lion become weak

D is among many places where the Asiatic lion is well protected

Câu hỏi 33 :

The author refers to all of the following as characteristics of the Asiatic lion EXCEPT that _____________.

A strong                     

B vulnerable                

C vital                             

D impressive

Câu hỏi 34 :

The passage is written to _______________.

A persuade readers to protect the Asiatic lions

B explain why the Gir Sanctuary is the best habitat for the Asiatic lions

C describe the developmental history of the Gir Sanctuary

D provide an overview of the existence of the Asiatic lions

Câu hỏi 35 :

The passage is about _______________.

A water sports around the world        

B surfing

C tourist activities in Hawaii       

D water sports in Hawaii

Câu hỏi 36 :

You can infer from the passage that                                                            .

A  water sports are all expensive

B you need to take a course for all water sports

C everyone can find a way to enjoy sports in the water

D  swimming in Hawaii can be dangerous

Câu hỏi 37 :

According to the passage, surfing _______________.

A began as a sport in 1943  

B was invented by the native Hawaiians

C  requires expensive equipment        

D  is very dangerous

Câu hỏi 38 :

The water around the Hawaiian Islands is                                                   .

A often quite cold     

B full of colorful things to see

C usually very dark      

D full of dangerous fish

Câu hỏi 39 :

The word “this” in the second paragraph refers to _______________.

A standing on the board    

B keeping balanced and not falling down

C an exciting ride

D staying on top of the wave

Câu hỏi 40 :

According to the passage, scuba diving _______________.

A is an ancient Hawaiian water sport

B requires special equipment and training

C  is the only way to see the fish underwater

D requires good balance

Câu hỏi 41 :

The word “proper” in paragraph 4 refers to _______________.

A enthusiastic            

B informative              

C appropriate                  

D short and clear

Câu hỏi 42 :

Which statement is supported by the information in the passage?

A Snorkeling involves breathing through the tube, floating on the surface and moving with flippers

B Snorkeling requires more expensive equipment than scuba diving

C  Snorkeling is for adventurous people

D Snorkeling was invented in ancient times

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