Unit 11 Lớp 9 Looking Back - Anh 9 trang 68

Tiếng Anh 9 Unit 11: Looking Back

Soạn Anh 9 trang 68 - Tập 2

Soạn Anh lớp 9 Unit 11 Lo

ing Back giúp các em học sinh lớp 9 trả lời các câu hỏi tiếng Anh phần 1→6 trang 56 để chuẩn bị bài học Changing Roles In Society trước khi đến lớp.

Giải bài tập Unit 11 lớp 9 Lo

ing Back được biên soạn bám sát theo SGK Tiếng Anh lớp 9 chương trình mới. Qua đó giúp học sinh nhanh chóng nắm vững được kiến thức, trau dồi kỹ năng để học tốt tiếng Anh 9. Vậy sau đây là nội dung chi tiết bài soạn Unit 11 Lo
ing Back lớp 9
, mời các bạn cùng theo dõi và tải tài liệu tại đây.

Giải Anh 9 Unit 11: Lo
ing Back

Câu 1

Complete the sentences with the words in the box.

(Hoàn thành câu với những từ trong khung)

1. The feudal system promotes ________ societies, where women obey men unconditionally.

2. Most services nowadays are mass-focused, not ________.

3. This syllabus is quite theoretical. I want to see something more ________.

4. A successful education must be ________ social demands.

5. Women these days prefer to be ________ independent.

6. Teachers will become ________ rather than information providers.

Gợi ý đáp án

1. male-dominated

2. individually-oriented

3. hands-on

4. responsive to

5. financially

6. facilitators

Câu 2

Use the words in their correct forms to complete the sentences.

1. Greener is an organisation which _______ community activities. (support)

2. Our dream is to become the largest childcare _______ in the area. (provide)

3. I hope that in the near future, scientists will find a reliable method of _______ earthquakes. (prediction)

4. We have _______ our syllabus to fit this advanced group. (tailor)

5. Every school has to _______ how well their students are doing. (evaluation)

6. They called three _______ of the accident to court. (witness)

Gợi ý đáp án

1. supports

2. provider

3. predicting

4. tailored

5. evaluate

6. witnesses

Câu 3

Grammar (Ngữ pháp)

Choose the correct answer A, B, C, or D to complete the sentences.

(Chọn đáp án đúng A, B, C hay D để hoàn thành câu)

1. A group of biologists ___________ come from different countries are studying the emperor penguin in Antarctica.

A. which

B. whom

C. that

D. they

2. The young man sitting by the bar is the famous boyscout Peter Wing, ___________ we were talking about.

A. whom

B. that

C. whose

D. him

3. On the wall are some old photos, ___________ in black and white.

A. which is

B. which are

C. who are

D. they are

4. Have you ever seen Picasso's La Guerre, ___________ is really a masterpiece?

A. who

B. which

C. that

D. they

5. This lovely place is called Nowy Swiat, ___________ means New World.

A. who

B. it

C. which

D. that

6. The police are now lo

ing for two young men, ___________ were seen running out of the store.

A. which

B. they

C. whom

D. who

Gợi ý đáp án







1. A group of biologists that come from different countries are studying the emperor penguin in Antarctica.

(Một nhóm các nhà sinh học người mà đến từ những quốc gia khác nhau đang nghiên cứu loài chim cách cụt ở Antarctica)

2. The young man sitting by the bar is the famous boyscout Peter Wing, whom we were talking bout.

(Chàng trai trẻ ngồi gần bar là một hướng đạo sinh nổi tiếng Peter Wing, người chúng ta đang nói về)

3. On the wall are some old photos, which are in black and white.

(Trên bức tường là những bức ảnh cũ, màu trắng đen)

4. Have you ever seen Picasso's La Guerre, which is really a masterpiece?

(Bạn đã bao giờ gặp Picasso's La Guerre, cái mà thật sự là một kiệt tác)

5. This lovely place is called Nowy Swiat, which means New World.

(Địa điểm đáng yêu này là Nowy Swiat, có nghĩa là thế giới mới)

6. The police are now lo

ing for two young men who were seen running out of the store.

(Cảnh sát đang tìm kiếm hai thanh niên người mà được nhìn thấy đang chạy ra khỏi cửa hàng)

Câu 4

Use the correct form of the relative clause to combine the two sentences into one.

(Sử dụng dạng đúng của mệnh đề quan hệ để kết hợp hai câu thành 1 câu)

Gợi ý đáp án

1. Many tourists visit Liverpool. Liverpool is the home of The Beatles.

=> Many tourists visit Liverpool, which is ire home of The Beatles.

2. The town hasn't got any parks. People can go and relax there.

=> The town hasn't got any parks where people can go and relax.

3. My son to

part in the Beyond 2030 forum. The forum invited people to share their vision of the future.

=> My son to

part in the Beyond 2030 fonrum, which invited people to share their vision of the future.

4. Baron Pierre de Coubertin was the founder of the modern Olympic Games. He was not in favour of women participating in the Games.

(Baron Pierre de Coubertin là người sáng lập của thế vận hôi Olympic hiện đại. Ông không thích phụ nữ tham gia vào thế vận hội này

=> Baron Pierre de Coubertin, who was the founder of re modern Olympic Games, was not in favour of women participating in the Games.

5. There will be an open discussion. The discussion will lo

at the main challenges and opportunities in the coming decades.

=> There will be an open discussion which will lo

at the main challenges and opportunities in the coming decades.

6. The changing economic role of women started in 1948. It has greatly affected the role of men.

=> The changing economic role of women, which started in 1948, has greatly affected the role of men.

Câu 5

Communication (Giao tiếp)

Match each prediction with two responses.Then practise saying them in pairs.

(Nối mỗi dự đoán với hai phản hồi. Sau đó thực hành nói theo cặp)

A. What will it be like living high up?

B. Faster than planes? How come?

C. I wish they would. I love reading a handwritten letter, which is much more personal.

D. Well, why not? We have seen amazing things that technology offers.

E. I'd love it. The view from the window would be fantastic.

F. I don't think it's ever going to happen. It's too dangerous.

G. We won't be able to see the scenery on the way!

H. That's for sure! Emails and messages will replace them.


1. People will no longer send letters by mail.

2. Technology will allow mothers to deliver children at home by themselves.

3. People will be travelling in supersonic trains.

4. There will be sky houses in big cities.

Gợi ý đáp án

1. C,H

2. D,F

3. B,G

4. A,E

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