Phân phối chương trình Tiếng Anh 3 English Discovery năm 2022 - 2023

Kế hoạch dạy học môn Tiếng Anh 3 English Discovery

Phân phối chương trình môn Tiếng Anh lớp 3 - English Discovery năm 2022 - 2023

Kế hoạch dạy học môn Kế hoạch dạy học môn Tiếng Anh 3 English Discovery giúp các thầy cô tham khảo để xây dựng phân phối chương trình môn Tiếng Anh 3 - English Discovery năm học 2022 - 2023 phù hợp với trường mình.

Ngoài ra, thầy cô có thể tham khảo thêm giáo án Tiếng Anh 3 English Discovery để chuẩn bị thật tốt cho năm học 2022 - 2023 sắp tới. Chi tiết mời thầy cô cùng theo dõi bài viết dưới đây của để nhanh chóng hoàn thiện bản phân phối chương trình môn Tiếng Anh lớp 3 của mình:

Phân phối chương trình Tiếng Anh 3 English Discovery

I. Thông tin chung:

- Thời lượng: 4 tiết/tuần x 35 tuần = 140 tiết

- Tài liệu sử dụng:

  • Tiếng Anh 3 English Discovery, Pupils’ Bo
  • Tiếng Anh 3 English Discovery, Activity bo

- Tài liệu tham khảo

  • Tiếng Anh 3 English Discovery, Teacher’s Bo
  • Phần mềm hỗ trợ giảng dạy ActiveTeach
  • Audio CDs
  • Teacher’s Resources Bo
  • Thẻ hình (Flash cards)
  • Thẻ kể truyện (Story cards)
  • Phân phố chương trình và giáo án mẫu
  • Kênh youtube English Discovery

II. Kiểm tra đánh giá:

III. Phân bố chương trình tổng quát.


8 tiết

Unit 8 – It’s windy!

13 tiết

Unit 1 – Hello

10 tiết

Unit 9 – Who’s at home?

13 tiết

Unit 2 – Lo

at my toys

10 tiết

Unit 10 – Let’s play outside

13 tiết

Unit 3 – Where’s my pen?

11 tiết


5 tiết

Unit 4 – Move your body

12 tiết

Mid-term test

4 tiết (2 kỳ)

Unit 5 – Meet my family

12 tiết

End-term tests

4 tiết (2 kỳ)

Unit 6 – Help the animals

12 tiết

Dự phòng

1 tiết

Unit 7 – Do you like peas

12 tiết

IV. Phân bố chương trình chi tiết.






Target language




Lesson 1a



The Alphabet

The Alphabet

PB p.2 | Activity 1-2


Lesson 1b

The Alphabet

The Alphabet

PB p.2|Activity 3

AB p.2


Lesson 2

The Alphabet

Review alphabet and practice writing.

PB p. 3

AB p.3


Lesson 3

Classroom language

  • Vocabulary:

Stand up!/ Sit down!/ Hands up!/ Open your bo

!/ Close your bo
!/ Make a line!

  • Grammar:

Open your bo

, please.

Stand up, please.

PB p.4

AB p.4


Lesson 4

Classroom language

- Review Vocabulary

- Grammar:

May I go out?/ May I come in?

Yes, you can./ No, you can’t.

PB p.5

AB p.5


Lesson 5


  • Vocabulary

blue, black, brown, pink, purple

  • Grammar

What colour is it? - It’s blue

PB p.6


Lesson 6


b, p

b: blue, bird, brown, bear, black.

p: pink, pig, plane, purple.

PB p.7

AB p.7


Unit 1. Hello

Lesson 1


  • Vocabulary

Introducing Minh, Mai, Kevin, Jenny

  • Grammar

Hello/ Hi

What’s your name?

My name’s … / I'm …

Nice to meet you

PB p.8

AB p.8


Lesson 2

Review lesson 1

  • Review:

Names: Minh, Mai, Kevin, Jenny

Hello/ Hi

What’s your name?

My name’s … / I'm …

Nice to meet you

PB p. 9

AB p.9


Lesson 3a


  • Vocabulary

one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight,

nine, ten

  • Grammar

What number is it? Number (10).

PB p. 10|Activity 1

AB p.10


Lesson 4


h, s

h: hello, hi

s: six, seven

PB p. 11

AB p. 11


Lesson 5


  • Vocabulary

red, yellow, green, orange, white

  • Grammar

What colour is it? - It’s orange..

PB p. 12

AB p. 12


Lesson 6

Review Vocabulary and Grammar

Review: colours

blue, black, brown, pink, purple

What colour is it? - It’s blue.

PB p. 13

AB p.13


Lesson 7

Story: Hello

- Review: greetings, numbers

- Vocabulary: birthday, Come on

- Structures:

It’s my birthday today.

Happy birthday! How old are you?

PB p. 14-15

AB p. 14-15


Lesson 8

Skills practices: Greeting

Vocabulary & Structures:

meet and greet, three friends

This is Minh. He is seven.

PB p. 16

AB p. 16


Lesson 9

Review Unit 1

Review: colours, numbers, classroom language

What’s your name? My name is…

Nice to meet you.

How old are you? I’m (eight) years old.

What colour is it? It’s (orange).

PB p. 17

AB p. 17


Review Starter Unit and Unit 1

Review vocabulary and grammar of Unit Starter and Unit 1

PB p. 18-19


Unit 2


at my toys!

Lesson 1A

Vocabulary and Grammar 1

  • Vocabulary

car, plane, puzzle, building set, dinosaur.

  • Grammar

What’s this? - It’s a car.

PB p. 20

PB p.21|Activity 1


Lesson 1B

Vocabulary and Grammar 1

Review vocabulary

Chant: Toys (Version 1)

PB p.21|Activity 2-3
AB p.18


Lesson 2

Review and extension

Review vocabulary and structures

PB p. 22

AB p. 19


Lesson 3A

Vocabulary and Grammar 2

  • Vocabulary

Yoyo, doll, ball, robot, teddy

  • Grammar

What’s this? - It’s a teddy.

PB p. 23|Activity 1

AB p. 20


Lesson 3B

Vocabulary and Grammar 2

  • Review vocabulary & grammar: yoyo, doll, ball, robot, teddy

What’s this? - It’s a teddy.

Chant: Toys (Version 2)

PB p. 23|Activity 2-3


Lesson 4


o, a

o: toy, boy

a: baby, day, lake, toy.

PB p. 24

AB p. 21


Lesson 5A

Vocabulary and Grammar 3

  • Vocabulary

Slide, bike, kite, scooter, swing.

  • Grammar

Is it a swing?

Yes, it is. / No, it isn’t.

PB p. 25|Activity 1

AB p. 22


Lesson 5B

Vocabulary and Grammar 3

  • Review vocabulary & grammar: slide, bike, kite, scooter, swing

Is it a swing?

Yes, it is. / No, it isn’t.

- Song: Come and play outside today

PB p. 25|Activity 2-3


Lesson 6

Vocabulary and Grammar 3

Review and extension

  • Review Vocabulary

Slide, bike, kite, scooter, swing.

  • Review Grammar

Is it a swing?

Yes, it is. / No, it isn’t.

PB p. 26

AB p. 23


Lesson 7

Story: The secret workshop

- Review: toys

- Story phrases: Lo

! / Come in! / I don’t know

PB p. 27 - 28

AB p. 24


Lesson 8


Make a poster of a toy museum at home and present your poster in class.

PB p. 29

AB. p. 25


Lesson 9

Review Unit 2

Review: toys

What’s this? It’s a car.

Is it a swing? Yes, it is./ No, it isn’t.

PB p. 30-31

AB p. 26-27


Unit 3

Where’s my pen?

Lesson 1A

Vocabulary and Grammar 1

  • Vocabulary

Bag, pencil case, pen, ruler, rubber.

  • Grammar

This is my bag. / That is my pen.

PB p. 32
PB p.33| Activity 1

AB p. 28


Lesson 1B

Vocabulary and Grammar 1

Review vocabulary in lesson 1A

Grammar: This is my bag. / That is my pen.

Chant: This is my bag

PB p.33| Activity 2-3

AB p.29


Lesson 2

Review and extension

Review vocabulary and grammar

PB p. 34

AB p. 30


Lesson 3A

Vocabulary and Grammar 2

  • Vocabulary


, pencil, crayon, pencil sharpener, scissors.

  • Grammar

These are my bo


Those are my pencils.

PB p. 35 | Activity 1
AB p.31


Lesson 3B

Vocabulary and Grammar 2

  • Review Vocabulary and grammar in lesson 3A


, pencil, crayon, pencil sharpener, scissors.

These are my bo


Those are my pencils.

Chant: These are my bo


PB p. 35 | Activity 2-3


Lesson 4

Phonics: a, e, i

a: cat, bag

e: pen, red

i: big, six

PB p. 36

AB p.32


Lesson 5A

Vocabulary and Grammar 3

  • Vocabulary

Shelf, computer, cupboard, desk, chair, table

  • Grammar

Where’s the pencil?

It’s in the desk.
It’s on the desk.

It’s under the desk.

PB p. 37 | Activity 1
AB p.33


Lesson 5B

Vocabulary and Grammar 3

  • Review Vocabulary and grammar in lesson 5A

Shelf, computer, cupboard, desk, chair, table

Where’s the pencil? It’s in the desk.
It’s on the desk. It’s under the desk.

Chant: Where’s the ruler?

PB p. 37 | Activity 2-3


Lesson 6

Vocabulary and Grammar 3

Review and extension

  • Review Vocabulary:
    shelf, computer, cupboard, desk, chair, table
  • Review Grammar

Where’s the pencil? It’s in the desk.
It’s on the desk. It’s under the desk.

PB p. 38

AB p.34


Lesson 7

Story: The computer

Review: school things

Story phrases:

Cool! / I think/ What’s a mess! / Let’s tidy up!

PB p. 39-40

AB p.35


Lesson 8

Skills: My school

Read and answer the question about Mai’s school and introduce your school.

PB p. 41

AB p. 36


Lesson 9

Review Unit 3

Review vocabulary and grammar of Unit 3

PB p. 42-43

AB p. 37


Review Unit 2 and Unit 3

Review vocabulary and grammar of Unit 2 and Unit 3

PB p. 44-45


Mid-term test 1


Correct Midterm test.


Unit 4

Move your body!

Lesson 1A

Vocabulary and Grammar 1

  • Vocabulary

head, face, arms, hands, legs.

  • Grammar

I’ve got one face.

I’ve got two legs.

PB p. 46

PB p. 47 | Activity 1

AB p.38


Lesson 1B

Vocabulary and Grammar 1

  • Review Vocabulary and Grammar in lesson 1A

head, face, arms, hands, legs.

I’ve got one face. / I’ve got two legs.

  • Chant: This is my body

PB p. 47 | Activity 2-3

AB p. 39


Lesson 2

Review and extension

Review vocabulary and grammar

PB p. 48

AB p. 40


Lesson 3A

Vocabulary and Grammar 2

  • Vocabulary

fingers, feet, knees, toes, tummy

  • Review Grammar

I’ve got one face.

I’ve got two knees.

PB p. 49 | Activity 1-2

AB p. 41 | Activity 1-2


Lesson 3B

Vocabulary and Grammar 2

  • Review Vocabulary and Grammar in lesson 3A

fingers, feet, knees, toes, tummy

I’ve got one face.

I’ve got two knees.

  • Chant: Lo
    at my body

PB p. 49 | Activity 3-4

AB p. 41 | Activity 3


Lesson 4


f, v

f: fan

v: van

PB p. 50

AB p. 42


Lesson 5A

Vocabulary and Grammar 3

  • Vocabulary

move, bend, stretch, touch, stamp, clap

  • Grammar

Move your body!

Touch your head!

PB p. 51 | Activity 1

AB p. 43


Lesson 5B

Vocabulary and Grammar 3

  • Review Vocabulary and Grammar in lesson 5A

move, bend, stretch, touch, stamp, clap

Move your body!

Touch your head!

  • Chant: I move my body

PB p. 51 | Activity 2-3


Lesson 6

Review Vocabulary and Grammar

Review vocabulary and grammar of Unit 4

PB p. 52

AB p.44


Lesson 7

Story: The robot

Review: body parts

Story phrases:

Here’s a …/ Let’s see. / Good.

PB p. 53-54

AB p45


Lesson 8

Project: Make a doll or robot poster

Making a poster about a doll or a robot at home and presenting your poster in class.

PB p. 55

AB p. 46


Lesson 9

Review Unit 4

Review vocabulary and structure of Unit 4

PB p. 56-57

AB p. 47


Unit 5

Meet my family

Lesson 1A

Vocabulary and Grammar 1

  • Vocabulary

mum, dad, brother, sister, me

  • Grammar

Who’s this? - It’s my brother

PB p. 58

PB p.59 | Activity 1

AB p. 48


Lesson 1B

Vocabulary and Grammar 1

  • Review Vocabulary and Grammar in lesson 1A

mum, dad, brother, sister, me

Who’s this? - It’s my brother

  • Chant: This is my family

PB p. 59 | Activity 2-3

AB p. 49


Lesson 2

Review and extension

Review vocabulary and grammar

PB p. 60

AB p. 50


Lesson 3A

Vocabulary and Grammar 2

  • Vocabulary

Granny, grandad, uncle, aunt, cousin.

  • Grammar

Who’s this? It’s my granny

PB p. 61 | Activity 1

AB p. 51


Lesson 3B

Vocabulary and Grammar 2

  • Review Vocabulary and Grammar in lesson 3A

Granny, grandad, uncle, aunt, cousin.

Who’s this? It’s my granny.

  • Chant: This is my big family and me.

PB p. 60 | Activity 2-3


Lesson 4


air, ua, ur

air: chair, hair

ua: Joshua

ur: Kuala Lumpur

PB p. 62

AB p. 52


Lesson 5A

Vocabulary and Grammar 3

  • Vocabulary

Hair, eyes, mouth, ears, nose.

  • Grammar

He’s got blue eyes.

She’s got green eyes.

PB p. 63 | Activity 1

AB p. 53


Lesson 5B

Vocabulary and Grammar 3

  • Review Vocabulary and Grammar in lesson 5A

hair, eyes, mouth, ears, nose.

He’s got blue eyes.

She’s got green eyes.

  • Chant: This is my sister

PB p. 63 | Activity 2-3


Lesson 6

Review Vocabulary and Grammar

Review vocabulary and grammar of Lesson 5

PB p. 64

AB p.54


Lesson 7

Story: The game

Review: family members

Story phrases:

Hey, come and help! / Thank you. / You’re welcome.

PB p. 65-66

AB p55


Lesson 8

Skills: Grandad’s birthday

Read and answer the questions.

Presenting your family in class

PB p. 67

AB p. 56-57


Lesson 9

Review Unit 5

Review vocabulary and grammar of Unit 5

PB p. 68-69

AB p. 58-59


Review Unit 4 - 5

Review vocabulary and grammar of Unit 4 and Unit 5

PB p. 70-71


End - Term Revision 1

Review and Preparation for Final term test 1

PB p.72-73-74-75


Final term test 1


Test correction






Target language



Unit 6

Help the animals!

Lesson 1A

Vocabulary and Grammar 1

  • Vocabulary

Cat, dog, rabbit, guinea pig, snake

  • Grammar

What are these? - They’re cats.

PB p. 76

PB p. 77 | Activity 1


Lesson 1B

Vocabulary and Grammar 1

  • Review Vocabulary and Grammar in lesson 1A

Cat, dog, rabbit, guinea pig, snake

What are these? - They’re cats.

  • Chant: What are these?

PB p. 77 | Activity 2-3
AB p.60


Lesson 2

Review and extension

Review vocabulary and grammar

PB p. 78

AB p. 61


Lesson 3A

Vocabulary and Grammar 2

  • Vocabulary

duck, goat, chick, fish, spider

  • Grammar

What are these? - They’re chicks.

PB p. 79


Lesson 3B

Vocabulary and Grammar 2

  • Review Vocabulary and Grammar in lesson 3A

duck, goat, chick, fish, spider

What’s this? - It’s a goat

What are these? - They’re chicks.

AB p. 62


Lesson 4


sn, sp, sc, st

sn: snake

sp: spider

sc: scooter

st: stamp

PB p. 80
AB p. 63


Lesson 5A

Vocabulary and Grammar 3

  • Vocabulary

tail, teeth, wings

  • Grammar

It’s got big teeth.

PB p. 81 | Activity 1-2


Lesson 5B

Vocabulary and Grammar 3

  • Review Vocabulary and Grammar in lesson 5A

tail, teeth, wings

It’s got big teeth.

  • Song: I’ve got a new pet

PB p. 81 | Activity 3

AB p.64


Lesson 6

Review Vocabulary and Grammar

Review vocabulary and grammar of Lesson 5

PB p. 82

AB p. 65


Lesson 7

Story: The strange eggs

Review: words of pets

Story phrases:

Let’s help the animals./ Good idea./ Oh, dear.

PB p. 83-84

AB p. 66


Lesson 8

Project: Make a poster of a favourite pet

Making a project at home and presenting your project in class.

PB p. 85

AB p. 67


Lesson 9

Review Vocabulary and Grammar

Review vocabulary and grammar of Unit 6

PB p. 86-87

AB p. 68-69


Unit 7

Do you like peas?

Lesson 1A

Vocabulary and Grammar 1

  • Vocabulary

apple, orange, banana, carrot, beans

  • Grammar

I like beans. / I don’t like carrots.

PB p. 88

PB p. 89 | Activity 1


Lesson 1B

Vocabulary and Grammar 1

  • Review Vocabulary and Grammar in lesson 1A

apple, orange, banana, carrot, beans

I like beans. / I don’t like carrots.

Chant: I like apples.

PB p. 89 | Activity 2-3

AB p.70


Lesson 2

Review and extension

Review vocabulary and grammar

PB p. 90

AB p. 71


Lesson 3A

Vocabulary and Grammar 2

  • Vocabulary

tomato, potato, peas, rice, pasta (singular & plural form)

  • Grammar

What is this? It’s pasta.

What are they? They’re carrots.

PB p. 91 | Activity 1
AB p. 72


Lesson 3B

Vocabulary and Grammar 2

Review Vocabulary

tomato, potato, peas, rice, pasta

  • Grammar

I like potatoes./ I don’t like pasta.

  • Chant: I like tomatoes

PB p. 91 |Activity 2-3


Lesson 4


c, g

c: carrot

g: goat

PB p. 92
AB p. 73


Lesson 5A

Vocabulary and Grammar 3

  • Vocabulary

chicken, meat, bread, fish, eggs, cheese

  • Grammar

Do you like cheese?

Yes, I do. / No, I don’t.

PB p. 93 | Activity 1-2


Lesson 5B

Vocabulary and Grammar 3

  • Review Vocabulary and Grammar in lesson 5A

chicken, meat, bread, fish, eggs, cheese

Do you like cheese? - Yes, I do. / No, I don’t.

  • Song: Do you like chicken?

PB p. 93 | Activity 3
AB p. 74


Lesson 6

Review Vocabulary and Grammar

Review vocabulary and grammar of Lesson 5

PB p. 94

AB p. 75 - 76


Lesson 7

Story: The vegetable garden

Review: words of food

Story phrases:

Let’s plant some vegetables./ Good idea!/ Lo

at all the vegetables!/ Welcome!

PB p. 95-96

AB p. 77


Lesson 8

Skills: Vietnamese bread

Read a text about Vietnamese Bread

Describe your likes and dislikes

PB p. 97
AB p.78


Lesson 9

Review Vocabulary and Grammar

Review vocabulary and grammar of Unit 7

PB p. 98-99

AB p. 79


Unit 8

It’s windy!

Lesson 1A

Vocabulary and Grammar 1

  • Vocabulary

sunny, cloudy, rainy, windy, hot, cold

  • Grammar

What’s the weather like?

It’s cloudy.

PB p. 100

PB p.101 | Activity 1

AB p80


Lesson 1B

Vocabulary and Grammar 1

  • Review Vocabulary and Grammar in lesson 1A

sunny, cloudy, rainy, windy, hot, cold

What’s the weather like?

It’s cloudy.

  • Chant: What’s the weather like today? (Version 1)

PB p. 101 | Activity 2-3

AB p. 81


Lesson 2

Review and extension

Review vocabulary and grammar

PB p. 102

AB p. 82


Lesson 3A

Vocabulary and Grammar 2

  • Vocabulary

foggy, stormy, snowy, warm

  • Grammar

What’s the weather like?

It’s cold and stormy.

PB p. 103 | Activity 1
AB p. 83


Lesson 3B

Vocabulary and Grammar 2

  • Review Vocabulary and Grammar in lesson 3A

foggy, stormy, snowy, warm

What’s the weather like?

It’s cold and stormy.

  • Chant: What’s the weather like today? (Version 2)

PB p. 103 | Activity 2-3


Lesson 4


ou, ow

ou: cloudy, count, out

ow: snow, yellow

PB p. 104
AB p. 84


Lesson 5A

Vocabulary and Grammar 3

  • Vocabulary

T-shirt, skirt, shorts, shoes

  • Grammar

I’m wearing shorts and a T-shirt.

PB p. 105 | Activity 1
AB p. 85 | Activity 1-2


Lesson 5B

Vocabulary and Grammar 3

  • Review Vocabulary and Grammar in lesson 5A

T-shirt, skirt, shorts, shoes

  • Grammar:

It’s hot and sunny today. I’m wearing shorts and a T-shirt.

PB p. 105 | Activity 2-3

AB p. 85 | Activity 3


Lesson 6

Review Vocabulary and Grammar

Review vocabulary and grammar

PB p. 106

AB p.86


Lesson 7

Story: Crazy weather

Review: words of weather and clothes

Story phrases:

Let’s make a sand castle!/ Put on your hat.

PB p. 106-108

AB p. 87


Lesson 8

Project: My favourite season of the


Making a project at home and presenting your project in class.

PB p. 109
AB p. 88


Lesson 9

Review Vocabulary and Grammar

Review vocabulary and grammar of Unit 8

PB p. 110-111

AB p. 89


Review U6-8

Review vocabulary and grammar of Unit 6, Unit 7, Unit 8

PB p. 112-113


Mid-term test


Mid-term test correction


Unit 9

Who’s at home?

Lesson 1A

Vocabulary and Grammar 1

  • Vocabulary

house, bedroom, bathroom, attic, garden

  • Grammar

There is a bedroom.

There is a bathroom.

  • Song: This is a house

PB p. 114

PP p. 115 | Activity 1-2
AB p. 90 | Activity 1


Lesson 1B

Vocabulary and Grammar 1

  • Review Vocabulary

house, bedroom, bathroom, attic, garden

There is a bedroom.

PB p. 115 | Activity 3

AB p. 90 | Activity 2

AB p. 91


Lesson 2

Review and extension

Review vocabulary and grammar

PB p. 116

AB p. 92


Lesson 3A

Vocabulary and Grammar 2

  • Vocabulary

flat, hall, kitchen, living room, garage

  • Review grammar

There is a flat.

PB p. 117 | Activity 1
AB p. 93


Lesson 3B

Vocabulary and Grammar 2

  • Review Vocabulary

flat, hall, kitchen, living room, garage

  • Grammar

There are hats in the hall.

  • Chant: I have a crazy house

PB p. 117 | Activity 2-3


Lesson 4


ch, sh, th

ch: kitchen

sh: wash

th: bathroom

PB p. 118

AB p. 95


Lesson 5A

Vocabulary and Grammar 3

  • Vocabulary

Tidy up, make the bed, feed the cat, clean the floor, lay the table, wash the car

  • Grammar

He’s tidying up

PB p. 119 | Activity 1
AB p. 96


Lesson 5B

Vocabulary and Grammar 3

  • Review Vocabulary and Grammar in lesson 5A

tidy up, make the bed, feed the cat, clean the floor, lay the table, wash the car

He’s tidying up

  • Song: Let’s all help at home

PB p. 119 | Activity 2-3


Lesson 6

Review Vocabulary and Grammar

Review vocabulary and grammar

PB p. 120

AB p. 97


Lesson 7

Story: The treasure

Review: words of house and chores

Story phrases:

Come up here! / I know. / It’s a treasure! / Let’s find it!

PB p. 121-122

AB p. 98


Lesson 8

Skills: Unusual homes

  • Vocabulary

bed, tent, cave, dining room, boat

  • Practice:

Introduce your house.

PB p. 123
AB p.99


Lesson 9

Review Vocabulary and Grammar

Review Vocabulary and Grammar in Unit 9

PB p. 124-125
AB p. 100 - 101


Unit 10

Let’s play outside

Lesson 1A

Vocabulary and Grammar 1

  • Vocabulary

walk, run, skip, jump, ride a bike, fly a kite

  • Grammar

I can ride a bike.

I can’t fly a kite.

PB p. 126
PB p. 127 | Activity 1


Lesson 1B

Vocabulary and Grammar 1

  • Review Vocabulary and Grammar in lesson 1A

walk, run, skip, jump, ride a bike, fly a kite

I can ride a bike.

I can’t fly a kite.

  • Chant: I can walk and run

PB p. 127 | Activity 2-3

AB p. 102


Lesson 2

Review and extension

Review vocabulary and grammar

PB p. 128

AB p. 103-104


Lesson 3A

Vocabulary and Grammar 2

  • Vocabulary

climb, swim, play football, play baseball

  • Grammar

I can play football.

I can’t climb a tree.

PB p. 129


Lesson 3B

Vocabulary and Grammar 2

  • Review Vocabulary and Grammar in lesson 3A

climb, swim, play football, play baseball

I can play football.

I can’t climb a tree.

AB p. 105


Lesson 4


i, ear

i: kite

ear: Lear

PB p. 130
AB p. 106-107


Lesson 5A

Vocabulary and Grammar 3

  • Vocabulary

Sing, play the guitar, dance, paint, draw, take photos

  • Grammar

I can sing, but I can’t paint.

PB p. 131 | Activity 1

AB p. 108


Lesson 5B

Vocabulary and Grammar 3

  • Review Vocabulary

Sing, play the guitar, dance, paint, draw, take photos

  • Grammar

Can you dance?

Yes, I can. / No, I can’t

PB p. 131 | Activity 2-3


Lesson 6

Review vocabulary and grammar

Review vocabulary and grammar

PB p. 132

AB p. 109


Lesson 7

Story: Let’s clean up

Review: words of activities

Story phrases:

The tide is out./ Lo

at this rubbish. / Let’s clean up.

PB p. 133 - 134
AB p. 110


Lesson 8

Project: Make a holiday bo

Making a project at home and presenting your project in class.

PB p. 135
AB p. 111


Lesson 9

Review Vocabulary and Grammar

Review Vocabulary and Grammar in Unit 10

PB p. 136-137
AB p. 112-113


Review Unit 9-10

Review Vocabulary and Grammar in Unit 9 and Unit 10

PB p. 138-139


End-Term Revision 2

Review and Preparation for Final Test 2

PB p. 140-141


End-Term Revision 2

Review and Preparation for Final Test 2

PB p. 142-143


Final test term 2


Test correction

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pdf Kế hoạch dạy học môn Tiếng Anh 3 English Discovery
doc Kế hoạch dạy học môn Tiếng Anh 3 English Discovery 1

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