Đề thi thử THPT Quốc gia năm 2017 môn Tiếng Anh trường THPT Yên Lạc 2, Vĩnh Phúc - Lần 4 (Có đáp án)

Đề thi thử THPT Quốc gia năm 2017 môn Tiếng Anh trường THPT Yên Lạc 2, Vĩnh Phúc - Lần 4 (Có đáp án)

Đề thi thử THPT Quốc gia năm 2017 môn Tiếng Anh

Đề thi thử THPT Quốc gia năm 2017 môn Tiếng Anh

Đề thi thử THPT Quốc gia năm 2017 môn Tiếng Anh trường THPT Yên Lạc 2, Vĩnh Phúc có đáp án - Lần 4 là đề thi thử nghiệm THPT quốc gia 2017 nhằm giúp các bạn thí sinh định hướng ôn luyện và củng cố lại kiến thức của môn Tiếng Anh chuẩn bị cho kỳ thi THPT quốc gia 2017 sắp tới. Mời các bạn cùng tham khảo và thử sức với đề thi nhé!

Đề thi thử THPT Quốc gia năm 2017 môn Tiếng Anh trường THPT Chuyên Lương Thế Vinh, Đồng Nai (Lần 2) CÓ ĐÁP ÁN

Đề thi thử THPT Quốc gia năm 2017 môn Tiếng Anh THPT Chuyên Nguyễn Trãi, Hải Dương - Lần 2






Thời gian làm bài: 60 phút, không kể thời gian giao đề.

Đề thi gồm: 05 trang.

Mã đề: 143

Họ và tên:..........................................................................Số báo danh:.....................................................................

Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word that differs from the other three in the position of primary stress in each of the following questions.

Question 1. A. mention B. diverse C. justice D. service

Question 2. A. defensive B. typical C. domestic D. disaster

Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the questions from 3 to 9.

One of the most dangerous drugs for pregnant women to consume is alcohol. Because alcohol is delivered quickly into the blood and passes quickly into the tissues and membranes, the human fetus is particularly vulnerable to its effects. The reality is that the negative effects on a fetus are so pronounced that babies born after exposure to alcohol are said to be suffering from fetal alcohol syndrome. As a pregnant woman drinks alcohol, the alcohol is passed into her bloodstream almost simultaneously. Moreover, because the bloodstream of the fetus is inextricably tied to that of the mother, the alcohol passes directly into the bloodstream of the fetus as well. And, what is more, the concentration of alcohol in the fetus is exactly the same as in the mother.

For the mother, this concentration is not a problem because her liver can remove one ounce of alcohol from her system per hour. However, the fetus's liver is not completely developed (how developed it is depends on its stage of development). The rate at which it is able to eliminate the alcohol from the blood of the fetus is much slower. Eventually, the alcohol will be returned to the mother's system by passing across the placenta, but this process is slow. By the time this takes place, major neurological damage may have already occurred.

Research has shown that as little as one drink of alcohol can produce significant, irreversible damage to the fetus. Babies born after exposure to alcohol generally exhibit facial distortion, inability to concentrate, and difficulty in remembering. Simply speaking, it is imperative that pregnant women avoid alcohol.

Question 3. What is the main topic of this reading?

A. Women and drugs B. The fetus and alcohol

C. The dangers of pregnancy D. Drinking and the human body

Question 4. In line 3 the word "its" refers to__________.

A. the fetus B. the alcohol C. the tissue D. the blood

Question 5. In line 4, the word "pronounced" most closely means_________.

A. sp

en B. evident C. described D. unfortunate

Question 6. In line 7 the word "inextricably" most nearly means__________.

A. unexplainedly B. inseparably C. forcefully D. formerly

Question 7. According to the passage, how does the concentration of alcohol in a fetus compare to that in the mother?

A. The concentration is more. B. The concentration cannot be measured.

C. The concentration is less. D. The concentration is equivalent.

Question 8. According to the passage, how is alcohol finally returned to the mother's system?

A. it is not completely returned. B. it is expelled by the fetus's liver.

C. it is transferred across the placenta. D. it is carried through the bloodstream.

Question 9. Which one of the following was NOT mentioned as a sign of fetal alcohol syndrome?

A. concentration difficulties B. disfigurement of the face

C. increased aggression D. memory problems

Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the questions from 10 to 17.

After 1785, the production of children's bo

s in the Untied States increased but remained largely reprints of British bo
s, often those published by John Newbery, the first publisher to produce bo
s aimed primarily at diverting a child audience. Ultimately, however, it was not the cheerful, commercial-minded Newbery, but Anglo-Irish author Maria Edgeworth who had the strongest influence on this period of American children's literature. The eighteenth century had seen a gradual shift away from the spiritual intensity of earlier American religious writings for children, toward a more generalized moralism. Newbery notwithstanding, Americans still lo
ed on children's bo
s as vehicles for instruction, not amusement, though they would accept a moderate amount of fictional entertainment for the sake of more successful instruction. As the children's bo
market expanded, then, what both public and publishers wanted was the kind of fiction Maria Edgeworth wrote: stories interesting enough to attract children and morally instructive enough to allay adult distrust of fiction.

American reaction against imported bo

s for children set in after the War of 1812 with the British. A wave of nationalism permeated everything, and the self-conscious new nation found foreign writings (particularly those from the British monarchy) unsuitable for the children of a democratic republic, a slate of self-governing, equal citizens. Publishers of children's bo
s began to encourage American writers to write for American children. When they responded, the pattern established by Maria Edgeworth was at hand, attractive to most of them for both its rationalism and its high moral tone. Early in the 1820's, stories of willful children learning to obey, of careless children learning to take care, of selfish children learning to "tire for others," started to flow from American presses, successfully achieving Edgeworth's tone, though rarely her lively style. Imitative as they were, these early American stories wee quite distinguishable from their British counterparts. Few servants appeared in them, and if class distinctions had by no means disappeared, there was much democratic insistence on the worthiness of every level of birth and work. The characters of children in this fiction were serious, conscientious, self-reflective, and independent-testimony to the continuing influence of the earlier American moralistic tradition in children's bo

Question 10. What does the passage mainly discuss?

A. Basic differences between British and American literature for children

B. Successful publishers of children's bo

s in Britain and North America

C. The development of children's literature in the United States.

D. The career of Maria Edgeworth as an author of children's bo


Question 11. The publisher John Newbery is principally known for which of the following reasons?

A. He had more influence on children American children's literature than any other publisher.

B. He published bo

s aimed at amusing children rather than instructing them.

C. He was commercially minded and cheerful.

D. He produced and sold bo

s written by Maria Edgeworth.

Question 12. The word "notwithstanding" in line 7 is closest in meaning to ________.

A. as a part of B. as a result of C. in addition to D. in spite of

Question 13. The word "they" in line 8 refers to________.

A. Americans B. bo

s C. children D. vehicles

Question 14. The word "allay" in line 12 is closest in meaning to ________.

A. reduce B. confirm C. clarify D. attack

Question 15. It can be inferred from the passage that American children's bo

s sold before 1785 were almost always_________.

A. attractive and interesting to children

B. intended only for religious and moral instruction

C. written by Maria Edgeworth

D. written by American authors

Question 16. By the end of the eighteenth century, the publishers of children's bo

s in the United States were most concerned about which of the following?

A. Publishing literature consisting of exciting stories that would appeal to both children and adults

B. Attracting children with entertaining stories that provided lessons of correct behavior

C. Reprinting fictional bo

s from earlier in the century

D. Expanding markets for bo

s in both Britain and the United States

Question 17. According to the passage, American children's stories differed from their British equivalents in that the characters in American stories were ______.

A. rarely servants

B. generally not from a variety of social classes

C. children who showed a change of behavior

D. children who were well behaved

Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word(s) CLOSEST in meaning to the underlined word(s) in each of the following questions.

Question 18. The whole village was wiped out in the bombing raids.

A. destroyed completely B. removed quickly

C. cleaned well D. changed completely

Question 19. I take my hat off to all those people who worked hard to get the contract.

A. detest B. respect C. discourage D. dislike

Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the following questions.

Question 20. She will go abroad as soon as she __________ this English course.

A. has completed B. will complete C. completed D. will have completed

Question 21. In recent days pork prices have dipped to a record low and also ________ lowest in the world.

A. the B. an C. a D. Ø

Question 22. It is becoming _________ for me to keep up.

A. more difficult than B. more and more difficult

C. the most difficult D. the more difficult

Question 23. We ______ our laptop when we went on holiday. The hotel had free internet access.

A. must have taken B. needn't have taken

C. shouldn't have taken D. can't have taken

Question 24. If the truck driver hadn't run so fast, the accident __________.

A. would have happened B. wouldn't happen

C. hadn't happened D. wouldn't have happened

Question 25. Paid employment has undoubtedly brought ________ and social gains to many women.

A. economics B. economy C. economically D. economic

Question 26. Dr. Evans has _________ a valuable contribution to the life of the school.

A. made B. created C. done D. caused

Question 27. I didn't stay behind because I wanted to, I did so because it was my ________.

A. work B. duty C. shift D. chore

Question 28. Students are often advised to lo

at the first and last_________of a bo
before attempting to read it in details.

A. titles B. headings C. chapters D. paragraphs

Question 29. Real Madrid will attempt to become the first team __________ successfully their UEFA Champions League crown against Juventus on 3 June.

A. defended B. defending C. to defend D. who defended

Question 30. I don't think he'll ever _________ the shock of his wife's death.

A. get off B. get by C. get through D. get over

Question 31. The tsunami in 2004 ________ some countries and caused a lot of damage.

A. beat B. hit C. defeated D. arrived

Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct word or phrase that best fits each of the numbered blanks from 32 to 36.

In summary, for most visitors, the Japanese are (32)_______ and difficult to understand. The graceful act of bowing, is the traditional greeting. However, they have also adopted the western custom of shaking hands, but with a light grip. Meanwhile, to (33)_______ respect for their customs, it would flatter them to offer a slight bow when being introduced. Avoid hugging and kissing when greeting. It is considered rude to stare. Prolonged direct eye contact is considered to be (34)_______ or even intimidating. It is rude to stand with your hand or hands in your pockets, especially when greeting someone or when addressing a group of people. The seemingly simple act of exchanging business cards is more complex in Japan (35)_______ the business card represents not only one's identity but also his (36)_______ in life. Yours should be printed in your own language and in Japanese. The Japanese are not a touch -oriented society; so avoid open displays of affection, touching or any prolonged form of body contact. Queues are generally respected; especially in crowded train and subway stations where the huge volume of people causes touching and pushing.

Question 32. A. simply B. easy C. cheap D. complex

Question 33. A. show B. point C. draw D. pay

Question 34. A. impoliteness B. politely C. impolitely D. impolite

Question 35. A. though B. because C. even if D. unless

Question 36. A. location B. status C. place D. stand

Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the most suitable response to complete each of the following exchanges.

Question 37. A: "I can't believe we're actually here in the Caribbean!"
B: "________"

A. Why can't you? B. But I believe. C. This is the life! D. Life goes on.

Question 38. A: "Wasn't it Mozart who composed Swan Lake?"
B: "________"

A. It is not my favorite. B. Yes, he wasn't.
C. It's out of question. D. I haven't a clue.

Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word(s) OPPOSITE in meaning to the underlined word(s) in each of the following questions.

Question 39. Henry has found a temporary job in a factory.

A. permanent B. satisfactory C. genuine D. unstable

Question 40. The consequences of the typhoon were disastrous due to the lack of precautionary measures.

A. beneficial B. devastating C. severe D. damaging

Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word whose underlined part differs from the other three in pronunciation in each of the following questions.

Question 41. A. watched B. forced C. worked D. solved

Question 42. A. contribute B. opponent C. gorilla D. compliment

Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the sentence that best combines each pair of sentences in the following questions.

Question 43. I did not arrive in time. I was not able to see her off.

A. She had left because I was not on time. B. I was not early enough to see her off.
C. I did not go there, so I could not see her off. D. I arrived very late to say goodbye to her.

Question 44. Nam defeated the former champion in three sets. He finally won the inter-school table tennis championship.

A. Having defeated the former champion in three sets, Nam won the inter-school table tennis championship.
B. Although Nam defeated the former champion in three sets, he did not win the title of inter-school table tennis champion.
C. Having defeated the former champion in the inter-school table tennis, Nam did not hold the title of champion.
D. Being defeated by the former champion, Nam lost the chance to play the final game of inter-school table tennis champion.

Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the sentence that is closest in meaning to each of the following questions.

Question 45. Because they erected a barn, the cattle couldn't get out into the wheat field.

A. They erected a barn, and as a result, the cattle couldn't get out into the wheat field.
B. In order not to keep the cattle away from the wheat field, they erected a barn.
C. They erected a barn in case the cattle couldn't get out into the wheat field.
D. They erected a barn so that the cattle would get out into the wheat field.

Question 46. John said, "You'd better not lend them any money, Daisy."

A. John ordered Daisy not to lend them any money.
B. John commanded Daisy not ti lend them any money.
C. John asked Daisy if she had lent them any money.
D. John advised Daisy not to lend them any money.

Question 47. WannaCry Virus attacked my computer because I clicked on a strange link.

A. But for my click on a strange link, WannaCry virus would attack my computer.
B. Had I clicked on a strange link, WannaCry wouldn't have attacked my computer.
C. If I hadn't clicked in a strange link, WannaCry Virus wouldn't have attacked my computer.
D. If it hadn't been for my click on a strange link, WannaCry virus wouldn't attack my computer.

Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the underlined part that needs correction in each of the following questions.

Question 48. Many young people lack skills, good education, and financial to settle in the urban areas where many jobs
are found.

Question 49. She did not know where most of the people in the conference was from.

Question 50. Crime invention is as crucial in the workplace like it is in the home or neighborhood.


Đáp án đề thi thử THPT Quốc gia năm 2017 môn Tiếng Anh

01. B; 02. B; 03. B; 04. B; 05. B; 06. B; 07. D; 08. C; 09. C; 10. C; 11. B; 12. D; 13. A; 14. A; 15. B;
16. A; 17. A; 18. A; 19. B; 20. A; 21. A; 22. B; 23. B; 24. D; 25. D; 26. A; 27. B; 28. C; 29. C; 30. D;
31. B; 32. D; 33. A; 34. D; 35. B; 36. B; 37. C; 38. D; 39. A; 40. A; 41. D; 42. D; 43. B; 44. A; 45. A;
46. D; 47. C; 48. B; 49. D; 50. C;

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