Đề thi học kì 2 tiếng Anh 11 Global Success (Có đáp án)

Đề thi học kì 2 môn Tiếng Anh 11 năm 2023 - 2024 sách Kết nối tri thức với cuộc sống

Đề thi tiếng Anh học kì 2 lớp 11 - Global Success (Có đáp án, File nghe)

Đề thi cuối kì 2 tiếng Anh 11 Global Success năm 2023 - 2024 gồm đề kiểm tra cuối kì 2 có đáp án chi tiết kèm theo file nghe.

Đề thi học kì 2 tiếng Anh 11 Global Success được biên soạn với cấu trúc mới đề rất đa dạng, bám sát nội dung chương trình học trong sách giáo khoa lớp 11. Hi vọng đây sẽ là tài liệu hữu ích cho quý thầy cô và các em ôn tập và củng cố kiến thức, chuẩn bị sẵn sàng cho học kì 2 lớp 11 sắp tới. Vậy sau đây là nội dung chi tiết đề kiểm tra học kì 2 tiếng Anh 11 Kết nối tri thức năm 2023 - 2024, mời các bạn cùng theo dõi tại đây. Ngoài ra các bạn xem thêm đề thi học kì 2 môn Vật lí 11 Kết nối tri thức.

Đề thi học kì 2 tiếng Anh 11 Global Success



Năm học 2023-2024


Thời gian làm bài:60 phút

( Đề thi gồm 02 trang, thí sinh làm trên phiếu trả lời )



Bài nghe:

Listen 1. You will hear three short conversations. There is one question for each conversation. For each question, circle the right answer (A, B, C, or D). You will listen to each conversation TWICE.

1. What date will the man stay at the hotel?

A. 13th May

B. 30th May

C. 15th May

D. 31st May

2. Why didn’t Tom attend class this morning?

A. His car hit a bike.

B. He was ill.

C. He had an accident.
D. He had to work in the hospital.

3. When will the next bus Number 15 come?

A. 12.20

B. 12.25

C. 12.30

D. 12.35

Listen 2: Listen to a passage about the Pacific Island of Vanuatu. Write the answer to each question. Use NO MORE THAN SIX WORDS for each answer. You will listen to the recording TWICE.

4. What is the population of Vanuatu?


5. What do most people here live on?


6. How many languages are sp

en officially in Vanuatu?


7. What is this group of islands mostly like?


8. How high is the majority of the Vanuatu land mass?



Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the word(s) CLOSEST in meaning to the underlined word(s)

1. Life expectancy for both men and women has improved greatly in the past twenty years.

A. Living standard
B. Longevity
C. Life skills
D. Lifeline

2. Though built almost five hundred years ago, the church remained practically intact.

A. in completion
B. in ruins
C. in chaos
D. in perfection

Mark the latter A, B, C or D to indicate the correct answer to each of the following question.

3. You wanted that, ______?

A. would you
B. didn't you
C. wouldn't you
D. do you

4. If she asks for money, I ____ her.

A. will give
B. gave
C. would give
D. would have given

5. Tobacco not only affects you and the people around you, but can ____ to serious health conditions.

A. go
B. influence
C. lead
D. point

6. When finishing an undergraduate course successfully, students can get a ________.

A. master's degree
B. doctoral degree
C. doctorate
D. bachelor's degree

7. When I last saw him, he ______ in London.

A. has lived
B. is living
C. was living
D. has been living

8. I believe that the only way for us to reduce global warming is to cut down_______energy use.

A. at
B. on
C. to
D. in

Read the passage and choose the correct answer A, B, C or D to each of the questions. HEALTHY LIVING

Millions of people today are overweight and out of shape. This is due in part to their diet, which is often high in sugars and fats. Another (17) ____ is that too many of us spend our evenings gluing to the television, instead of doing something to keep ourselves fit. Today hectic lifestyles also prevent us from spending as much time as we should on staying in shape.

Long hours at school and work don't (18) ____ much time for healthy eating. Convenience food, such as frozen meals and canned vegetables, saves time but is often unhealthy. Fast food and takeaways are also (19) ____ for many health problems.

In order to enjoy good health, a regular programme of exercise is essential. This can be anything from gentle forms of yoga (20) ____ body building. Doing a little exercise every day so as not to develop health problems is something that all of us should consider, young and old. If you don't practise any form of exercise now, it is for you to choose one and start today and get in shape!

1. A. reason B. effect C. result D. consequence

2. A. consume B. leave C. spend D. waste

3. A. responsive B. responsibly C. responsible D. irresponsible

4. A. to B. but C. and D. with

Read the passage and choose the correct answer A, B, C or D to each of the questions.


Family life in the United States is changing. Fifty or sixty years ago, the wife was called a “housewife”. She cleaned, co

ed, and cared for the children. The husband earned the money for the family. He was usually out working all day. He came home tired in the evening, so he did not do much housework. And he did not see the children very much, except on weekends.

These days, however, more and more women work outside the home. They cannot stay with the children all day. They, too, come home tired in the evening. They do not want to spend the evening co

ing dinner and cleaning up. They do not have time to clean the house and do the laundry. So who is going to do the housework now? Who is going to take care of the children?

Many families solve the problem of housework by sharing it. In these families, the husband and wife agree to do different jobs around the house, or they take turns doing each job. For example, the husband always co

s dinner and the wife always does the laundry. Or the wife co
s dinner on some nights and the husband co
s dinner on other nights.

Then there is the question of the children. In the past, many families got help with child care from grandparents. Now families usually do not live near their relatives. The grandparents are often too far away to help in a regular way. More often, parents have to pay for child care help. The help may be a babysitter or a day-care center. The problem with t his kind of help is the high cost. It is possible only for couples with jobs that pay well.

Parents may get another kind of help form the companies they work for. Many companies now let people with children work part-time. That way, parents can spend more time with their children. Some husbands may even stop working for a while to stay with the children. For these men there is a new word: they are called “househusbands”. In the USA more and more men are becoming househusbands every year.

These changes in the home mean changes in the family. Fathers can learn to understand their children better, and the children can get to know their fathers better. Husbands and wives may also find changes in their marriage. They, too, may have a better understanding of each other.

5. Sixty years ago, most women ____________

A. went out to work
B. had no children
C. did not do much housework
D. were housewives

6. The word “laundry” in paragraph 2 is closest in meaning to ___________

A. tidying up
B. co

ing and washing up
C. washing and ironing
D. shopping

7. The word “they” in paragraph 5 refers to _______________

A. husbands who stop working to stay with the children
B. fathers who spend more time with their children
C. parents who work part-time
D. children who spend more time with fathers than mothers

8. This article is about ________

A. American men as househusbands
B. housewives in America
C. how more American women are working
D. how family life in America is changing


Part 1. Rewrite the following sentences, beginning as shown, without changing their meaning.

9. He had spent all his money. He decided to go home.

=> Having …………………………………………………………………

10. The doctor said to me, “You should lose weight.”

=>The doctor advised …………………………………………………………………

Part 2: Complete the sentences to make meaningful sentences.

11. If I had a lot of money, …………………………………………………………………

12. He was the last person who…………………………………………………………………

Part 3: Write an article (150-180 words) about the pros and cons of self-study

Đáp án đề thi học kì 2 tiếng Anh 11 Global Success



Năm học 2023-2024


Thời gian làm bài:60 phút

( Đề thi gồm 02 trang, thí sinh làm trên phiếu trả lời )



Listen 1.


Listen 2

4. 200,000

5. agriculture

6. 3 (languages)

7. mountainous and volcanic

8 a few feet above the waves

9. B

13. C




14. D



11. B

15. C



12. A

16. B



25.Having spent all his money,he decided to go home.

26. The doctor advised me to lose weight.

27.If I had a lot of money, …………………………………………………………………

28. He was the last person who…………………………………………………………………

Part 3: Write an article (150-180 words) about the pros and cons of self-study

Gợi ý

1. Title: Pros and cons of self-study

2. Introduction:

- Independent learning often involves self-study – learning at home without a teacher.

- Let’s lo


3. Body paragraphs:

- First (of all), self-study gives/makes leanners … Secondly …. Finally …

- On the other hand, learners may … In addition, … For example, … Finally, ….

4. Conclusion:

- In conclusion, self-study has both ….

- Learners should understand both ….

- … education is changing all the time…/get used to the challenges of…

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