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Đề cương giữa học kì 1 môn Tiếng Anh 6 - Explore English năm 2023 - 2024

Đề cương ôn tập giữa học kì 1 môn Tiếng Anh 6 sách Cánh diều

Ôn tập giữa kì 1 Tiếng Anh 6 - Explore English năm 2023 - 2024

Đề cương ôn tập giữa học kì 1 môn Tiếng Anh 6 sách Cánh diều tổng hợp kiến thức quan trọng, cùng những dạng bài tập, giúp các em học sinh ôn thi giữa học kì 1 năm 2023 - 2024 đạt kết quả cao.

Đồng thời, đề cương giữa kì 1 Tiếng Anh 6 - Explore English cũng giúp thầy cô tham khảo để hướng dẫn các em ôn tập giữa học kì 1 thật tốt theo chương trình mới. Ngoài ra, có thể tham khảo thêm đề thi giữa học kì 1 môn Tiếng Anh 6 sách Cánh diều. Mời thầy cô và các em học sinh cùng theo dõi bài viết dưới đây của

Đề cương giữa kì 1 Tiếng Anh 6 - Explore English

Exercise 1. Choose the correct answer.

1) Is this cup ________ (your / yours)?

2) The coffee is ________ (my / mine).

3) That coat is ________ (my / mine).

4) He lives in________ (her / hers) house.

5) You might want ________ (your / yours) phone.

6) The new car is ________ (their / theirs).

7) She co

ed ________ (our / ours) food.

8) Don't stand on ________ (my / mine) foot!

9) She gave him ________ (her / hers) suitcase.

10) I met ________ (their / theirs) mother.

11) Is this________ (their / theirs) coffee?

12) Is the flat ________ (her / hers)?

13) The grey scarf is ________ (my / mine).

14) That red bike is ________ (our / ours).

15) We should take ________ (our / ours) coats.

16) That is ________ (my / mine) car.

17) He dropped ________ (my / mine) bag.

18) Are these phones ________ (their / theirs)?

19) These cakes are________ (our / ours)!

20) Are those children ________ (your / yours)

Exercise 2. Write the correct form. Possessive 's or s'.

1. This is _______ bo

. (Peter)

2. Let's go to the _______. (Smiths)

3. The _______ room is upstairs. (children)

4. _______ sister is twelve years old. (John)

5. _______ and _______ school is old. (Susan – Steve)

6. _______ shoes are on the second floor. (men)

7. My _______ car was not expensive. (parents)

8. _______ CD player is new. (Charles)

9. This is the _______ bike. (boy)

10. These are the _______ pencils. (boys)

Exercise 3. Complete the sentence.

1. __________ is your favorite singer? - BTS.

2. What's Lien's favorite movie? - _____ favorite movie is Hospital Playlist 2.

3. _________ Linda's favorite actor? - Tom Holland is her favorite actor.

4. _________ his favorite sport? - Football is.

5. What's your parents' favorite TV show? - ______ is Who is billionaire?

Exercise 4. Choose the correct answer.

1) Is this bo

____ (your / yours)?

2) The milk tea is ____ (my/mine).

3) Those shoes are ____ (our/ ours).

4) She lives in ____ (her/hers) house.

5) You might want ____ (her/ hers) number

6) The new album is ____ (their/theirs).

7) She co

ed ____ (my/mine) food.

8) Don't stand on ____ (my/mine) foot!

9) She gave him ____ (her/hers) student card.

10) I met ____ (their/theirs) mother.

Exercise 5. Which one is correct?

1. I think New York is more expensive/expensiver than Pari.

2. Is the North Sea more big/bigger than the Mediterranean Sea?

3. Are you a better/good job than your sister?

4. My mom’s funny/funnier than your mom!

5. Crocodiles are more dangerous than/as fish.

6. Math is badder/worse than chemistry.

7. Cars are much more safer/much safer than motorbikes.

8. Australia is far/further hotter than Ireland.

9. It is strange but often a c

e is more expensive/ expensiver than a beer.

10. Non-sm

ers usually live more long/longer than sm

Exercise 6. Fill in the blank with a suitable question word

How many, how much, how often, how high, how tall, how much, how old, how

1. ………………is she? 1m45

2. ………………is a bottle of co

ing old? 25,000 dong

3. ………………do you go to school? By bus.

4. ………………does Mr. Hung go to the cinema? Twice a week.

5. ………………apples do you want? Half a dozen.

6. ………………is this mountain? 30 meters height.

7. ………………is Ba? He is 12 years old.

8. ………………rice does Mr. Hai produce? He produces a lot of rice.


Exercise 1. Choose the correct answer.

1 - yours; 2 - mine; 3 - mine;

4 - her; 5 - your; 6 - theirs;

7 - our ; 8 - my; 9 - her;

10 - their; 11 - their; 12 - hers;

13 - mine; 14 - ours; 15 - our ;

16 - my; 17 - my; 18 - theirs;

19 - ours; 20 - yours;

Exercise 2. Write the correct form. Possessive 's or s'.

1. This is Peter's bo


2. Let's go to the Smiths'.

3. The children's room is upstairs.

4. John's sister is twelve years old.

5. Susan and Steve's school is old.

6. Men's shoes are on the second floor.

7. My parents' car was not expensive.

8. Charles's CD player is new.

9. This is the boy's bike.

10. These are the boys' pencils.

Exercise 3. Complete the sentence.

1. Who is your favorite singer? - BTS.

2. What's Lien's favorite movie? - Her favorite movie is Hospital Playlist 2.

3. Who's Linda's favorite actor? - Tom Holland is her favorite actor.

4. What's his favorite sport? - Football is.

5. What's your parents' favorite TV show? - Theirs is Who is billionaire?

Exercise 4. Choose the correct answer.

1) Is this bo


2) The milk tea is mine.

3) Those shoes are ours.

4) She lives in her house.

5) You might want her number

6) The new album is theirs.

7) She co

ed my food.

8) Don't stand on my foot!

9) She gave him her student card.

10) I met their mother.

Exercise 5. Which one is correct?

1. expensive

2. bigger

3. better

4. funnier

5. than

6. worse

7. much safer

8. far

9. expensive

10. longer.

Exercise 6. Fill in the blank with a suitable question word

1. How tall is she? 1m45.

2. How much is a bottle of co

ing old? 25,000 dong

3. How do you go to school? By bus.

4. How often does Mr. Hung go to the cinema? Twice a week.

5. How many apples do you want? Half a dozen.

6. How high is this mountain? 30 meters height.

7. How old is Ba? He is 12 years old.

8. How much rice does Mr. Hai produce? He produces a lot of rice.

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