Chuyên đề Các dạng đặc biệt của câu bị động trong tiếng Anh -

Chuyên đề Các dạng đặc biệt của câu bị động trong tiếng Anh

Các trường hợp đặc biệt của câu bị động

Chuyên đề Các dạng đặc biệt của câu bị động trong tiếng Anh gồm 8 trang được biên soạn đầy đủ kiến thức lý thuyết với một số dạng bài tập tự luyện khác nhau.

Các dạng đặc biệt của câu bị động trong tiếng Anh giúp các em nắm vững kiến thức đã học trên lớp cũng như ôn luyện thêm các bài tập nâng cao, hỗ trợ quá trình tự học tiếng Anh hiệu quả để củng cố ngữ pháp tiếng Anh. Tài liệu được sắp xếp khoa học với nhiều mức độ khác nhau giúp học sinh đánh giá chính xác năng lực của mình. Ngoài ra các bạn xem thêm 12 thì trong tiếng Anh.

Các dạng đặc biệt của câu bị động trong tiếng Anh


Somebody + want/ like/ expect + someone to do something

Somebody + want/ like/ expect + something + to be done

EX: Our teacher wants us to prepare our lessons carefully./ Our teacher wants our lessons to be prepared carefully.


Somebody + agree/ arrange/ determind/ decide + to do something

Somebody + agree/ arange/ determind/ decide + that something + should be + done


She decided to rebuild the house.

She decided that the house should be rebuilt.


Something + need(s) + doing (also: want+ v-ing/ require+v-ing)

Something + need(s) + to be done (also: want+ to be done/ require + to be done)


The house needs cleaning. (passive meaning) These flowers require watering.

The house needs to be cleaned. These flowers require to be watered.

You don’t need to prepare the lesson (active) The chickens need feeding

The lesson doesn’t need to be prepared. The chickens need to be fed.

The lesson doesn’t need preparing.



people + think/ expect/ believe/ estimate/ say/ report/ suppose/ hope/ declare/ rumour + that+someone + do something (active) F PASSIVE



It is

thought/ expected/ believed/

estimated/ said/ reported

supposed/ hoped/ declared/


that someone + do something


Someone is

to do something


People think that he drives dangerously. (active)

It is thought that he drives dangerously. (type 1)

He is thought to drive dangerously. (type 2)


people + think/ expect/ believe/ estimate/ say/ report/ suppose/ hope/ declare/ rumour + that + someone + did something (active) F PASSIVE



It is

thought/ expected/ believed/

estimated/ said/ reported

supposed/ hoped/ declared/


that someone + did something


Someone is

to have done something


People think that he drove dangerously. (active)

It is thought that he drove dangerously. (type 1)

He is thought to have driven dangerously. (type 2)


It’s your duty to do something

You are supposed to do something (bổn phận của bạn là….)


It’s your duty to lock all the doors.

You are supposed to lock all the doors.


Somebody + see/ make/ let + someone + do + something (active)

Someone is seen/ made + to do something (passive)

Someone is let + do something (passive) but we often say: someone is (not) allowed to do something


He made me stay outside yesterday. (active)

I was made to stay outside yesterday.

The teacher let us go home early last week. (active)

We were let go home early by the teacher last week = We were allowed to go home early by the teacherlast week.

I saw the thief climb the wall. (active)

The thief was seen to climb the wall.


Somebody + have + someone + do something

Somebody + get + someone + to do something

Somebody + have + something + done

EX: He had his waiter carry the luggage home.

He had the luggage carried home by the waiter.

I got the postman to post the letter for me.

I had the letter posted for me by the postman.




1. All bottles _________ before transportation.

A. frozen
B. is frozen
C. was frozen
D. were frozen

2. Everything that _________ remained a secret.

A. had be overheard
B. had been overheard
C. had been overheareD. would had been overheard

3. Everything ___________________________.

A. were forbidden
B. is forbidden
C. is forbidded
D. are forbidden

4. Everything___________________________.

A. are going to be forgotten 
B. is going to be forgotten
C. is going to be forgot
D. were going to be forgotten

5. I___________________________.

A. have not given the money
B. have not been given the money
C. have not been give the money
D. have not be given the money

6. It _________ for years.

A. has not be known
B. had not been known
C. had not be known
D. have not been known

7. It _________ that learning English is easy.

A. are said
B. said
C. is said
D. is sayed

8. John and Ann___________________________.

A. were not mislead
B. were not misleeded
C. was not misled
D. were not misled

9. Our horses ___________________________.

A. are well feeded
B. are well fed
C. is well fed
D. is well feeded

10. Peter and Tom _________ in an accident yesterday.

A. is hurt
B. is hurted
C. were hurt
D. were hurted

11. South Florida and HawaiI _________ by a hurricane.

A. is hit
B. have been hit
C. have are hit
D. has been hit

12. The battles _________ for liberation .

A. had be fought
B. had been fighted
C. had been fought
D. has been fought

13. We can’t go along here because the road _________

A. is repairing
B. is repaired
C. is being repaired
D. repairs

14. The story I’ve just read_________ Agatha Christie.

A. was written
B. was written by
C. was written from
D. wrote by

15. I’m going to go out and_________

A. have cut my hair
B. have my hair cut
C. cut my hair
D. my hair be cut

16. Something funny_________ in class yesterday.

A. happened
B. was happened
C. happens
D. is happened

17. Many US automobiles_________ in Detroit, Michigan

A. manufacture
B. have manufactured
C. are manufactured
D. are manufacturing

18. A lot of pesticide residue can_________ unwashed produce.

A. find
B. found
C. be finding
D. be found

19. We_________ by a loud noise during the night.

A. w

e up
B. are w
en up
C. were w
en up
D. were waking up

20. Some film stars_________ difficult to work with.

A. are said be
B. are said to be
C. say to be
D. said to be

21. Why did Tom keep making j

es about me? – I don’t enjoy_________ at.

A. be laughed
B. to be laughe
C. laughing
D. being laughed

22. Today, many serious childhood diseases_________ by early immunization.[ sự miễn dịch]

A. are preventing
B. can prevent
C. prevent
D. can be prevented

23. Do you get your heating_________ every year?

A. checking
B. check
C. be checked
D. checked

24 Bicycles_________ in the driveway.

A. must not leave
B. must not be leaving
C. must not be left
D. must not have left

25. Beethoven’s Fifth Symphony_________ next weekend.[ Symphony: khúc giao hưởng]

A. is going to be performed
B. has been performed
C. will be performing
D. will have perform

26. All bottles_________ before transportation.

A. frozen
B. were froze
C. were frozen
D. are froze

27. ___________________________.yet?

A. Have the letters been typed
B. Have been the letters typed
C. Have the letters typed
D. Had the letters typed

28. English has become a second language in countries like India, Nigeria or Singapore where `_________ for administration, broadcasting and education.

A. is used
B. it is used
C. used
D. being used

29. The telephones_________ by Alexander Graham Bell.

A. is invented
B. is inventing
C. invented
D. was invented

30. Lots of houses_________ by the earthquake.

A. are destroying
B. destroyed
C. were destroyed
D. is destroyed

31. Gold_________ in California in the 19th century.

A. was discovered
B. has been discovered
C. was discover
D. they discover

32 The preparation_________ by the time the guest_________

A. had been finished- arrived
B. have finished- arrived
C. had finished-were arriving
D. have been finished- were arrived

33. The boy_________ by the teacher yesterday.

A. punish
B. punished
C. punishing
D. was punished

34. “Ms Jones, please type those letters before noon”_ “They’ve already ______, sir. They’re on your desk.”

A. typed
B. been being typed
C. being typed
D. been typed


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