Các dạng bài tập tiếng Anh thi vào lớp 10 năm 2024

Tổng hợp bài tập luyện thi vào lớp 10 môn tiếng Anh

Ôn thi vào lớp 10 môn tiếng Anh

Các dạng bài tập tiếng Anh thi vào lớp 10 tổng hợp gồm 34 trang được biên soạn với rất nhiều dạng bài tập khác nhau.

Các dạng bài tập tiếng Anh thi vào lớp 10 giúp các em nắm vững kiến thức đã học trên lớp cũng như ôn luyện thêm các bài tập nâng cao, hỗ trợ quá trình tự học tiếng Anh hiệu quả. Tài liệu được sắp xếp khoa học với nhiều mức độ khác nhau giúp học sinh đánh giá chính xác năng lực của mình. Lưu ý tài liệu hiện chưa có đáp án nên các bạn làm rồi nhờ thầy cô giáo chấm điểm. Ngoài ra các bạn xem thêm: Bài tập tìm lỗi sai tiếng Anh thi vào lớp 10, Bài tập điền từ vào đoạn văn tiếng Anh thi vào 10,

-53896">Bài tập Phrasal Verbs với Lo
lớp 9

Các dạng bài tập tiếng Anh thi vào lớp 10 năm 2023


1. A. claimed B. warned C. occurred D. existed

2.A.  germ B. gas C. gain D. goods

3. A. proud B. about C. around D. would

4. A. computers B. airports C. things D. calculators

5. A. health B. appear C. ready D. heavy

6. A. thunder B. erupt C. trust D. pull

7. A. plumber B. label C. garbage D. bottle

8. A. around B. how C. bought D. found

9. A. entrance B. paddy C. bamboo D. banyan

10.A.  jeans B. caps C. pants D. shirts

11. A. cheerful B. machine C. chance D. champion

12.A.  feature B. reason C. season D. pleasant

13. A. proofs B. regions C. lifts D. rocks

14. A. hungry B. under C. culture D. campus

15. A. shout B. tour C. about D. count

16, A. school B. scholarship C. children D. chemistry

17. A. tidal B. sight C. mineral D. describe

18, A.  option B. question C. pollution D. collection

19. A. played B. asked C. watched D. stopped

20. A. cyclone B. sunny C. typhoon D. sky

21.A. design B. solar C. website D. sample

22.A.  environment B. recycle C. dynamite D. littering



1.I wish I _____ English well.

A. study
B. studying
C. studied
D. to study

2.We _____ each other since 2013.

A. know
B. knew
C. have knew
D. have known

3.Lan got to the bus station late _____ she couldn't catch the bus.

A. because
B. but
C. so
D. however

4.She said she _____ Ha Long Bay the following day.

A. will visit
B. will be visited
C. would visit
D. would be visited

5.You have never seen UFOs, _____?

A. had you
B. have you
C. haven't you
D. has you

6.The day was so _____ that we decided to take a picnic lunch to the beach.

A. clearly and warmly
B. clear and warm
C. clear and warmly
D. clearly and warm

7.In Western countries, electricity, gas and water are not luxuries _____ necessities.

A. or
B. with
C. but
D. and

8.My friend Paul, _____ sings Western folk songs very well, can compose songs.

A. who
B. whom
C. which
D. whose

9.Everyone should learn _____ to swim.

A. where
B. when
C. how
D. what

10.Your car is different _____ mine.

A. to ,
B. in
C. from
D. for

11.He lo

s _____ today than yesterday.

A. good
B. well
C. better
D. goodly

12.Are you lo

ing for my sister? - She isn't at home now. She _____ to the library.

A. went
B. goes
C. has gone
D. is going

13.If it _____ fine tomorrow, we'll go shopping.

A. was
B. were
C. will be
D. is

14.The little village is very quiet and _____.

A. peace
B. peacefully
C. peaceful
D. peaceless

15.I can't reach the phone because I _____ a bath.

A. am having
B. have
C. was having
D. be having

16.When she _____, I was reading upstairs.

A. was coming
B. is coming
C. came
D. comes

17.Would you mind _____ me to take these chairs away?

A. help
B. to help
C. helped
D. helping

18.I am sorry I can't help you now. I'm busy _____ my lesson.

A. to
B. 0
C. with
D. for

19.She doesn't enjoy lo

ing _____ the children.

A. for
B. in
C. after
D. at

20.My father has been working in a bank _____ we moved here.

A. for
B. during
C. since
D. in

21.There is a _____ between the North and the South.

A. different
B. differ
C. differently
D. difference

22.I planned to have a swim this morning but the weather is so _____.

A. disappointed
B. bored
C. uninterested
D. disappointing

23.We learn foreign languages _____ know more about other people and countries.

A. so that
B. in order to
C. just as
D. for we

24.She will be disappointed _____ she gets the job.

A. but
B. unless
C. because
D. if

25.He was absent from school _____ his illness.

A. because
B. because of
C. as
D. for



1. Hoang The Anh (be) the first student of Bac Giang (take) part in the final of "The road to Olympia peak".

2. Hugo Chavez, who (be) _____ the President of Venezuela from 1999, (die) _____ on 5th March 2013.

3. About 16 million people (kill) _____ by a double disaster on 11th March 2011 in Japan.

4. He (watch) _____ TV while his mother (co

) _____ dinner at 6 p.m yesterday.

5. A lot of people enjoy (learn) _____ English nowadays.

6. Ao dai (mention) _____ in poems and songs for centuries, and nowadays they (wear) _____ by many Vietnamese women.

7. My parents often advise me (study) _____ hard for a better future.

8. I(be) _____ an English teacher since I (graduate) _____ university in 1994.

9. If today (be) _____ Sunday, we would go for a picnic.

10. When I (come) _____ home last night, my father (read) _____ magazines.

11. Bi Rain first (perform) _____ in Vietnam in 2006 and then (return) in 2007.

12. When you take the medicine, you (feel) _____ better.

13. I (wait) _____ here until the rain (stop) _____.

14. Lan wishes she (speak) _____ English fluently.

15. My family (live) _____ in Bac Giang City for ten years.

16. Yesterday when we (visit) _____ Nam, he (clean) _____ the floor.

17. If you study harder, you (get) _____ good marks in the coming examination.

18. My father gave up (sm

e) _____ ten months ago.

19. A new school is going to (build) _____ in this city next month.

20. Our children (play) in the park at the moment.

21. Would you like (come) _____ to my house for dinner tonight?

22. We are all lo

ing forward to (meet) _____ you.

23. Listen! I think someone (knock) _____ at the door.

24. My daughter is interested in (read) _____ comics.

25. He used to (ride) _____ a bike to his office.

26. It (take) _____ him 2 hours every day to practise speaking English when he was a student.

27. When you (start) _____ school?

28. Tom isn't here. He just (go) _____ out for a few minutes.

29. We (have) _____ an English test next week.

30. We (waste) _____ too much power at the moment.

31. Please don't make so much noise. I (study) _____.

32. They suggest (take) _____ a bus instead of using private car to save energy.

33. You (meet) _____ Nam last Sunday? Oh, no. I (not see) _____ him for a long time.

34. My parents (go) _____ out 10 minutes ago. They will be back soon.

35. My brother (work) for Samsung Corporation since 2009.

36. You (see) _____ the football match between Manchester United and Chelsea on TV last night?

37. “Harry Potter” is the most interesting film I ever (see) _____.

38. “Nhandan” newspaper (publish) _____ every day. It's a daily newspaper.

39. I asked him if he (can speak) _____ English well.

40. What you (do) _____ if you were a millionaire?

41. Lan told her friend (not make) _____ such noise in class.

42. We wish we (not have) _____ to go to school today.

43. If we keep our environment clean, we (have) _____ a better and healthier life.

44. “Kieu story” (translate) _____ into many languages recently.

45. She said she (not come) _____ to my wedding party the following week.

46. Her hair is short. She just (have) a haircut.

47. We shouldn't (eat) _____ too much fatty food. It’s bad for our health.

48. What about (collect) _____ the garbage in the schoolyard?

49. Receiving many letters (make) _____ her happy.

50. I’d rather (stay) _____ at home than (go) _____ to see that film.


1. I think Dinh Manh Ninh sings the most__________in M4U. (BEAUTY)

2. If you want a job, fill in this__________form. (APPLY)

3. Traditional__________are a good source of fun and entertainment. (CELEBRATE)

4. If you want to__________your English, we can help you. (IMPROVEMENT)

5. Please phone this number for more__________. (INFORM)

6. I want to__________for selling my house. (ADVERTISEMENT)

7. Some people think that gods create__________eruption. (VOLCANO)

8. The next stage in the__________of television is interactive TV. (DEVELOP)

9. __________is now a serious problem in Vietnam. (FOREST)

10. Hoa has a lot of friends as she is so__________. (FRIEND)

11. This magazine is__________read by both teenagers and adults. (WIDE)

12. I hope to speak English as__________as my teacher. (GOOD)

13. We are interested in saving__________resources. (NATURE)

14. We should prepare food__________before turning on the stove. (CAREFUL)

15. Is Son Dong the__________district in Bac Giang Province? (LARGE)

16. I like this website because it is__________for me. (USE)

17. __________, the typhoon didn't cause any damage to the village. (LUCKY)

18. We must learn how to keep our environment__________. (POLLUTE)

19. It was one of the most__________earthquakes in Japan. (DANGER)

20. The earthquake caused terrible__________. (DESTROY)

21. The__________of computers is one of the recent__________in our time. (INVENT) - (ACHIEVE)

22. “The Lost Shoes” is one of the__________stories I like best. (TRADITION)

23. It is__________to eat much sugar and fat. (HEALTH)

24. The gas from chemical factory is extremely__________. (HARM)

25. The price of__________has gone up again. (ELECTRIC)

26. I’m very__________of my father and I love him so much. (PRIDE)

27. I usually to

part in all__________outdoor activities when I was a student. (DIFFER)

28. The Internet has__________developed and become part of our daily life. (INCREASE)

29. The Internet is one of the most useful means of__________. (COMMUNICATE)

30. Scientists are lo

ing for a (an) __________way to reduce energy consumption. (EFFECT)

31. If we go on littering, the environment will become__________polluted. (SERIOUS)

32. We can protect the environment by__________air pollution. (REDUCTION)

33. Many chemicals have a__________effect on the environment. (DISASTER)

34. In the 18th century, Jeans cloth was made__________from cotton. (COMPLETE)

35. We often take part in many__________activities at school. (CULTURE)

36. She has__________provided a picnic lunch for us. (KIND)

37. Teachers now give more__________to their students in classroom activities. (FREE)

38. I come from Vietnam. I am not used to__________on the left. (DRIVE)

39. It is the first time for me to watch an__________fashion show. (INTEREST)

40. Getting to the village is a very__________journey. (ENJOY)

41. He is now studying in the USA as a(n) __________student. (CHANGE)

42. Since her__________, the room has been full of laughter. (ARRIVE)

43. Fuel__________can be cut down by having fewer cars on the roads. (CONSUME)

44. Children in mountainous areas have__________in learning English. (DIFFICULT)

45. Computers are popular__________nowadays. (WORLD)

46. Nowadays more people are concerning about the environmental__________. (POLLUTE)

47. He felt__________because he lost the match. (DISAPPOINT)

48. He doesn't speak English so__________as his sister. (GOOD)

49. It is usually forbidden to destroy__________buildings. (HISTORY)

50. The__________are scheduled to take off at 15:00 and 15:30. (FLY)


1. Their team doesn't play very well.

They wish______________________________________________________

2. They will open the National stadium next Sunday.

The National stadium_____________________________________________

3. Let's invite Teddy to the party on Saturday.

She suggested___________________________________________________

4. Your manager must write the report.

The report______________________________________________________

5. “Why are you standing here?” He asked her.

He asked_______________________________________________________

6. She last wore that dress at her sister's wedding.

She hasn't______________________________________________________

7. Computers are used to design new models.


8. I think we should speak English in class.

I suggest_______________________________________________________

9. They built this hotel six months ago.

This hotel______________________________________________________

10. I can't go on a picnic because I am not free today.


11. “Do you speak any other languages, Mai?” the teacher said.

The teacher asked________________________________________________

12. Jane never studied French well when she was a student.

Jane used to____________________________________________________

13. Here are the bo

s. They are on wild animals.

Here are_______________________________________________________

14. They planted this tree many years ago.

This tree_______________________________________________________

15. I'm sorry, I don’t know her phone number.

I wish_________________________________________________________

16. “Can you speak English?” Mrs. Minh asked.

Mrs. Minh asked me_____________________________________________

17. “Where are you working now, Nam?" asked Ha.

Ha asked______________________________________________________

18. I don't have enough money. I can’t buy a new house.

If I had________________________________________________________

19. They have built two department stores since 2007.

Two department stores______________________________________________

20. Miss Nga is my English teacher. She sings very well.

Miss Nga______________________________________________________

21. The last time she went out with him was 9 months ago.

It is___________________________________________________________

22. You should take two tablets every four hours.

Two tablets should_______________________________________________

23. She couldn't join us because she was busy.

She was busy,___________________________________________________

24. They are going to build a new house next week.

A new house is __________________________________________________

25. “Where do you live?” asked Nam.

Nam asked me__________________________________________________

26. I last saw Nam two years ago.

I haven't_______________________________________________________

27. “Do your parents live near here, Ha?” asked Nam.

Nam asked Ha___________________________________________________

28. We started to learn English four years ago.

We have_______________________________________________________

29. I'm sorry, I can't help you now.

I wish_________________________________________________________

30. Hurry up or we will be late for the concert.

If we____________________________________________________________

31. “Can you play the piano, Lan?” I asked.

I asked Lan____________________________________________________

32. I played soccer well when I was a child.

I used ________________________________________________________

33. I haven't seen my brother for a month.

I didn't________________________________________________________

34. She doesn't know the answer, so she doesn’t tell you.

If ____________________________________________________________

35. Did you often go to church on Sundays when you were .young?

Did you use____________________________________________________?

36. We should study hard for the final exam.

It's time_______________________________________________________

37. He is too short to be a goalkeeper.

He isn't_______________________________________________________

38. Although the traffic was bad. I arrived at the cinema on time.


39. It rained a lot but we enjoyed our holiday so much.

Even though_____________________________________________________

40. Because her mother was sick, Margaret stayed at home.

Because of____________________________________________________

41. I get up early in the morning. I want to go to school on time.

I get up early in the morning in order to_____________________________

42. We spent 5 hours getting to London.

It to


43. It is an hour drive from Bac Giang to Hanoi.

It takes_______________________________________________________

44. I am very pleased that we shall meet again soon.

I’m lo


45. Learning English is necessary today.

It is__________________________________________________________

46. Why don't we go out for a meal tonight?

How about____________________________________________________?

47. The woman is very kind. She lives next door to me.

The woman____________________________________________________

48. That restaurant is so dirty that no one wants to eat there.

It is such______________________________________________________

49. Apples are usually cheaper than oranges.

Oranges are not_________________________________________________

50. “I will fly to Ho Chi Minh City tomorrow,” he said.

He said______________________________________________________


1. If/ I/ have/ lot/ money/ I/ buy/ car and/ travel/ around/ world.

2. I/ not/ see/ Mai/ since/ we/ leave/ school.

3. My brother/ give/ up/ sm

e/ last year.

4. He/ can't/ go/ work/ bicycle/ because/ live/ far/ office.

5. These exercises/ too difficult/ students/ do/ without/ mistakes.

6. It/ be/ such/ cold day/ we decide/ not/ go/ out.

7. Jack/ be/ interested/ learn/ Vietnamese/ much.

8. It/ take/ Lan/ 2 hours/ fly/ Hanoi/ Ho Chi Minh City/ yesterday morning.

9. Mr. Donal/ used/ go/ work/ bus.

10. I/ going/ visit/ home village/ parents/ this summer holiday.

11. Nowadays/ Internet/ increasingly/ develop/ and/ become/ part/ our/ daily life.

12. He/ love/ collect/ stamps/ and have/ hundreds/ stamps/ his collection.

13. Hung/ have/ lot/ homework/ do/ so/ can only play/ games/ short time.

14. You/ better/ not/ eat/ too/ candies/ because/ they/ not good/ your teeth.

15. Lien/ parents/ proud/ her/ because/ she/ always/ get/ good marks.

16. My mother/ just/ reward/ me/ an English bo

/ good study.

17. She/ prefer/ stay/home/ go shopping.

18. If/ we/ go/ waste/ water/ there/ be/ great shortage/ fresh water/ few decades.

19. The last time/1/ see/Nam/ 10 years ago.

20. Energy-saving bulbs/ should/ use/ save/ electricity.

21. This video film/ be/.so/ interesting/I/ see/ twice.

22. It/ difficult/ learn English/ without/ good dictionary.

23. He/ learn/ English/ two years now.

24. The boy/ who/ playing/ the playground/ be/ my brother.

25. It/ necessary/ students/ wear/ uniforms/ when/ they/ school.

26. We/ help/ her mother/ housework/ next week.

27. I/ now/ tired/ because/ I/ stay/ late/ do/ homework.

28. That/ one/ most/ interesting/ bo

s/I/ read.

29. Know/ how/ use/ computer/ very important/ nowadays.

30. We/ cannot/ sleep/ last night/ because/ noise/ next door.

31. Easter/joyful festival/ which/ celebrate/ many countries/ in/ world.

32. My father/ used/ play soccer/ when/ he/ young.

33. Wear/ uniforms/ encourage/ students/ proud/ school.

34. I/ lo

forward/ see/ you/ soon.

35. Mother/ used/ getting/ early/ morning.

36. I/ arrive/ Hanoi/ twenty minutes ago.

37. This morning/ I/ eat/ bread/ and/ drink/ milk/ breakfast.

38. It/ often/ me/ fifteen/ minutes/ get/ school/ foot.

39. You/ drink/ coffee/ every day?

40. How far/ it/ your house/ your school?

41. My brother/ can/ guitar/ but/ not play/ violin.

42. Let/ me/ congratulate/ you/ success.

43. Yesterday/I write/ my friend/ who/ live/ Ho Chi Minh City.

44. Although/ he/ take/ taxi/ he/ still/ arrive/ meeting/ late.

45. People/ many countries/ often/ exchange/ greeting/ cards/ Christmas/ New Year’s Day.

46. We/ have/ protect/ environment/ save/ natural resources.

47. Children/ usually/ give/ presents/New Year’s Eve.

48. They/ suggest/ we/ plant/ trees/ protect/ environment.

49. I/ wish/ go/ movies/ tomorrow.

50. Our oceans/ be/ become/ extreme/ polluted.


1. I come from Vietnam. Vietnam exports a lot of rice. (WHICH)

2. “Don’t make noise in class”, the teacher said to his students. (TOLD)

3. If someone doesn't put the coal in, the fire will go out. (UNLESS)

4. The girl is very friendly. She lived next door to us. (WHO)

5. He doesn't have a computer now. (WISHES)

6. It's 3 years since I last saw Nam. (SEEN)

7. “You'd better not stay up too late, Mary.” (ADVISED)

8. It was a two-hour flight from Hanoi to Ho Chi Minh City. (TOOK)

9. We last saw our grandfather five months ago. (HAVEN’T)

10. “Where do your parents live now?” said Nam to me. (ASKED)

11. Spending our weekend in the countryside is very interesting. (IT’S)

12. The storm destroyed the town completely. (WAS)

13. Nga is pleased to meet her aunt again soon. (LOOKING)

14. They usually wore jeans when they were young. (USED TO)

15. Reading newspapers in the morning gives him pleasure. (ENJOYS)

16. She hasn't written to me for two months. (LAST)

17. I want you to do your homework now. (WOULD RATHER)

18. He was so tired that he couldn’t see the end of the film. (TOO)

19. Have you ever sp

en to the people? They live next door. (WHO)

20. Jane can play the piano better than Bella. (WELL)


1. teeth/ meals/ right / our/ should/ after/ we/ brush.

2. homework/ ,/ plays/ chess/ after/ his/ usually/ Tom/ doing.

3. which/on the/belongs/brother/table/is/to/my/the bo


4. you/ turn/ the/ could/ radio/ down/ ,/ please?

5. watching/ prefers/ to/ brother/ bo

s/ TV/ my/reading.

6. would/ what/ you/ if/ you/ do/ were/ a millionaire?

7. you/ do/ watch/ ?/ usually/ every night/ TV.

8. you/ have/ been/ to/ ever/ Hanoi/ capital?

9. spent/ we/ two/ getting/ hours/ to London.

10. eating/ food/ fat/ is/ your/ for/ health/ good/ too much/ not.

11. too/ don’t/ spend/ time/ much/ your/ of/ video/ playing/ games-.

12. used/ they/ to/ be/ up/ picked/ after school/ every day.

13. take/ how long/ it/ to/ Hanoi/ you/ does/ get/ to/ plane/ by?

14. started/1/ for/ working/ the/ one year ago/ company.

15. would/ like/ tea/ you/ ?/ of/ a/ cup.

16. go/ they/ often/ in the afternoon/ swimming.

17. attractive/ let’s/ our/ grounds/ more/ school/ make.

18. sister/ my/ is/ to/ going/ in New York/ study/ next month.

19. detective/ parents/ going/ movie/ this afternoon/ we/ see/ with/ are/ a/ our/ to.

20. in/ city/ busy/ the/ life/ is/ the/ always.


Passage 1:

A. I dust the furniture, iron the clothes and clean the windows

E. like painting, gardening

F. co

dinner for her

B. I am very hard-working

C. I am very tired

D. I take care of children

G. give me the best of everything

H. fulfill my ambition

I am a fourteen-year-old girl. I come from a family of three. I have two elder brothers. Both my parents are teachers. I am an 8 th grade student in a secondary school. My complexion is light brown and I have dark, short hair. (1) __________ and always try to get the best grades in class. I friust get a good education to (2) __________ . I want to be a nurse in the future. I like to take care of the sick and old. I dislike outdoor activities and rarely participate in games. I enjoy doing things with my hands, (3) __________ and sometimes I try simple co

ing. I spend my free time in our small garden. I grow all kinds of plants in my garden. There are rose plants, hibiscus and morning glory. Sometimes I help my mother with the

housework. (4) __________ . My best friend is Nam. He lives in our neighborhood. We go to the same school. On Sundays, he comes to my house to play with me. My parents love me very much and (5) __________ . I am a very happy little girl.

Passage 2:




the sun


the moon


The Mid-Autumn Festival is a wonderful, ancient festival in Vietnam. The (1 ) __________ is traditionally held on the 15 th day of the 8 th lunar month under the full moon, which represents fullness and prosperity of life.

Children parade on the streets, while singing and carrying colorful (2) __________ of different sizes. Some of the popular shapes include fishes, stars, butterflies and a lantern that spins when a candle is inserted, representing the earth circling (3) __________ . Dances are also traditional, and include the dragon dance and the flower dance. It is customary to give Banh Trung Thu, boxes of moon cakes, which are traditionally very rich in taste. The cakes are (4) __________ with lotus seeds, ground beans and orange peels and have a bright y

e in the center to represent the moon.

Appropriately, the Mid-Autumn Festival is also called the Children's Festival. To help children get ready for the Festival, (5) __________ can help children make their lanterns and costumes for the lantern procession and discuss the history and culture of Vietnam.

Passage 3:

A. the conversation B. so important C. through body language

D. and interest E. expressing

Body Language - What does it say?

More than half of what we communicate is communicated not through words but (1) __________ . Because body language is (2) __________ , you'll want to know what yours is saying and how to interpret other people's too. Here are some examples of body language and its meaning in North America.

A smile is a sign of friendliness and interest. But sometimes people smile just to be polite. To get another clue from people's faces, notice their eyes. Friendliness (3) __________ are expressed when a person's eyes meet yours (especially when you're the one who’s talking) and then lo

away and meet yours again. A person who doesn’t lo
away is expressing a challenge. A person who doesn't lo
at you is (4) __________ lack of interest or shy. Hand gestures can mean a person is interested in (5) __________ . But repeated movements - like tapping a pencil or tapping a foot - often mean the person is either impatient or nervous. Stay away from someone who points at you while talking with you: That person might be angry at you or feel superior to you.


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