Bộ đề kiểm tra 1 tiết HKII môn tiếng Anh lớp 6 lần 1 - thuviensachvn.com

Bộ đề kiểm tra 1 tiết HKII môn tiếng Anh lớp 6 lần 1

Đề kiểm tra 45 phút học kì 2 môn tiếng Anh lớp 6 - Số 1

Xin giới thiệu đến quý thầy cô cùng các bạn học sinh tham khảo Bộ đề kiểm tra 1 tiết HK II môn tiếng Anh lớp 6 lần 1 được chúng tôi tổng hợp chi tiết, chính xác. Bộ đề kiểm tra 1 tiết HK II môn tiếng Anh lớp 6 lần 1 có ma trận đề thi ở 4 mức độ kèm theo đáp án. Hy vọng đây là tài liệu bổ ích, giúp các bạn học sinh làm quen với cách ra đề , đồng thời qua đó quý thầy cô đánh giá được khả năng làm bài của học sinh để ra đề thi phù hợp.

Đề kiểm tra 1 tiết HKII môn tiếng Anh lớp 6 lần 1.

I.Ma trận đề thi

I.ListeningTalk about wants and needsTalk about quantities and prices

Sentence: 8
Mark: 2
Percentage 20 %

Sentence: 4
Mark: 1
Sentence: 4
Mark: 1
Sentence: 8
Mark: 2(20%)
II.Language focus-carrot-canteen-Quantities-Yes/No question-There are + Ns-Quantifies: some-How much..?
Sentence: 8
Mark: 2
Percentage 20%
Sentence: 8
Mark: 2
Sentence: 8
Mark: 2(20%)
III.SpeakingAnswer the question: How, What?-Yes/No questionsComplete the dialogue
Sentence: 8Mark: 2Percentage 20%Sentence: 4
Mark: 1
Sentence: 4
Mark: 1
Sentence: 8
Mark: 220%)
IV. WritingMake a meaningful sentencesRewrite the following sentences
Sentence: 8
Mark: 2
Percentage 20%
Mark: 1
Sentence: 4
Mark: 1
Sentence: 8
Mark: 2(20%)
V.ReadingDescribe the peopleTalk about habitual actions
Sentence: 8
Mark: 2
Percentage 20%
Sentence: 4
Mark: 1
Sentence: 4
Mark: 1
Sentence: 40
Mark: 10
Sentence: 16
Mark: 4
Sentence: 12
Mark: 3
Sentence: 8
Mark: 2
Sentence: 4
Mark: 1
Sentence: 40
Mark: 10

II. Đề bài.


A. Listen twice and number the sentences (1m).

a. I want a hot drink ---------------

b. what do you want? ---------------

c. I’m cold .---------------

d. what’s the matter? ---------------

B. Listen twice and complete the dialogue (1m).

Salesgirl: Can I (1)…..................… you?

Lan: Yes. I’d like a sandwich and a (2)…..................….of lemon juice, please

Salesgirl: Here you are.

Lan: Thanks. How (3)…................are they?

Salesgirl: (4)…......................… thousand five hundred dong. Thank you.


A. Which word has a different stress? (0.5 m)

1. A. potato B. tomato C. banana D. carrot

2. A. water B. canteen C. apple D. favorite

B. Choose the correct answers (1.5ms)

1. 5. “Would you like an orange?” – “No,…………”

A. I would B. She would C. I wouldn’t D. I’d like

2. I feel............. I’d like some noodles.

A. thirsty B. full C. tired D. hungry

3. There is........... water in the bottle .

A. any B. some C. many D. a

4. She wants ............ co

ing oil.

A. a box of B. a dozen C. a bottle of D. a bottle

5………. there any apples?

A. Is B. Are C. Do D. Does

6. How much …….does he want? - Two hundred grams

A. the beef B. beefs C. beef D. some


A. Match the questions in column A with the answers in column B (1m).


1. What color is his hair?

2. Are there any fruit?

3. How do you feel?

4. How much rice do you want?

a. I am thirsty.

b. Two kilos.

c. It is gray.

d. Yes, there are some fruit.

B. Complete the dialogue (1m).

Huong: How do you (1)……………………………., Phong?

Phong: I’m thirsty.

Huong: What would you (2)……………………..?

Phong: I’d like a cold drink.

Huong: (3)………………………………you like some noodles?

Phong: No, thanks. I’m (4)…………………………….


A. Put the words in the right order (1m)

1. would / bar/ like/ soap/ I/ a/ of/ please.

2. bananas / How/ she/ does/ many/ want /?

3. tea/ cup/ you/ Would/ of/ a/ like?

4. What / is / eraser / your / color /?

B. Rewrite the following sentences (1m)

1. Miss Huong’s eyes are brown.

Miss Huong has ______________________________________

2. Thoa has long black hair.

Thoa’s hair __________________________________________

3. He has a brown school bag.

His school bag _______________________________________

4. Mr. Quang is strong.

Mr. Quang is not _____________________________________


A.Read the passage and choose the correct answer (1m)

big an has and a

Binh is (1)……… actor. He is tall. He (2)………… black hair, a round face (3) ……… brown eyes. He has a (4)………… house and a very beautiful car.

B.Read the passage and answer the question (1m)

Quang is a student. He is tall and thin. He has short black hair. His eyes are brown. He has an oval face and thin lips. He often has breakfast at home. He is eating bread with eggs. He drinks a glass of milk after breakfast. He often has meat or fish with vegetables and potatoes or rice for lunch and dinner. His favorite drinks are orange juice and milk.


1. Is Quang tall or short?

2. What color are his eyes?

3. Does he like orange juice?

4. What’s his favorite drinks?

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