Bài tập Thì hiện tại hoàn thành (Có đáp án)

Bài tập về Thì hiện tại hoàn thành

Ôn tập ngữ pháp tiếng Anh cơ bản

Bài tập về Thì hiện tại hoàn thành trong tiếng Anh gồm 32 trang có đáp án giải chi tiết kèm theo nhiều dạng bài tập tự luyện khác nhau ở nhiều mức độ. Tài liệu bao gồm kiến thức lý thuyết, các dạng bài tập kèm theo đáp án và tự luyện, giúp học sinh làm bài nhanh, đạt điểm cao trong các bài kiểm tra, bài thi sắp tới.

Các dạng bài tập về thì hiện tại hoàn thành trong tiếng Anh giúp các em nắm vững kiến thức đã học trên lớp cũng như ôn luyện thêm các bài tập nâng cao, hỗ trợ quá trình tự học tiếng Anh hiệu quả. Tài liệu được sắp xếp khoa học với nhiều mức độ khác nhau giúp học sinh đánh giá chính xác năng lực của mình. Ngoài ra các bạn xem thêm: Bài tập thì hiện tại đơn và thì hiện tại tiếp diễn, bài tập về các thì trong tiếng Anh.

I. Lý thuyết thì hiện tại hoàn thành

- Thì hiện tại hoàn thành (Present perfect) dùng để diễn tả về một hành động đã hoàn thành cho tới thời điểm hiện tại mà không bàn về thời gian diễn ra nó.

- Ví dụ:

  • John has lost his wallet - John đã làm mất chiếc ví của anh ấy.
  • I haven't seen her today - Tôi chưa thấy cô ấy hôm nay.

1. Câu khẳng định

Ký hiệu: V3 (Là quá khứ phân từ của động từ. Ví dụ: động từ “go” có quá khứ phân từ hay V3 là “gone”)

Công thức

S + have/ has + V3

He/ She/ It/ Danh từ số ít / Danh từ không đếm được + has + V3

I/ We/ You/ They/ Danh từ số nhiều + have + V3

Ví dụ

- It has been 2 months since I first met him. (Đã 2 tháng rồi kể từ lần đầu tiên tôi gặp anh ấy)

- I have watched TV for two hours. (Tôi xem TV được 2 tiếng rồi).

- She has prepared for dinner since 6.30 p.m. (Cô ấy chuẩn bị bữa tối từ 6 rưỡi)

- He has eaten this kind of food several times before. (Anh ấy đã ăn loại thức ăn này một vài lần trước rồi)

- Have you been to that place before? (Bạn đến nơi này bao giờ chưa?)

- They have worked for this company for 5 years. (Họ làm việc cho công ty này 5 năm rồi)

2. Câu phủ định

Công thức

S + have/ has not + V3

He/ She/ It/ Danh từ số ít / Danh từ không đếm được + has + not + V3

I/ We/ You/ They/ Danh từ số nhiều + have + not + V3

Lưu ý

has not = hasn’t

have not = haven’t

Ví dụ

- She has not prepared for dinner since 6.30 p.m. (Cô ấy vẫn chưa chuẩn bị cho bữa tối)

- He has not eaten this kind of food before. (Anh ấy chưa bao giờ ăn loại thức ăn này cả)

- We haven’t met each other for a long time. (Chúng tôi không gặp nhau trong một thời gian dài rồi)

- He hasn’t come back to his hometown since 2000. (Anh ấy không quay trở lại quê hương của mình từ năm 2000)

3. Câu nghi vấn

Câu nghi vấn sử dụng trợ động từ (Câu hỏi Yes/ No)

Công thức

Q: Have/ has + S + V3?

A: Yes, S + have/has + V3.

No, S + haven’t/hasn’t + V3.

Ví dụ

- Q: Have you ever travelled to America? (Bạn đã từng du lịch tới Mỹ bao giờ chưa?)

A:Yes, I have/ No, I haven’t.

- Q: Has she arrived in London yet? (Cô ấy đã tới London chưa?)

A:Yes, she has./ No, she hasn’t.

Câu nghi vấn sử dụng từ hỏi bắt đầu bằng Wh-

Công thứcWh- + have/ has + S + V3?

Ví dụ

- What have you done with these ingredients? (Bạn đã làm gì với những nguyên liệu này?)

- How have you solved this difficult Math question? (Bạn làm thế nào để giải được câu hỏi toán khó này?)

II. Bài tập thì hiện tại hoàn thành có đáp án

Bài 1: Bài tập thì hiện tại hoàn thành với dấu hiệu nhận biết có sử dụng since và for

1. I …..(study) Vietnamese for the last 20 years.

2. We…..(known) each other for 5 years.

3. I…..(sleep) for 3 minutes now.

4. How long you ….(learn) Japanese? I….( learn) it since 2015.

5. She….(buy) that bike for 4 months.

6. I…..(sleep) for a long time.

7. We…..(live) here since 2018.

8.He already…..( read) that blog for 2 months.

Bài 2: Viết lại câu với thì hiện tại hoàn thành

1. I started co

ing for the dinner 2 hours ago.

2. This morning I was expecting a message. Now I have it.

3. Dan didn’t have a beard before. Now he has a beard.

4. The temperature was 22 degrees. Now it is only 15.

5. My English wasn’t very good. Now it is better.

6. Kim is lo

ing for her key. She can’t find it.

Bài 3: Đọc và viết lại câu với từ just, yet and already

1. John goes out. Five mintues later, the phone rings and the caller says ‘Can I speak to John”

You say: I’m afraid … (go out).

2. You are eating in a restaurant. The waiter thinks you have finished and starts to take your plate away.

You say: Wait a minute! … (not/finish)

3. You are going to a hotel tonight. You phone to seserve a table. Later your friend says, ‘Shall I phone to reserve a table’.

You say: No, … (do/it).

4. You know that a friend of yours is lo

ing for a place to live. Perhaps he has been successful.

Ask her. You say: … ? (find).

5. You are still thinking about where to go for your holiday. A friend asks: “Where are you going fot your holiday?”

You say: … (not/decide).

6. Tom went to the bank, but a few mintues ago she returned.Somebody asks, “Is Tom still at the bank? ‘

You say: No, … (come back).

Bài 4: Bài tập chuyển đổi thì hiện tại hoàn thành sang quá khứ đơn

1. She has written to me since March. -> The last time …

2. Mrs.Linh has taught the children in that remote village for two years -> Mrs.Linh started …

3. Nhi and Bin have been married for seven years. -> It’s seven years …

4. He hasn’t written to me for years. -> It’s years …

5. He hasn’t had a swim for four years. -> He last …

Bài 5: Tìm và sửa lỗi sai trong câu sau:

1. Jinho have lost his key. He can’t find it anywhere.

2. How much games has this team won so far this month?

3. Long doesn’t know her husband. He never has met him.

4. They live in Australia. They has lived there all their life.

5. Your house lo

s very clean and beautiful. Have you wash it?

Bài 6:

1. We/play/tennis/2 years.

2. Mai/go/the library/today.

3, My sister/move/a new house/near/her boyfriend’s flat.

4. His teacher/not/explain/this lesson/yet.

5. This/best/film/I/ever/watch.

6. Minh/just/leave/office/2 hours.

7. They/write/a report/since/last Monday?

Bài 7: Chia động từ trong ngoặc ở thì HTHT.

1. The bill isn’t right. They (make)………….. a mistake.

2. Don’t you want to see this programme? It …………. (start).

3. I (turn)……….. the heating on. It’ll soon get warm in here.

4. ……..they (pay)…….. money for your mother yet?

5. Someone (take)………………. my bicycle.

6. Wait for few minutes, please! I (finish)……………. my dinner.

7. ………you ever (eat)………….. Sushi?

8. She (not/come)…………… here for a long time.

9. I (work)………….. here for three years.

10. ………… you ever …………..(be) in New York?

11. You (not/do) ………….yor project yet, I suppose.

12. I (just/ see)………. Andrew and he says he ……..already (do)………. about half of the plan.

13. I ………..just (decide)……… to start working next week.

14. He (be)…………. at his computer for seven hours.

15. She (not/have) ……………any fun a long time.

16. My father (not/ play)……….. any sport since last year.

17. I’d better have a shower. I (not/have)………. one since Thursday.

18. I don’t live with my family now and we (not/see)…………. each other for five years.

19. I…… just (realize)…………... that there are only four weeks to the end of term.

20. The train drivers (go)……… on strike and they stopped working at twelve o’clock.

21. How long…….. (you/know)………. each other?

22. ……….(You/ take)………… many photographs?

23. (She/ eat)………………. at the Royal Hotel yet?

24. He (live) ………….here all his life..

25. Is this the second time he (lose)……………. his job?

26. How many bottles………… the milkman (leave) ………….? He (leave) ……….. six.

27. I (buy)…………. a new carpet. Come and lo

at it.

28. She (write)………….. three poems about her fatherland.

29. We (finish) ……………………three English courses.

30. School (not, start)……………..yet.

Bài 8: Viết lại câu sao cho nghĩa của câu không thay đổi.

1.She has never drunk whisky before.


2.He has never known me before.


3.This is the first time we’ve visited Ha Long Bay.


4.The last time she kissed me was 5 months ago.


5.I last had my hair cut when I left her.


6.It is a long time since we last met.


Đáp án

Bài 1:

1. Have studied

2. Have known

3. Have slept

4. Have….learnt/ have learnt

5. Has bought

6. Have slept

7. Have lived

8. Has read

Bài 2:

1. I have co

ed for the dinner for 2 hours.

2. The message has arrived.

3. Dan has grown a beard.

4. The temperature has fallen.

5. My English have improved.

6. Kim has lost his key.

Bài 3:

2. he’s just gone out

3. I haven’t finished yet

4. I’ve already done it

5. Have you found a place to live yet?

6. I haven’t dicided yet

7. he’s just come back

Bài 4:

1. The last time she wrote to me was in March.

2. Mrs.Linh started to teach the children in that remote village two years ago.

3. It’s seven years since Nhi and Bin were married.

4. It’s years since he wrote to me.

5. He last had a swim was four years ago.

Bài 5:

1. have ➔ has (Jinho là chủ ngữ số ít)

2. much ➔ many (games là danh từ đếm được)

3. never has met ➔ has never met (sai thứ tự)

4. has ➔ have (they là chủ ngữ số nhiều)

5. wash ➔ washed (chưa chia động từ)

Bài 6: Viết các câu sau dựa trên các từ cho sẵn và chia động từ

1. We have played tennis for 2 years.

2. Mai has gone to the library today.

3. My sister has moved to a new house near her boyfriend’s flat.

4. His teacher hasn’t explained this lesson yet.

5. This is the best film I have ever watched.

6. Minh has just left the office for 2 hours.

7. Have they written a report since last Monday?

Bài 7:

1. have made/ 've made

2. has started./ 's started.

3. have turned/ 've turned

4. Have they paid

5. has taken/ 's taken

6. have finished/ 've finished

7. Have...eaten

8. hasn't come

9. have worked/ 've worked

10. Have....been

11. haven't done

12. have just seen/ 've just seen - has...done

13. have...decided

14. has been/ 's been

15. hasn't had

16. hasn't played

17. haven't had

18. haven't seen

19. have...realized/ 've ... realized

20. have gone

21. have...known

22. Have...taken

23. has eaten/ 's eaten

24. has lived/ 's lived

25. has lost

26. have...left - has left/ 's left

27. have bought/ 've bought

28. has written/ 's written

29. have finished/ 've finished

30. hasn't started

Bài 8:

1. It is/ This is the first time she has ever drunk whisky.

2. It is/ This isthe first time he has ever known me.

3. We've never visited Ha Long Bay before.

4. She hasn't kissed me for 5 months./ She hasn't kissed me since 5 months ago.

5. I haven't had my hair cut since I left her.

6. We haven't met for a long time.

III. Bài tập tự luyện thì hiện tại hoàn thành

Bài 1: Chia động từ ở thì hiện tại hoàn thành

1. There is no more cheese. I (eat)……………. it all, I’m afraid.

2. The bill isn’t right. They (make)………….. a mistake.

3. Don’t you want to see this programe? It ………….(start).

4. It’ll soon get warm in here. I (turn)……….. the heating on.

5. ………They (pay)…….. money for your mother?

6. Someone (take)………………. my bicycle.

7. Wait for few minutes, please! I (finish)……………. my dinner.

8. ………You ever (eat)………….. Sushi?

9. She (not/come)…………… here for a long time.

10. I (work…………..) here for three years.

11. ………… You ever …………..(be) to New York?

12. You (not/do) ………….yor project yet, I suppose.

13. I just (see)………. Andrew and he says he ……..already (do)………. about half of the plan.

14. I ………..just (decide)……… to start working next week.

15. He (be)…………. at his computer for seven hours.

16. She (not/have) ……………any fun a long time.

17. My father (not/ play)……….. any sport since last year.

18. I’d better have a shower. I (not/have)………. one since Thursday.

19. I don’t live with my family now and we (not/see)…………. each other for five years.

20. I…… just (realize)…………... that there are only four weeks to the end of term.

21. The train drivers (go)……… on strike and they stopped working at twelve o’clock.

22. How long…….. (you/know)………. each other?

23. ……….(You/ take)………… many photographs ?

24. (She/ eat)………………. at the Royal Hotel yet ?

25. He (live) ………….here all his life..

26. Is this the second time he (lose)……………. his job ?

27. How many bottles………… the milkman (leave) ………….? He (leave) ……….. six.

28. I (buy)…………. a new carpet. Come and lo

at it.

29. She (write)………….. three poems about her fatherland.

30. We (finish) ……………………three English courses.

Bài 2: Viết lại câu không thay đổi nghĩa:

1) This is the first time he went abroad.=>

He hasn’t………………………………………….................

2) She started driving 1 month ago.

=> She has……………………………………………………

3) We began eating when it started to rain.

=> We have………………………………………………

4) I last had my hair cut when I left her.

=> I haven’t………………………………………………

5) The last time she kissed me was 5 months ago.

=> She hasn’t………………………………………………

6) It is a long time since we last met.

=> We haven’t……………………………………………

7) When did you have it ?

=> How long …………………………………………

8) This is the first time I had such a delicious meal .

=> I haven’t……………………………………............

9) I haven’t seen him for 8 days.

=> The last …………………………………………

10) I haven’t taken a bath since Monday.

=> It is ……………………………………………….......

Bài 3. Chia các động từ trong ngoặc ra thì simple past hoặc present perfect:

1) We (studied) ……………a very hard lesson the day before yesterday…………

2) We (have studied) …………………almost every lesson in this bo

so far……

3) We (have never watched)……………………..that television program …………

4) We (watched) ……………......an interesting program on television last night ………

5) My wife and I ………………….……(had travelled) by air many times in the past

6) My wife and I (travelled)…...... to Mexico by air last summer

7) I (have read) ………………that novel by Hemingway sevaral times before.

8) I (read) …………………….that novel again during my last vacation .

9) I (had) …………………….a little trouble with my car last week.

10) However,I (have )……………………. no trouble with my car since then.

11) I (have ) ………………..this toy since my birthday.

12) We (live )………………….in HN for ten years now and like it a lot.

13) The last time I (go) ……………………to HN was in May

14) When my parents were on holiday I ( stay)……………… with my aunt for a week

15) I (not see ) my son for ages .He (not visit ) ……………………..me since May

16) Tom ( be) …………….to HN twice .He loves it very much

17) My sister (work ) ……………………for an enterprise for two years .That was after college

18) I (move)……………… to HN in 2001 .I (be ) ………….there a long time now

19) It was so cold today that I (wear)…………… a sweater at school

20) So far this month there (be )……………………. three robberies in this street

21) When I was young I (meet )…………..him three times

22) In the past few years ,it (become )………….. more and more difficult to get into university

23) I (feel )………………better since I ( live) ……………….here

24) Since I (be ) ……………………in this city I ( not see)…………… him

Bài 4: Khoanh tròn đáp án đúng

1. When ____________ the school?

A) have you joined

B) did you joined

C) did you join

D) have you ever joined

2. _____________ in England?

A) Did you ever worked

B) Have you ever worked

C) Worked you

D) Didn't you have worked

3. That's the best speech _________

B) I never heard

B) I didn't hear

C) I used to hear

D) I've ever heard

4. He's the most difficult housemate _____________________

A) I never dealt with.

B) I never had to deal with.

C) I've ever had to deal with.

D) I've never had to deal with

5. ______ to him last week.

A) I sp


B) I've already sp


C) I didn't sp


D) I speaked

6. _____a contract last year and it is still valid.

A) We have signed

B) We signed

C) We haven't signed

D) We have sign

7. ______ from a business trip to France.

A) I come back

B) I came back

C) I never came back

D) I've just come back

8. Prices ________ in 1995 but then _____ in 1996.

A) rised _ falled

B) rose _ fell

C) have risen _ have fallen

D) rose _ have fallen

9. You ____________ to a word ____________

A) listened _ I haven't said

B) didn't listen _ I say

C) listened _ saying

D) haven't listened _ I've said back

10. I can't believe that ________________ the news.

A) you haven't read

B) you didn't read

C) you don't read

D) you read not.

Bài 5: Hoàn thành các câu sau bằng cách chia động từ trong ngoặc đơn ở thì hiện tại hoàn thành.

0. She has never traveled (never/ travel) by plane before.

1. I _______________ (dream) of winning a medal for a long time.

2. She _______________ (not/ see) much of Vietnam, so she wants to see more this year.

3. _______________ you ever _______________ (be) to a desert? No, never.

4. Van _______________ (throw) a surprise party for her boyfriend.

5. Where _______________ Stephen _______________ (be) for the past 2 days?

Các bạn đã điền đầy đủ được đáp án vào bài tập thì hiện tại hoàn thành cơ bản trên chưa nhỉ. Bây giờ hãy cùng đến với bài tập thì hiện tại hoàn thành thứ 2 với độ khó cao hơn nhé!

Bài 6: Gạch chân dưới đáp án đúng.

0. His family hasn’t contacted/ didn’t contact him for 5 years.

1. She has seen/ saw that movie more than 5 times.

2. Stop complaining! You haven’t stopped/ stopped since you arrived.

3. We haven’t found/ didn’t find any sign of life since we landed on Mars.

4. Ms. Rose has never taken/ has taken never me to see her flat.

5. Congratulations! You have passed/ passed the exam.

Bây giờ chúng ta cùng thử sức với bài tập thì hiện tại hoàn thành nâng cao hơn nhé!

Bài 7: Khoanh tròn vào đáp án đúng.

0. My granny _______________ that detective novel.

A. has already read

B. has yet read

C. readed

D. is reading

2. There _______________ a lot of changes in Vietnam since the 1990s.

A. was

B. have been

C. has been

D. are

3. It _______________ him almost 1 hour to go to school by bus every day.

A. takes

B. to

C. has taking

D. is taking

4. Her hometown _______________ a lot of hills and mountains.

A. has

B. gets

C. is

D. has got

5. My dog _______________ my cat since I came home.

A. is chasing

B. has chased

C. chased

D. chases

6. I fell asleep while I _______________ my homework last night.

A. was doing

B. have done

C. did

D. is doing

7. ______ from a business trip to France.

A) I come back

B) I came back

C) I never came back

D) I've just come back

8. Prices ________ in 1995 but then _____ in 1996.

A) rised _ falled

B) rose _ fell

C) have risen _ have fallen

D) rose _ have fallen

9. You ____________ to a word ____________

A) listened _ I haven't said

B) didn't listen _ I say

C) listened _ saying

D) haven't listened _ I've said back

10. I can't believe that ________________ the news.

A) you haven't read

B) you didn't read

C) you don't read

D. you read not.

Bài 8: Điền vào chỗ trống với since/ for

1. She's lived here ______ 1975.

2. He's been in London ______ five days.

3. They haven't been used ______ many years.

4. She's been working ______ 9.am this morning.

5. I haven't eaten ___ ___ hours.

6. It has been raining ______ ages.

7. India has been independant ______ 1947.

8. They have been married ______ October.

9. How many years is it ______ you graduated from junior high school?

10. We have been waiting ______ twenty minutes.

Bài 9. Điền cụm từ với “for”, “since” hoặc “ago”.

1. The phone last rang at four o’clock. ~ So you’ve had no calls …………... ..?

2. I haven’t been to the dentist for ten years. ~ You last went to the dentist…………………......?

3. I last saw Rita on Sunday. ~ Haven’t you seen her ...................?

4. We’ve had six weeks without rain. ~ Yes, it hasn’t rained..................

5. It’s three years since Lisa got married. ~ Really? Has she been married……………………?

6. It’s eight months since my sister had any work. ~ He lost his job......?

7. Mrs. Brown was taken ill three weeks ago. ~ You mean she’s been ill…………………, and nobody’s told me!

8. I got here an hour ago. ~ What! You mean you’ve been waiting ………………… an hour?

9. I have not seen him……………. he was 16.

10. I've known him ……………. ages.

11. Things have changed a lot…………….our previous meeting.

12. It's been raining…………….four o'clock.

13. I'm sure he's been watching us …………….we came in.

14. He'd been here…………….over an hour when we arrived.

15. I've been trying to fix this computer…………….early this morning.

16. He hasn't had anything to eat…………….nearly a week.

17. It's three years…………….he started learning German.

18. He's been collecting stamps…………….the past twenty years.

19. Nobody has seen him…………….last Friday.

20. It has been foggy…………….some days.

21. He has been fishing…………….six o'clock.

22. They've been living in France …………….eight years.

23. The pilots have been on strike…………….two months.

24. We've had terrible weather…………….Saturday.

25. I've known Tom…………….1990.

26. We have been waiting for the bus…………….half an hour.

27. She hasn't lost a match…………….April.

28. Things have changed…………….she's become headmaster.

29. The police have been lo

ing for him…………….a month.

30. Our dog has been ill…………….two days.

31. I've been lo

ing for this bo
…………….a long time.

32. I've been working…………….I got up.

33. The kettle has been boiling…………….ten minutes

34. They have been living in Madrid ……………..1972.

35. He has been in prison……………… four years.

36. He has known about the fact …………….a long time.

37. Conditions have changed a lot ……………….we were children.

38. Our teacher has been very ill …………….the last month.

39. I haven't eaten anything …………….twenty.four hours.

40. In fact he is always very rude. We have been waiting for him …………..half an hour.

41. I haven't seen him for three years. It is because I haven't been there…………..I left school.

42. I have been trying to mend this old fashioned car……………… hours.

43. One of my friends has been teaching in T

yo…………….. three years. I haven't met him since last year.

44. I haven't enjoyed myself…………….two weeks since I heard that my final exam grades were low.

45. I know that you have never seen a lion………. you were born. Then now I say that we can go to the zoo and see one.

46. The police have been lo

ing for him for two weeks……….. he escaped from the prison.

47. He hasn't sp

en to me even a word …………..the last meeting.

48. I haven't phoned him ……………a week.

49. He has been the principal of our high school ……………1988.

49. Dean has been learning Japanese ………..two years.

50. I have been waiting ………….4 o'clock.

51. Sue has only been waiting ……………..20 minutes.

52. Tim and Tina have been learning English …………six years.

53. Fred and Frida have been learning French …………………1998.

54. Joe and Josephine have been going out together ……….Valentine's Day.

55. I haven't been on holiday ………………….last July.

56. Mary has been saving her money ………….many years.

57. I haven't eaten anything …………….breakfast.

58. You have been watching TV …………hours.

59. We have been living here ……………2 months.

60. What have you been doing _____ we last sp


61. What has changed in your life _____ you moved here?

62. I have been working full.time _____ several weeks now.

63. Donald hasn't wanted to talk to me _____ our argument.

64. Tony Swanson has been with the company _____ 25 years.

65. The little girl was hungry because she hadn’t eaten anything _____ a while.

66. Puerto Ricans have been migrating to the United States _____ over a century.

67. Human beings have sought to know the unimaginable _____ the beginning of time.

68. It is believed that everything in the universe has existed _____ the Big Bang 15 billion years ago.

69. Is there a family member who has a talent that has been in your family _____ several generations?

70. The weather is dry. It hasn't rained…………….a few weeks.

71. It's been raining…………….lunchtime.

72. Sarah has lived in Paris…………….1995.

73. Paul has lived in London…………….10 years.

74. I'm tired of waiting. We've been sitting here…………….an hour.

75. Kevin has been lo

ing for a job…………….he left school.

76. I haven't been to a party …………….ages.

77. I wonder where Joe is. I haven't seen him …………….last week.

78. Jane is away. She's been away…………….Friday.

79. We're going to France ____ a month next summer.

80. Beckett's Ice Cream Shop has been in business ____ 1942.

81. We've lived in this house ____ five years.

82. Jim has had a cold ________ last Thursday and hasn't been able to go to work.

83. No wonder Seth is tired. He hasn't slept ____ 24 hours!

84. Monica hasn't heard from her son ____ last Thursday.

85. Paul will be studying at Yale ___ another semester.

86. I haven't been to St. Petersburg ____ 1995.

87. How long are you here ____?

88. Meg has worked at IBM ____ ten years.

89. I have been working here …………a fortnight.

90. He has been ill………… Monday.

91. Sarah's father has been a policeman …………20 years.

92. David has had a driving licence………… 1980.

93. He has been Prime Minister …………six months.

94. You've been on the phone …………half an hour.

95. They have lived here …………five years.

96. He has been unemployed …………April.

97. It hasn't snowed …………1993.

98. He has sm

ed a pipe …………20 years.

99. The pizza has been in the oven………… 10 minutes.

100. I have been waiting for you …………2 hours.

Bài 10 : Chọn for hoặc since điền vào chỗ trống

1. She has been there (for/ since) four days.

2. I have known Linda (for/ since) two years.

3. Jack has stayed here (for/ since) Thursday.

4. My aunt has lived in Australia (for/ since) 15 years.

5. We have had a camera (for/ since) 1995.

6. They have been married (for/ since) six months.

7. Liz has studied medicine (for/ since) a long time.

8. It has rained (for/ since) an hour.

9. Indian has been an independent country (for/ since) 1947.

10. Mike has been ill (for/ since) a long time.

Bài 11: Chia động từ ở thì hiện tại hoàn thành

1. There is no more cheese. I (eat)……………. it all, I’m afraid.

2. The bill isn’t right. They (make)………….. a mistake.

3. Don’t you want to see this programme? It ………….(start).

4. It’ll soon get warm in here. I (turn)……….. the heating on.

5. ………They (pay)…….. money for your mother?

6. Someone (take)………………. my bicycle.

7. Wait for few minutes, please! I (finish)……………. my dinner.

8. ………You ever (eat)………….. Sushi?

9. She (not/come)…………… here for a long time.

10. I (work…………..) here for three years.

11. ………… You ever …………..(be) to New York?

12. You (not/do) ………….yor project yet, I suppose.

13. I just (see)………. Andrew and he says he ……..already (do)………. about half of the plan.

14. I ………..just (decide)……… to start working next week.

15. He (be)…………. at his computer for seven hours.

16. She (not/have) ……………any fun a long time.

17. My father (not/ play)……….. any sport since last year.

18. I’d better have a shower. I (not/have)………. one since Thursday.

19. I don’t live with my family now and we (not/see)…………. each other for five years.

20. I…… just (realize)…………... that there are only four weeks to the end of term.

21. The train drivers (go)……… on strike and they stopped working at twelve o’clock.

22. How long…….. (you/know)………. each other?

23. ……….(You/ take)………… many photographs ?

24. (She/ eat)………………. at the Royal Hotel yet ?

25. He (live) ………….here all his life..

26. Is this the second time he (lose)……………. his job ?

27. How many bottles………… the milkman (leave) ………….? He (leave) ……….. six.

28. I (buy)…………. a new carpet. Come and lo

at it.

29. She (write)………….. three poems about her fatherland.

30. We (finish) ……………………three English courses.

Bài 12 Chia động từ thì hiện tại hoàn thành

1.I have not worked today.

2.We (buy)..............a new lamp.

3.We (not / plan)..............our holiday yet.

4.Where (be / you) ?

5.He (write)..............five letters.

6.She (not / see)..............him for a long time.

7.(be / you)..............at school?

8.School (not / start)..............yet.

9.(speak / he)..............to his boss?

No, he (have / not)..............the time yet.

Bài 13: Hiện tại hoàn thành và Quá khứ đơn

1) I.....................my Maths homework yesterday. (to do)

2).....................Susan...............to England by plane? (to go)

3) They..............................a farm two weeks ago. (to visit)

4) Jenny and Peggy...........................their brother. (not/to help)

5) The children..............................at home last weekend. (not/to be)

6) When................you..................this wonderful skirt? (to design)

7) My mother..........................into the van. (not/to crash)

8) The boys.........................the mudguards of their bicycles. (to take off)

9).........................you...............your aunt last week? (to phone)

10) He........................milk at school. (not/to drink)

11) The police...................................two people early this morning. (to arrest)

12) She......................to Japan but now she………….........back. (to go - to come)

13) Dan...................two tablets this year. (already/to buy)

14) How many games...........................so far this season? (your team/to win)

15)...................the CN Tower when you....................in Toronto? (you/to visit - to stay)

16).........................................your homework yet? – Yes, I.................it an hour ago. (you/to do - to finish)

17) There...................an accident in High Street, so we have to use King Street to get to your school.(be)

18) I..................Peter since I...................last Tuesday. (not/to see - to arrive)

19) Frank.........his bike last May. So he.........it for 4 months. (to get - to have)

20) I'm sorry, I.....................earlier, but I...................a lot lately. (not/to write - to work)

21) Peter........................ football yesterday.

22) They.................... the car. It lo

s new again.

23) Last year we....................... to Italy.

24) John and Peggy......... the bo

. Now they can watch the film.

25) I...................... my friend two days ago.

26) We......... another country before.

27) She......... a new car in 2011.

28) I'm sorry, but I......... my homework.

29)......... the game of chess?

30) The girls......... their lunch yet.

31) I.........my keys, so I can't open that door. (to lose)

32) Columbus.........in the New World in 1492. (to arrive)

33) Nina.........her leg. She is still in hospital. (to break)

34) He.........here all his life. (to live)

35) Colin.........for Brazil this morning. (to leave)

36) Last winter Robin.........with his father in the Alps for three days. (to stay)

37) Ellen.........with her left hand. (always/to write)

38) She.........a language course in Paris last summer. (to do)

39).........anyone.........yet? (to phone)

40) I.........Paul today, but I.........him last Sunday.

41) They.........all the new words. They needn't worry about the test. (to learn)

42) Three people.........him in hospital last Friday. (to visit)

43) Martin.........for 50 miles on scenic routes three weeks ago. (to cycle)

44) We.........chicken. Tandoori before. (never/to try)

45).........a job yet? (you/to find)

46) Emily and Molly.........each other for more than 10 years now. (to know)

47) First he.........to the announcement, then he.........to a café for a drink. (to listen - to go)

48) She.........late four times this week. (to be)

49) What's that lovely smell in here? - Jasmin.........a yummy cake. (to bake)

50) The Titanic.........an iceberg in 1912 and.........within.

Bài 14: Bài tập viết lại câu thì hiện tại hoàn thành dưới dạng câu khẳng định dựa trên những từ gợi ý dưới đây

1. Mary / visit / his grandparents

2. Jack / play games / on the computer

3. John and Su / wash / their car

4 Andrew / repair / his bike

5. Phil / help / Anne with maths

6. Brad and Louise / watch / a film

7. Tamara / talk to / her best friend

8. Bridgette / draw / a picture

9. Carol / read / a computer magazine

10. Tom and Alice / be / to a restaurant

Bài 15: Viết thành câu hoàn chỉnh ở thì hiện tại hoàn thành dưới dạng câu nghi vấn dựa trên những từ gợi ý dưới đây

1. you / answer / the question

2. Jenny / lock / the door

3. Walter / call / us

4. you / see / the picture

5. your parents / get / the letter

6. it / rain / a lot

7. how often / we / sing / the song

8. Maureen / watch / the film

9. how many bo

s / Bob / read

10. ever / you / be / to London

Bài 16: Chia những động từ trong câu dưới đây ở thì hiện tại hoàn thành

1. Bo _____ (drive) Rose to work today.

2. They _____ (work) all day and night.

3. We _____ (see) the new bridge.

4. He ____ (have) breakfast this morning.

5. Ann and Don ____ (wash) the car.

6. Kathy ____ (want) to go to Queensland for a long time.

7. Mel ____ (give) up sm


8. I ____ (forget) that man’s name.

9. They ____ (lose) their keys.

10. Jack ____ (be) to England.

11. They ____ (leave) London this month.

12. He ____ (bring) a lot of English papers.

13. She ____ (tell) me about it.

14. I ____ (get) a long letter from father this week.

15. She ____ (come), she will speak to you in a minute.

Bài 17: Chia động từ trong ngoặc

1. How long you (wait) for me?

2. This is the second time I (watch) this comedy with my boyfriend.

3. I (not hear) from you for ages.

4. My boyfriend is the most galant man I (know).

5. I (wait) for him since 2 p.m.

6. He (not eat) this kind of food before.

7. She is the most warm-hearted woman I (meet).

8. You (finish) the test yet?

9. I (know) him for ages because we were neighbours when I was a child.

10. She (teach) me English for 3 years.

Bài 18: Bài tập viết lại câu thì hiện tại hoàn thành sao cho nghĩa không đổi.

1. Lan started to live in Da Lat 4 years ago.

🡪 ____________________________________.

2. My son began to study English when he was young.

🡪 ____________________________________.

3. I have never eaten this kind of food before.

🡪 ____________________________________.

4. Lan has never seen such a beautiful girl before.

🡪 ____________________________________.

5. This is the best bool she has ever read.

🡪 ____________________________________.

6. This is the first time Cuong went to China.

➔ ____________________________________.

7. My sister started learning 2 years ago.

➔ _______________________________________.

8. My parents began drinking when it started to rain.

➔ _________________________________.

9. My brother last had his car repaired when I left him.

➔ ____________________________________.

10. When did he have it?

➔ ____________________________________.

11. I haven’t seen my grandmother for 6 months.

➔ _________________________________________.

12. Tonny hasn’t taken a bath since Monday.


Bài 19: Tìm lỗi sai và sửa lại cho đúng trong các câu dưới đây

1. My son hasn’t cutted his hair since last June.

2. My aunt has not working as a teacher for almost 7 years.

3. The lesson haven’t started yet.

4. They live in London. They has lived there all their life.

5. Her house lo

s very clean and beautiful. Has she wash it?

6. We just missed the plane!

7. Yen lived in Taiwan since 2012.

8. He lived in Korea for a while when he was small.

9. My father hasn’t played any sport for last year.

10. Thu played volleyball since she was a child. She’s pretty good!

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