Read the passage, and choose the correct answer A, B, C or D for each

Câu hỏi :

Read the passage, and choose the correct answer A, B, C or D for each question.Insects on the MenuHumans have a long history of eating insects, and it turns out that they can be a very nutritious part of a person’s regular diet. Insects have a lot of protein, and they are often easier to catch than prey animals. Therefore, it is no wonder that when our ancient ancestors saw some tasty worms or grubs wiggling on the ground, they made a quick snack of them. In Thailand, insects are a regular part of the street food that can be found. The different insects that people snack on are crickets, grasshoppers, giant water bugs, and assorted worms. They are often deep-fried and salted, so they have a crunchy texture that makes them a perfect snack food. If you can get past the fact that you are eating a cricket, it will crunch in your mouth just like a corn chip!For a lot of people, however, it is difficult to get over the fear of eating insects. People tend to see insects as invaders, especially when they are crawling on the food that we are about to eat. Therefore, being able to eat insects without feeling disgusted is cultural. Some people cannot eat French cheese or stinky tofu because they weren’t brought up doing so. To many of us, insects fall right into that category, making it difficult to even try them.If given the chance, though, be courageous. Insects can be nutritious and tasty, so long as you can get over the "yuck" factor.Which is the reason given for gathering and eating insects?

A. They are very easy to find close to the home.

B. They are more nutritious than most vegetables.

C. They come in all shapes and sizes.

D. They are easier to catch than other prey animals.

* Đáp án


* Hướng dẫn giải

Thông tin: Insects have a lot of protein, and they are often easier to catch than prey animals.
Dịch: Côn trùng có rất nhiều protein và chúng thường dễ bắt hơn động vật săn mồi.

Câu hỏi trên thuộc đề trắc nghiệm dưới đây !

Trắc nghiệm tiếng Anh 9 unit 7 : Recipes and eating habbits

Số câu hỏi: 60

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Lớp 9 - Là năm cuối ở cấp trung học cơ sở, sắp phải bước vào một kì thi căng thẳng và sắp chia tay bạn bè, thầy cô và cả kì vọng của phụ huynh ngày càng lớn mang tên "Lên cấp 3". Thật là áp lực nhưng các em hãy cứ tự tin vào bản thân là sẻ vượt qua nhé!

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