Câu hỏi :

II. Read the passage and choose the correct answer (A, B, C, or D) for questions 1-5.

My village was never a big village, nor was it particularly successful or well-known. It was a place where simple people worked on their land, tending citrus groves and running poultry farms. The most exotic plantation grew avocados, and a palm tree nursery was something of an attraction

The village was established by a group of Greek immigrants in 1937 in what was then known as British-controlled Palestine. When we first moved here, one could still hear some Greck in the street, the local store sold original Greek delicacies and from time to time we were invited to sit on a neighbor's porch and share some ouzo at the end of a working day.

In the last few years, my village has changed dramatically. Very few people work in agriculture now: they can no longer support their families growing oranges and chickens. As a result, they must find their income outside the village and rent out their land or sell their little family farms altogether. Some of the land is still used for agriculture, but no longer for the family farms. Now it is the agriculture of luxuries.  What was TRUE about the writer's village?

A. It was a big village.

B. It was successful.

C. It was famous.

D. It was established by the Greek.

* Đáp án

* Hướng dẫn giải

Đáp án đúng là: D

Dựa vào câu “The village was established by a group of Greek…”

Dịch: Làng được thành lập bởi một nhóm người Hy Lạp…

Bạn có biết?

Tiếng Anh hay Anh Ngữ (English /ˈɪŋɡlɪʃ/ ) là một ngôn ngữ German Tây, được nói từ thời thời Trung cổ tại Anh, ngày nay là lingua franca toàn cầu.Từ English bắt nguồn từ Angle, một trong những bộ tộc German đã di cư đến Anh (chính từ "Angle" lại bắt nguồn từ bán đảo Anglia (Angeln) bên biển Balt)

Nguồn : Wikipedia - Bách khoa toàn thư

Tâm sự Lớp 9

Lớp 9 - Là năm cuối ở cấp trung học cơ sở, sắp phải bước vào một kì thi căng thẳng và sắp chia tay bạn bè, thầy cô và cả kì vọng của phụ huynh ngày càng lớn mang tên "Lên cấp 3". Thật là áp lực nhưng các em hãy cứ tự tin vào bản thân là sẻ vượt qua nhé!

Nguồn : ADMIN :))

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