Trang chủ Tiếng Anh Lớp 8 41. The little Muong girls I met in the village...

41. The little Muong girls I met in the village know many songs by heart. A. spoken B. folk C. written D. ancient 42. The Giong festival is held _______

Câu hỏi :

41. The little Muong girls I met in the village know many songs by heart. A. spoken B. folk C. written D. ancient 42. The Giong festival is held _______ the 9th day of the 4th lunar month. a. at b. in c. on d. from 43. Last year, my family _______ tradition and travelled abroad during Tet holiday. a. broke with b. passed down c. kept on d. handed up 44. The Mid-Autumn Festival is also known as Moon Festival _______ Harvest Moon Festival. a. but b. or c. so d. and 45. A _______ is a traditional story, usually about animals, that teaches a moral lesson. a. legend b. fable c. folktale d. fairy tale 46. . is the festival celebrated? – Every year. A. When B. How often C. How D. What 47. Like many women, she loves parties and gifts. A. the – a B. a – the C. a – a D. Ø – Ø 48. ‘I was wondering if you’d like to go to Da Lat Flower Festival’ ‘_______ When does it take place?’ a. Not bad! b. Are you sure? c. For what? d. Sure, I’d love to! 49. She tried to remain cheerful _______ she had failed the test. a. even though b. because c. even if d. despite 50. It is ....................... in the city than it is in the country. A. noisily B. more noisier C. noisier D. noisy 51. The English test was ....................... than I thought it would be. A. the easier B. more easy C. easiest D. easier 52. English is thought to be ....................... than Math. A. harder B. the more hard C. hardest D. the hardest 53. My house is ....................... hers. A. cheap than B. cheaper C. more cheap than D. cheaper than 54. We are looking for place to spend night. A. the-the B. a-the C. a-a D. the-a 55. Can you show me way to station? A. the – the B. a – a C. the – a D. a – the 56. She has read interesting book. A. a B. an C. the D. Ø 57. The Gong Festival is held in the Central Highlands. A. year B. which C. annual D. annually 58. does Hoa Ban Festival take place? - In Lai Chau. A. What B. Where C. When D. How 59. It is typical of the cultural life of Thai people. A. some B. a C. the D. Ø 60. An old woman was the goats up the mountainside. A. riding B. taking C. herding D. running

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Tiếng Anh hay Anh Ngữ (English /ˈɪŋɡlɪʃ/ ) là một ngôn ngữ German Tây, được nói từ thời thời Trung cổ tại Anh, ngày nay là lingua franca toàn cầu.Từ English bắt nguồn từ Angle, một trong những bộ tộc German đã di cư đến Anh (chính từ "Angle" lại bắt nguồn từ bán đảo Anglia (Angeln) bên biển Balt)

Nguồn : Wikipedia - Bách khoa toàn thư

Tâm sự 8

Lớp 8 - Năm thứ ba ở cấp trung học cơ sở, học tập bắt đầu nặng dần, sang năm lại là năm cuối cấp áp lực lớn dần nhưng các em vẫn phải chú ý sức khỏe nhé!

Nguồn : ADMIN :))

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