Trang chủ Tiếng Anh Lớp 8 Alaska is perhaps the most amazing state in the USA....

Alaska is perhaps the most amazing state in the USA. It has coastlines facing both the Arctic Ocean and the Pacific Ocean. This state has an incredible three m

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Alaska is perhaps the most amazing state in the USA. It has coastlines facing both the Arctic Ocean and the Pacific Ocean. This state has an incredible three million lakes. That’s four lakes per person living there. Many cities in Alaska cannot be reached by road, sea, or river. The only way to get in and out is by air, on foot, or by dogsled. That’s why Alaska has the busiest sea airport in the world, Lake Hood Seaplane Base. Nearly two hundred floatplanes take off and land on the water of this airport every day. It’s really a fun scene to watch. Alaska is called the Land of the Midnight Sun because in summer, the sun does not set for nearly three months. But in winter the sun stays almost unseen. All Alaskans take special pride in their beautiful and unique state. 1.Alaska ______________. A. is another name for the USA B. is an island in the Pacific Ocean C.has coastlines facing both the Pacific and the Arctic Oceans 2.Which statement below is NOT correct? A. In Alaska, the number of lakes is bigger than that of people. B. There is one lake for each person living there. C. Alaska has an incredibly high number of lakes. 3. Which method below can always be used to reach a place in Alaska? A. by air B. by road C. by river 4. In Alaska we can always see the sun __________. A. in winter B. in summer C.every month of the year

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Tiếng Anh hay Anh Ngữ (English /ˈɪŋɡlɪʃ/ ) là một ngôn ngữ German Tây, được nói từ thời thời Trung cổ tại Anh, ngày nay là lingua franca toàn cầu.Từ English bắt nguồn từ Angle, một trong những bộ tộc German đã di cư đến Anh (chính từ "Angle" lại bắt nguồn từ bán đảo Anglia (Angeln) bên biển Balt)

Nguồn : Wikipedia - Bách khoa toàn thư

Tâm sự 8

Lớp 8 - Năm thứ ba ở cấp trung học cơ sở, học tập bắt đầu nặng dần, sang năm lại là năm cuối cấp áp lực lớn dần nhưng các em vẫn phải chú ý sức khỏe nhé!

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