Trang chủ Tiếng Anh Lớp 8 3. She asked me if the Opera house ___________ in...

3. She asked me if the Opera house ___________ in Sydney. (1 Point) B.was D.will be 4.The Sahara is ____________ desert in the world. (1 Point) A.big

Câu hỏi :

3. She asked me if the Opera house ___________ in Sydney. (1 Point) B.was D.will be 4.The Sahara is ____________ desert in the world. (1 Point) A.bigger B.more big C.the biggest D.big 5.We haven’t known who __________ the pyramid yet. (1 Point) A.constructed B.reached C.compiled D.honored 6.She asked me if I _________ pop music. (1 Point) like C.will like D.liked 7.In the first place, it was designed ________ royal family only. (1 Point) A. in B. at C. to D. for 8.“Let’s snorkel in the beach near the hotel.” He said. (1 Point) A. He said snorkeling in the beach near the hotel. B. He thanked snorkeling in the beach near the hotel. C. He reminded snorkeling in the beach near the hotel. D. He suggested snorkeling in the beach near the hotel. 9.It was very kind of you to send me the postcard. (1 Point) A. Thanks for sending me the postcard. B. The postcard was beautiful. C. Sorry, I don’t like the postcard. D. The postcard was very kind. 10.“I can swim really fast.” (1 Point) A. He told that he could swim really fast. B. He said that he could swim really fast. C. He said me that he could swim really fast. D. He asked me to swim really fast. 11.He said, “I must get going. Otherwise, I'm going to be late.” (1 Point) A. He told me he has to get going. Otherwise, he was going to be late. B. He told me he had to get going. Otherwise, I was going to be late. C. He told me he had to get going. Otherwise, he was going to be late. D. He told me he must get going. Otherwise, he was going to be late. 12."Do you play chess?"Immersive Reader (1 Point) A. He asked me do I play chess. B. He asked me if I did play chess. C. He asked me did I play chess. D. He asked me if I played chess.

Lời giải 1 :

3. B

4. C

5. A

6. D

7. D

8. D

9. A

10. B

11. B

12. D

Có j thắc mắc cứ bảo mik nhé!

Thảo luận

-- trường mik chỉ có 3 lớp 7 thôi
-- oh
-- mik học trường thcs phù lưu tế bn
-- mik học trường khác
-- trường mik mới xây trường xong
-- chắc trường mik có thiết bi kém hơn trường bn
-- trường mik đang xây
-- mik mong đc hsg là vì có điểm học bạ đc tính theo từng năm để có kq để thi vào 10 thôi mik có dự định đc vào trường A

Lời giải 2 :

3 . B

4 .C

5 . A

6 . D

7 . D

8 . D

9 . A

10 . B

11 . C

12. C



Bạn có biết?

Tiếng Anh hay Anh Ngữ (English /ˈɪŋɡlɪʃ/ ) là một ngôn ngữ German Tây, được nói từ thời thời Trung cổ tại Anh, ngày nay là lingua franca toàn cầu.Từ English bắt nguồn từ Angle, một trong những bộ tộc German đã di cư đến Anh (chính từ "Angle" lại bắt nguồn từ bán đảo Anglia (Angeln) bên biển Balt)

Nguồn : Wikipedia - Bách khoa toàn thư

Tâm sự 8

Lớp 8 - Năm thứ ba ở cấp trung học cơ sở, học tập bắt đầu nặng dần, sang năm lại là năm cuối cấp áp lực lớn dần nhưng các em vẫn phải chú ý sức khỏe nhé!

Nguồn : ADMIN :))

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