Trang chủ Tiếng Anh Lớp 8 II. Write a short paragraph about causes of water pollution....

II. Write a short paragraph about causes of water pollution. Use the cues below. - Sewage/ domestic households and factories. - Solid wastes/ dumped/ rivers an

Câu hỏi :

II. Write a short paragraph about causes of water pollution. Use the cues below. - Sewage/ domestic households and factories. - Solid wastes/ dumped/ rivers and oceans. - Industrial waste / factories. - Oil pollution. - Burning fossil fuels / acid rain. - Water temperature / go up. There are some causes of…………………………… first,…..............

Lời giải 1 :

Water Pollution is the contamination of water bodies. It occurs as a result of introduction of pollutants in water. Water is life. Still, we contribute in polluting the water bodies in several ways.

Water Pollution is mainly caused as a result of improper discharge of household and industrial chemicals wastes into the water bodies.

These dangerous chemicals (in the form of solid, liquid or gases) mixes with water and make it unsafe for living bodies. Water pollutants cause harm to human-beings, animals, trees and other constituents of environment.

Thảo luận

Lời giải 2 :

Is the contamination of water bodies. It occurs as a result of introduction of pollutants in water. Water is life. Still, we contribute in polluting the water bodies in several ways.

Water Pollution is mainly caused as a result of improper discharge of household and industrial chemicals wastes into the water bodies.

These dangerous chemicals (in the form of solid, liquid or gases) mixes with water and make it unsafe for living bodies. Water pollutants cause harm to human-beings, animals, trees and other constituents of environment.

Bạn có biết?

Tiếng Anh hay Anh Ngữ (English /ˈɪŋɡlɪʃ/ ) là một ngôn ngữ German Tây, được nói từ thời thời Trung cổ tại Anh, ngày nay là lingua franca toàn cầu.Từ English bắt nguồn từ Angle, một trong những bộ tộc German đã di cư đến Anh (chính từ "Angle" lại bắt nguồn từ bán đảo Anglia (Angeln) bên biển Balt)

Nguồn : Wikipedia - Bách khoa toàn thư

Tâm sự 8

Lớp 8 - Năm thứ ba ở cấp trung học cơ sở, học tập bắt đầu nặng dần, sang năm lại là năm cuối cấp áp lực lớn dần nhưng các em vẫn phải chú ý sức khỏe nhé!

Nguồn : ADMIN :))

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