Trang chủ Tiếng Anh Lớp 12 HÃY MIÊU TẢ 1 CUỐN SÁCH MÀ EM YÊU QUÝ...


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Lời giải 1 :

Each of us has our own preferences and so am I, I have always been passionate about reading, I like a lot of genres of books, the books that leave me the most impression are probably: Dale Carnegie's book Winning People's Hearts.

Contest entry: "Write about a book that you love the most"

This book gives me a lot of good knowledge in life, it teaches me how to be a person, how to treat people and teach me how to behave properly with people around. Humans probably all have their own favorites and I think reading gives me a lot of useful knowledge. It helps me develop more thinking, learn many valuable lessons from life.

Those books are the spiritual property of people, therefore, each author tries to distill the most necessary and important things that he has accumulated to write books for a lifetime. Every person's property is different and I personally think that the property that I have is the accumulation of intellectual capital that I am gradually learning and practicing day by day, it is a valuable asset, no must be used with money that can be bought, I have to spend my time, effort, and property to learn and get it, that's why I always cherish and promote it every day.

Today's society is growing, the need and reading comprehension test of readers is also decreasing day by day, so books are increasingly losing their value. Increasingly modern technology, people seem to forget many valuable things in life, they always accumulate knowledge from life, but seem to forget many things, which need to be cherished and preserved. it every day. We need to know how to live meaningfully, so that when we look back, we won't feel nostalgic for what happened to ourselves.

Dac Nhan Tam is probably the book that I find it most useful, among the books that I have ever read, it not only makes me understand the art of persuading people, knowing the right way to live life. this, but also provides us with a great amount of knowledge. The author is a person of great understanding and talent, therefore, the words he writes are always rich in symbolic value, people need to learn, cherish and preserve these invaluable assets, that is. precious property that we should learn, preserve and promote its great value.

I usually have a habit of reading books every day, and that makes me feel happy, when I absorb and learn many valuable lessons for life, it not only helps me develop more skills, as well as their own impaired thinking. A right way of thinking can help me a lot in this life, that's why I always try to train myself every day to improve myself more and more.

Hobbies and dreams will always go by our side, it promotes our will and bravery every day, therefore, always learning, trying to train ourselves is very necessary and should be done. presently. Only learning, reading and thinking can help us understand many things from this life, each of us must be aware of our responsibilities and values, so that we can do valuable things. the most meaningful that our lives need.

Every day we live, practice and are trying to train ourselves, that helps us a lot in life. A good book helps us a lot in life. It teaches us how to be human, teaches us to grow up in a society with many difficulties, as well as all the hardships that this life is putting on each person.

Always train ourselves every day, so that we can understand many valuable things from this life. Always learning, training and developing ourselves, so that we can learn and become a useful citizen for this society. Every day, you have to be able to learn and develop all life skills, so that you can improve all your skills and experience.

Everyone has their own dreams and hobbies, but for me my joy is reading my favorite books every day.

Thảo luận

Lời giải 2 :

Books have been one of my best friends which have supported me in every step of my life. And the one that I have the deepest impression on is “The miracle of the Namiya general store” .

The book is about three delinquents who were running away from their wrongdoings then accidentally found an old house and hid there for the night. The house turned out to be an abandoned general store where people could seek advice for their troubles by leaving a letter in the mailbox. Miracle happened when the time line somehow switched and letters from 30 years ago were delivered to them. Although none of them ever seriously considered others’ problems, something from the inside urged them to write responses to the troubled people, on behalf of Namiya – the old owner.

“Miraculous” is exactly how I want to describe this book. No need for dogmatic lessons, it presents the value of kindness and compassion through different short stories that are linked perfectly together and leaves me hopeful about human nature. The past, present and future are combined flexibly, which creates many a surprise to me. How did the letters change people’s lives? Could the delinquents - whose past was covered by darkness – be awoken and open their hearts to heal the grieving souls? The story presents an open ending but I have got the answer of my own. To any book lovers especially those who have interest in soothing and touching stories, “The miracle of the Namiya general store” by Higashino Keigo is the one that should not be missed.

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                                                         mik xin gửi lời cam ơn chan thanh đến n

Bạn có biết?

Tiếng Anh hay Anh Ngữ (English /ˈɪŋɡlɪʃ/ ) là một ngôn ngữ German Tây, được nói từ thời thời Trung cổ tại Anh, ngày nay là lingua franca toàn cầu.Từ English bắt nguồn từ Angle, một trong những bộ tộc German đã di cư đến Anh (chính từ "Angle" lại bắt nguồn từ bán đảo Anglia (Angeln) bên biển Balt)

Nguồn : Wikipedia - Bách khoa toàn thư

Tâm sự 12

Lớp 12 - Năm cuối ở cấp tiểu học, năm học quan trọng nhất trong đời học sinh trải qua bao năm học tập, bao nhiêu kì vọng của người thân xung quanh ta. Những nỗi lo về thi đại học và định hướng tương lai thật là nặng. Hãy tin vào bản thân là mình sẽ làm được rồi tương lai mới chờ đợi các em!

Nguồn : ADMIN :))

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