Trang chủ Tiếng Anh Lớp 9 Mọi người giúp mình bài này nha: Exercise 1:put the...

Mọi người giúp mình bài này nha: Exercise 1:put the following into reported speech 4.'I understand what you 're saying',said EVE to ANNE 5.'we were driving hom

Câu hỏi :

Mọi người giúp mình bài này nha: Exercise 1:put the following into reported speech 4.'I understand what you 're saying',said EVE to ANNE 5.'we were driving home at 9.00 last night',said Irene 6.'Georgia has already heard this news,' said barbara to anthony. 7.'we can go shopping tomorrow,' said cathy 8.'christine flew to Florida two day ago,' thomas said 10."the sun away rises in the east ,'said out teacher Exercise 2:write reported question for these sentences 1.' Do you like doing gymnastics?'asked Adam 2'are you coming tomorrow?'said bill to Olga 4.'have you seen the library ?'asked Ann 5'when will you come and see me again ?'asked sammy 6'how long did you wait for the doctor ?'Lisa asked chris 7'can Present visit the school at any time?'Mr Jones asked 8.'It New York the biggest city in america?'nick asked his farther 9.'how many students are there in your class,Mike', asked Dora 10'What are you doing study ?'asked Ann Exercise 3:write the reported speech for these commands or requests . use the reporting verbs tell or ask 1'Don't eat all that chocolate,'said jenny to her sister 2.'please and me your pen for a moment ,'I said to Mary 3'hide in here and be quiet,'said the policeman 4.'Đon 't your throw in the street,'said out teacher 5'please help me across the road',said the old lady 6'don't drink any milk today ,'said the doctor to Jenny 7'get out of my way'he said 8'please pay at the desk ,'said assistant to the customer 9.'Don't lie on my bed',said my brother 10'Open your bag please ,'said store detective to the girl

Lời giải 1 :

4. Eve said to Anne that He understood what she was saying

5. Irene said that They had been driving home at 9.00 the night before.

6. Barbara said to Anthony that Georgia had already heard that news.

7. Cathy said to me that we could go shopping the next day.

8. Thomas said that Christine had flown to Florida two days before.

10. Our teacher said that the sun always rises in the east.


1. Adam asked me if I liked doing gymnastics.

2. Bill asked Olga if she was coming the next day.

4. Ann asked me if I had seen the library.

5. Sammy asked me when I would come and see him again.

6. Lisa asked Chris how long he had waited for the doctor.

7. Mr. Jones asked me if Present could visit the school at any time.

8. Nick asked his father if New York is the biggest city in America.

9. Dora asked Mike how many students there were in his class.

10. Ann asked me what I was doing study.

Ex 3

1. Jenny told Mary not to eat all that chocolate

2. I told Mary to lend me her pen for a moment

3. The policeman asked me to hide in there and be quiet.

4. Our teacher asked us not to throw in the street

5. The old lady told me to help her cross the road.

6. The doctor asked Jenny not to drink any milk that day.

7. He asked me to get out of his way.

8. Assistant told the customer to pay at the desk.

9. My brother asked me not to lie in the bed.

10. Store detective asked the girl to open her bag.

Thảo luận

-- thank you very much

Lời giải 2 :

Exercise 1:

4. Eve told Anne that she would understand what Anna were saying.

5. Irene said that they had been driving home at 9.00 the night before

6. Barbara told Anthony that Georgia had already heard this news.

7. Cathy said that they could go shopping the next day.

8. Thomas said that Christine had flown to Frorida two days before.

10. Our teacher said that the sun away rised in the east.

Exercise 2:

1. Adam asked if they liked doing gymnastics.

2. Bill told Olga if she was coming the next day.

4. Ann asked if they had seen the library.

5. Sammy asked when they would come and see her again.

6. Lisa asked Chris how long had he waited for the doctor.

7. Mr Jones asked if Present could visit the school at any time.

8. His father asked if New York was the biggest city in America.

9. Dora asked Mike how many students there were in his class.

10. Ann asked what they were doing study.

Bạn có biết?

Tiếng Anh hay Anh Ngữ (English /ˈɪŋɡlɪʃ/ ) là một ngôn ngữ German Tây, được nói từ thời thời Trung cổ tại Anh, ngày nay là lingua franca toàn cầu.Từ English bắt nguồn từ Angle, một trong những bộ tộc German đã di cư đến Anh (chính từ "Angle" lại bắt nguồn từ bán đảo Anglia (Angeln) bên biển Balt)

Nguồn : Wikipedia - Bách khoa toàn thư

Tâm sự 9

Lớp 9 - Là năm cuối ở cấp trung học cơ sở, sắp phải bước vào một kì thi căng thẳng và sắp chia tay bạn bè, thầy cô và cả kì vọng của phụ huynh ngày càng lớn mang tên "Lên cấp 3". Thật là áp lực nhưng các em hãy cứ tự tin vào bản thân là sẻ vượt qua nhé!

Nguồn : ADMIN :))

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